Active 6 years, 8 months ago-
KevinWatson commented on the post, ride routes 7th – 13th july 6 years, 8 months ago
absolute rubbish el preZ . The world cup is the number ONE sporting completion in the world in both viewing and partisanship. Cycling is well down the line, so get your facts straight mate….
KevinWatson commented on the post, 3rd Annual Vice President's Ride – Good Friday 9 years, 11 months ago
Hi Julian I am a member as are a few friends of mine but don’t have SPR kit for various reasons. Does this discount those that are but don’t have kit for this particular ride. Having been on many SPR rides where less than 50% of riders have the kit it seems odd that this ride would require club colours for the ride.
Kevin -
KevinWatson commented on the post, ride routes 3rd & 4th may 10 years, 10 months ago
Wow, it seems that the timing by Pete,s editorial were spot on.
My accident with the resultant broken hip certainly has woken me up to the very real dangers that we face on the road with virtually no protection. The helmet is a must because it can prevent that worst of all injuries, brain damage, but hearing from Robert, Alex,s Injury and one I…[Read more] -
KevinWatson commented on the post, ride routes 3rd & 4th may 10 years, 10 months ago
Yes when it comes to the CA insurance that is provided by being a member of SPR, it is worth noting its not that flash. When i speared into the tarmac 2 months ago on a Saturday ride, the only thing i got covered […]
KevinWatson commented on the post, ride routes 22nd & 23rd feb 11 years ago
Hi Jordan, yes its funny but Ive been cursing my bad luck, but as was pointed out by the Physio here at Murdoch it could have been much worse.
When I saw the drain, it was so late, all I had time to do was point […] -
KevinWatson commented on the post, ride routes 22nd & 23rd feb 11 years ago
Just a big thanks to Megan and John for looking after me after my hard landing on main 1 this morning on Kalamuda road after I hit a drain cover.
The group around me stopped, rendered assistance and though I’m a […] -
KevinWatson replied to the topic Garmin 800 course problems in the forum General Discussion 11 years, 8 months ago
Thanks Andrew, I’m sending this all to Garmin and will speak to them on Monday. I cant believe that They reckon that I’m the only one that has had this problem…In all the world…Doesn’t make ant sense at all to me.
Cheers for the feedback. I was beginning to think they were right and I was mad. -
KevinWatson replied to the topic Garmin 800 course problems in the forum General Discussion 11 years, 8 months ago
That is Good Jason. (Well its not, but its ammunition for me with Garmin, who reckon they have never heard of this problem…). I will be on my 4th when they send my new one, and I am on a mission to keep sending them back until they fix the software issue. As I keep telling them, at $650 a pop, it should work as advertised.
Cheers, and anyone…[
KevinWatson started the topic Garmin 800 course problems in the forum General Discussion 11 years, 8 months ago
Does anyone who has a Garmin 800 have trouble in course mode. That is if you deviate off a course and then get back onto it.
I am on my 3rd replacement and all 3 do the same. ie if you deviate from a set course (and it obviously then gives warnings of being of course), and then get back onto the course, it then gives silly directions to turn left…[Read more] -
KevinWatson commented on the post, ride routes 1st, 2nd & 3rd june 11 years, 9 months ago
Well done Pete, this Garmin mapping way, makes life a breeze to load straight onto my 800.
KevinWatson commented on the post, ride routes 26th, 27th & 28th april 11 years, 10 months ago
Good work Idris, shame I put the course on manually yesterday.Next time I will wait for your post.
KevinWatson commented on the post, ride routes 26th, 27th & 28th april 11 years, 10 months ago
might be wrong but is Ewen st, just a much longer version of Mt Street, cos it felt like it.
KevinWatson commented on the post, Friday Ride (26/4) 11 years, 10 months ago
I’m up for it.
KevinWatson commented on the post, delirium 2013 – race report. 11 years, 10 months ago
Trying to think what part of reading any of that would make anyone want to do it next year.
Na, I’m up for it. -
KevinWatson commented on the post, SPR…truly something for everyone 11 years, 10 months ago
If you watched cycling central tonight you would have spotted an SPR rider in a photo in the programme from Rotto . Anyone putting his hand up, for who it was,.
KevinWatson commented on the post, The 5 Dams Experience 11 years, 11 months ago
Yep, its a bloody tough ride, no doubt about it.
My partner had a Tyre blow on great eastern at Belmont, so we had to watch the 400 5 Dams riders sail past us, while we replaced the inner tube, and new then, […] -
KevinWatson commented on the post, ride routes 13th & 14th april 11 years, 11 months ago
Dont care what you call it but I wll be there after 240k….
KevinWatson commented on the post, ride routes 13th & 14th april 11 years, 11 months ago
Yes, I reckon that between all the big public rides that are going on this weekend, that numbers will be well down for the SPR group rides this weekend.
On the plus side, it is amazing how many riders are […] -
KevinWatson commented on the post, ride routes 13th & 14th april 11 years, 11 months ago
Sorry admin, but try 1700 riders on the dams ride. 1300 for the 3 dams and 400 on the 5.
KevinWatson commented on the post, ride routes 6th & 7th april 11 years, 11 months ago
Oh yes, now were talking. Easy peasy to hit a few mouse clicks and the route is straight onto the Garmin…what a breeze.
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