MartoMan started the topic Snap-Send-Solve… It Really Works!! in the forum General Discussion 9 years ago
Hi All
I just thought I’d share a recent positive experience on getting local councils and Main Roads WA to repair safety hazards on the roads and PSP’s that Perth cyclists (including our club members) use each day (e.g. potholes, broken/damaged surfaces, broken water fountains, etc).
Last month I came across a great new App when reading a cycling mag (http://www.snapsendsolve.com). I was impressed with its features, but apprehensive whether it would result in action.
Well I have to say I was pleasantly surprised to see that my recent messages (including photos) to City of Canning appear to have contributed to two sections of the PSP on the eastern entrance to the Shelley Loop being repaired (albeit with concrete instead of replacing the decayed tarmac). See photos: Shelley PSP
I also noted that CoC has repaired a couple of deep cuts in the road surface along Riverton Road West (Shelley) caused by house construction works. RESULT!!
The App is downloadable for IOS and Android and clearly it works. So, if you see a road/path hazard on your next ride, do the right thing and report it so it gets repaired. All cyclists will benefit from your effort.
Cheers- Martin