9 years ago-
schneids started the topic Bike Crash in the forum General Discussion 9 years ago
I came off the bike yesterday while riding with Main 1.
Fell hard but luckily on sand and grass. Thanks to all of you who stopped and helped.Many thanks to Cormac and Sam who towed me back home.I think I mostly have bruising esp a bruised ego although maybe a fractured rib. Most important-bike ok.
Mark Schneider. -
schneids posted an update 9 years ago
I had a fall this morning riding with main 1.Many thanks to all of you who stopped to help.Specil thanks to Cormac and Sam who towed me home.I am mostly just bruised I think -esp bruised ego.
Mark Schneider -
schneids commented on the post, Cycling Safari to the biggest race in the World 11 years ago
I am keen Mark.
Mark S
schneids commented on the post, Tour de Perth – Entries and teams needed 13 years ago
I will be doing Masters 6-Road Race.
schneids posted an update 13 years ago
I will be doing Masters 6.
Mark Schneider -
schneids commented on the post, A SPR Addiction 14 years ago
Excellent write up Carlos. Schneiderman and Schneiderwoman take pride in your wonderful progress. We can spot raw talent a mile off.