James Flynn commented on the post, ride routes 17th – 23rd august 5 years, 7 months ago
Thanks for the story about Hank Vogels Snr, interesting, had no idea of his links with SPR. He has left an amazing legacy. May he rest in peace.
James Flynn commented on the post, Notice of Annual General Meeting 2019 6 years ago
Apologies for the AGM & brekky, working 🙁
James Flynn commented on the post, ride routes 8th – 14th september 6 years, 6 months ago
Super effort Pete, with your recent illness mucking up your preparation. Respect for just getting to the start line, finishing the race a real bonus. Way, way ahead of the DNF’s, DNS’s & DNQ’s. And you stopped to help a colleague en route. Well done.
James Flynn commented on the post, ride routes 31st mar – 6th apr 6 years, 12 months ago
What a wonderful story. Respect to you both.
James Flynn commented on the post, Tour of Margaret River 2017 – The Hard Road 7 years, 4 months ago
Excellent work, Greg, Jon and co, congratulations, amazing amount of effort.
Very impressive to hear of so many heading south this weekend. All the best to all involved, looking forward to reading of the exploits. All the best with the recovery, Stu -
James Flynn commented on the post, ride routes 19th – 25th august 7 years, 7 months ago
See Tom’s comments.
Take care all. And thanks El Prez for all you do. -
James Flynn wrote a new post 7 years, 8 months ago
‘No, sir, we cannot put a smaller chain-ring or a bigger cassette on your bike. You already have the lowest ratio possible. Welcome to the Rockies.’
Brian, University Bicycles, Boulder, Colorado. Two days bef […] -
James Flynn commented on the post, Pemberton Classic – Race Report 8 years ago
Great effort all round, team SPR. Thanks for the report, Greg. Sounds like an event to pencil into the calendar next year.
James Flynn commented on the post, The day I beat Chris Froome 8 years, 3 months ago
Thanks, Greg, kind words.
It was my first trip to the Snowy’s, it is indeed a beautiful part of the world -
James Flynn wrote a new post 8 years, 3 months ago
For the past 26 years, the Tour de France organisers have given average punters the opportunity to race a real mountain stage under pro conditions the day before the big boys, with fully closed roads, police […]
James Flynn commented on the post, SPR Christmas Breakfast 8 years, 3 months ago
+ 1, might be late as am working late tonight 🙁
James Flynn commented on the post, New look Swan Valley Cyclo Sportif and Current team 8 years, 9 months ago
Thanks, Laurensia.
Unfortunately have just been told I need to cover some shifts that w/e & now will be on call Saturday night. Call is unpredictable & I may sleep right through, alternatively a busy night would mean that I won’t ride. I still want to do the ride & am happy to stay on team Chocolat Canard but this would depend on if the others…[Read more] -
James Flynn commented on the post, Expression of Interest – Swan Valley Cyclo Sportif 8 years, 9 months ago
I am keen, A distance please
James Flynn commented on the post, cyclo-cross race report – numbat cup race 01 8 years, 10 months ago
Absolute gold! Great ride, great write up. Daniel, are you on strava?? If so, I suggest your Dad logs a ride with you & sprints at the end then takes a screen shot, so he can have a record that at one stage in his life he was faster than you! It won’t be long before the situation is reversed!!
James Flynn wrote a new post 9 years ago
The UWCT roadshow came to town this weekend. With Perth hosting the world championships this September, the 5th iteration of the local qualifying event took on a whole new dimension. The prospect of getting to […]
Great article as usual Jim. Rest assured that those of us who didn’t make it will be out there providing all the support we can come September.
Another compelling piece of literature, Jim. Congratulations on your two top 10 performances over the three days. May I add my thanks to the many SPR supporters out on the day; the rest of our peleton certainly knew all our christian names (and some surnames) by the end of the race. Looking forward to September and lots of training rides through winter.
JimF started the topic Thanks to all the SPR volunteers at the UWCT race in the forum General Discussion 9 years ago
Thanks heaps to all the SPR volunteers & supporters who provided such fantastic support today. There were lots of cheers of encouragement at many stages of the route. Great to see the SPR flag & an enormous line of drinks on offer at Mundaring – that bottle of water got me to the finish line intact, even if it took me 2 goes to get it! And the…[Read more]
James Flynn commented on the post, SPR Quarterly Breakfast and Christmas Ride 9 years, 3 months ago
James Flynn commented on the post, Cinque Regioni d’Italia (Five Regions of Italy) 9 years, 5 months ago
Great stuff, Jeremy & Leigh.
Very impressed by your ability to combine family time & cycling. Chapeau to you all! -
James Flynn commented on the post, Cinque Regioni d’Italia (Five Regions of Italy) 9 years, 6 months ago
Great write up & spectacular pics, Jeremy, thanks for sharing this. Have had to add a few more ‘must do’s’ to the list after reading your story!
Particularly impressed by your ability to go on a ‘family holiday’ that seems to include a heck of a lot of cycling, includes 8 hour days on the bike!! -
James Flynn commented on the post, ride routes 19th – 25th september 9 years, 6 months ago
well said, Pete.
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Hmmm, time to start planning a bargaining strategy of my own 😀