russell commented on the post, ride routes 18th – 24th april 9 years, 11 months ago
Good call Pete. We could always invite the Hon. out for a ride with us and help him see the risks from our perspective.
I’d be happy to take him for a ride….
After he has ‘walked a mile in our shoes’ (or ridden 20km with us), he would be better informed to comment.
russell commented on the post, ride routes 1st & 2nd november 10 years, 4 months ago
All, need to take care (or take a detour) on the ride on Saturday as Bushmead Rd between Military and Stirling Cresent is all gravel (about 500 m). If we get to if after they have watered it, it will be very messy.
An alternative could be to come off Helena Valley Road, right into Military and left into Clayton, go over the railway line, pass…[Read more] -
russell replied to the topic Inaugural SPR Velo Solo Summer Classic – Save the date in the forum General Discussion 10 years, 6 months ago
There can only be one winner – agreed, but where was the intermediate sprint finish line? was it the speed change sign?
Anyway, you were far stronger than me, and even my adjusting of gear ratio and runout distance with careful tyre selection was not enough to triumph on the day.
If the SPR Velo Solo gets some legs, I think there is potential…[Read more]
russell replied to the topic Beverley Heroic sportive anyone?? in the forum General Discussion 10 years, 7 months ago
Maybe interested. I converted my 1983 Heroic 16 speed MH ‘Spike’ Jones steel bike with Suntour Superb running gear to my fixie. So not sure if I would ride it as fixie or go to the trouble of swapping it all back. Either way, I think I would be more likely to do the 50 mile than the true hero of 100 mile, and I might wait to see after the Velo…[Read more]
russell commented on the post, SPR Velo Solo Spring Classic 10 years, 7 months ago
I’m in.
I went to my favourite currency converted and worked out that a AUD $20 prize is ZIM$6711 which sounds pretty good. (although they did add that the currency has been suspended indefinitely. But if Clint wants to put up ZIM$100 trillion I will probably change the gearing on my fixie to have a crack at it. The prize money would have to…[Read more] -
russell replied to the topic Single Speed group ride. Is anyone keen? in the forum General Discussion 10 years, 7 months ago
Mmmnh, not sure about gears. Its just second nature to change them without thinking.
We may not have many riders for the first outing, but it can only grow – classics have to start somewhere. And I think there are others out there who have SS. Quality not quantity would be my suggestion.
I sometime thought (before I converted my bike to a…[Read more]
russell replied to the topic Single Speed group ride. Is anyone keen? in the forum General Discussion 10 years, 7 months ago
Looks good Clinto, suggest out of courtesy checking in with the Prez before posting – i reckon he will be ok with it.
russell replied to the topic Single Speed group ride. Is anyone keen? in the forum General Discussion 10 years, 7 months ago
Clinto, two comments:
1 – Competitors!This has all sorts of implications. Maybe ‘Participants’?
2 – Love the concept of Velo Solo Spring Classic. But unfortunately I cannot make 6th Sept (or 12 & 19th Sept) as I will be cycling in the Pyrenees. 23rd or 30th August, 27th Sept, 4th Oct is good for me. 30th August is closest to Spring start? -
russell replied to the topic Single Speed group ride. Is anyone keen? in the forum General Discussion 10 years, 7 months ago
I’d be suggesting a Saturday morning ride. And getting it on the blog may round up some extra riders.
If it goes well maybe we could get it as an annual SPR ride, a bit like the Christmas ride,the Vice Presidents 3 Dams ride etc. And maybe pin it to a date on the calendar, like first saturday in spring or similar.
I do need a bit of notice…[Read more]
russell replied to the topic Single Speed group ride. Is anyone keen? in the forum General Discussion 10 years, 8 months ago
I’m interested but I too am a fixie (with front brake), its the only bike I commute on. I think the safety of the ride is determined more by the rider than the bike and I think a SS/fix ride could work. Maybe we could even split the SS/fixie bunch not into SS and fixie, but maybe into ‘old steel’ and ‘new stuff’?
Not sure I could get up Mosman…[Read more]
russell replied to the topic Farewell and Thanks in the forum General Discussion 11 years, 2 months ago
Richard, now I have a reason to take my bike to San Ramon if I have to go there. Mt Diablo is sensational, you are also near the Berkley Hills, and there is heaps of MTB riding around San Ramon.
Russell Lagdon
russell commented on the post, ride routes 4th & 5th may 11 years, 10 months ago
All, on the Benara rd ride for Saturday, Bushmead road is being dug up and is about 1500 metres of either loose gravel if its dry or muddy gravel if its wet – it has at least another week to go before it will be […]
russell commented on the post, ride routes 2nd, 3rd & 4th march 12 years ago
IMHO fast bit should start after the bridge on guildford road and should not be through the single lane shopping area opposite the guildford train station – two lanes going down to one and lots of people crossing […]
russell commented on the post, who are you? – a question of membership 12 years, 3 months ago
Pete, I like the idea of club kit (2013 model) = club membership. How can you find out if you are an up to date member? I can’t remember.
russell commented on the post, rules are made for… 12 years, 10 months ago
Good on you JimF for ‘fessing up recognising its the wrong thing to do. We all make mistakes, but as humble humans the trick is to learn from them and not make the same mistake again. i worry more about the […]
russell commented on the post, rules are made for… 12 years, 10 months ago
One of the things we could think about is why some people do things on a bike that they would never deliberately do in a car. On our rides we do see some of our fellow riders going around the roundabout the wrong […]
russell commented on the post, saturday 17th march – fast…then dropped. 12 years, 12 months ago
Now ‘fast 2’ – thats an idea or is it Main 0.9? Running late for the start I hooked on to a big bunch thinking it was Main 1. Bit surprised it was fast group and with Bonner sweeping I could not drop back with […]
russell commented on the post, 2012 memberships 13 years, 2 months ago
My licence (restricted = recreational?) expires 31/12/2011 so I guess that means I owe the club membership for 2012. With other clubs i have been a member of in the past they let you know by email or by letter […]
russell commented on the post, ride routes 24th, 26th & 27th of christmas 13 years, 2 months ago
If I’d thought about it, there was no way Dr Paul would of worn red jersey with blue bike.
russell commented on the post, ride routes 24th, 26th & 27th of christmas 13 years, 2 months ago
Red campag guy looks a little like Dr Paul McCrea on his tommasini. Remember when we had a bunch of doctors with us every ride?
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