
  • Toby wrote a new post 12 years, 8 months ago

    ThumbnailThis week the Wednesday night night ride is on again.  The weather forecast looks good with Wednesday looking like one of the only dry ones for the week.


    Meet: Dome Westralia Plaza

    When: Wednesday […]

  • as always it was my pleasure. thanks to everyone for coming and sticking around for dinner and drinks.

    i have some gopro footage from the ride i will post shortly.

  • weather is good. time to ride.

  • There will be no big screen TV’s showing any football of any sort. Yuck.

  • We have a licence now. No more BYO.

  • for the sake of playing devil’s advocate – can someone answer the following question for me…?

    what is the difference between a red light and a stop sign?

    there are at least two stop signs on our regular […]

  • Hey Shaw the muffin you had was a Spinach and Fetta – this Saturday will be Mozzerella, Tomato and Basil. I will set one aside for you.

  • Toby wrote a new post 12 years, 11 months ago

    ThumbnailThe first SPR Night Ride will be rolling out from Dome Westralia Plaza at 7pm next Wednesday night. This is a once month per month affair, so if you miss it this week you will have to wait for a whole month to get […]

  • Toby wrote a new post 12 years, 11 months ago

    Hey guys – we are at the final stages of completing our application for a restaurant licence. But we need a little help.

    The web link below will take you to a very short survey that we are hoping will help us […]

  • Toby replied to the topic Speed Dome in the forum General Discussion 12 years, 11 months ago

    There are open sessions at the track on Tuesday night and Thursday night. Both sessions start at 6pm. Tuesday is slightly more geared to novices and is supervised by a coach. Thursday is open – you can rock up […]

  • Luke the course was designed this time last year to be a flat fast ride. If you want to add a bump to it then I would suggest you aren’t riding hard enough on Shelley. Also Leach was left out intentionally after […]

  • starting tomorrow?

  • Toby wrote a new post 12 years, 11 months ago

    ThumbnailLast year a group of about 10 SPR ninjas met under the cover of darkenss with a mission to add some colour to the UCI event.  Armed with a few kilograms of chalk the masked bandits attacked Spring Street turning […]

  • was thinking pretty rapid on morely drive – but cruising everywhere else. mostly just a fun ride with a good section to stretch the legs in the middle.

  • Toby wrote a new post 13 years ago

    ThumbnailI’ve been talking about starting a night ride for a while now.  After chatting with a number of different people the consensus seems to be that Thursday evening would be the way to go.

    I’ve mapped a route which […]

  • This was a really good event last year. SPR did well with a medal in masters. The team i was in broke the hour too from memory (memory may be questionable) which was cool. Do it.

  • Toby wrote a new post 13 years, 5 months ago

    After our little bingle on the transition ride this weekend while attempting a roll through, I though it might be a good idea to post this video for new riders to explain what a roll through is and how it should […]

  • Ah I didnt realise..

    PASSWORD = spcc

  • Toby wrote a new post 13 years, 8 months ago

    He guys I have set up a league for our club for the SBS fantasy cycling competition.

    Here is the link to the league

    Visit my mini league “South Perth Rouleurs”

    The password to join the league is ‘spcc’

    Team Quadzilla for the win!

  • Toby wrote a new post 13 years, 10 months ago

    ThumbnailUPDATE Toby has been doing a bit of calling around looking at some of the options for getting a number of club riders up to Kalgoorlie for the weekend. Obviously the EGCC has organised a deal with flights and bike transport, but that can make for an expensive weekend. Toby has found a 12 seater mini-van […]

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The website for the South Perth Cycle Club