
  • Ronan started the topic So long SPR! in the forum General Discussion 11 years ago

    Due to work I (& family) will be moving over to Sydney in the next couple of weeks. Just wanted to drop a note to the collective SPR to say a massive THANK YOU for all the years of riding and friendship. I’ve been on many other rides across Perth, but SPR stands out as THE greatest group in terms of people, rides and passion for cycling.

    Wanted to specially thank El Prez for putting it all together. I know we all make up SPR but in all honesty, SPR wouldnt be here in this shape and form if it wasnt for Peter saying “screw you, I’m starting up my own cycling club” back in 2009 (I still have the email in my inbox!).

    Also, if you know of a group remotely comparable to SPR over in Sydney, I’d be happy to hear about it.

    Wish you all the best and many many safe Ks of riding



The website for the South Perth Cycle Club