Andrew Stanbury posted an update 10 years, 11 months ago
An update on Brett and Nick who were involved in the accident on Canning Hwy during this morning’s ride. Both are recovering well and without serious injuries in RPH. Both have several layers of bark missing and an assortment of bumps bruises and soft tissue damage. Brett might have a cracked bone. I have spoken to both of them and it is likely they will be released in the next few days.
Both Nick and Brett have asked me to thank everyone who was at the scene of the accident for their help and support. From my perspective, it confirms all of the reasons why I joined SPR and why it is the best club in Perth.
I think both Nick, Brett and in fact all of us were very luck to get away the level of damage. It also goes to show that even with a large group in what one would think are relatively safe conditions, anything can happen when motorists are involved.