SPR’s annual trip organisation for Tour of Margaret River is underway for 2024. If you are interested in racing or being a volunteer please come along to our information evening to be held late in April at a location to be confirmed in South Perth.
This year’s event:
Date: 1st – 3rd November 2024
Team Size: 6 Riders
You can simply enter and we will organise a team with 5 other SPR members determined by your speed and fitness with team ranging from F1 to M2 in men’s, women’s, or mixed teams. There is also an option to have a self managed team, where you and 5 friends organise the team but stay with the other SPR teams and have the same benefits.
The format of this year’s event is yet to be announced but it will consist of multiple stages across 3 days including team time trials and road races.
As a participant in an SPR team, we will organise training opportunities, uniforms, accommodation, volunteers, timetable, registrations, co-ordinate transport and make the event as hassle free as possible so you can concentrate on the cycling. This is an SPR Club trip, so we stay in team houses based in the region and fees include 4 nights’ accommodation. There is an option for families to have their own villas (at their cost). This has been popular with the family feel for SPR.

The event website has a load of general info ToMR Website which will give you an idea of what to expect in depth. We will help riders into teams and provide regular updates.
This year the event is scheduled as a 3 day, 3 stage race event based on teams of 6 racers. Stage 1 is a Team Time Trial in 2 parts. This ranks the teams into grades for the remaining stages – the fastest 10 teams are placed into A grade, then next 10 fastest in B Grade as so on and so on, for both men and women. The event is hosted in the stunning South West area but this year the event village will be in Busso and we will race in Donnybrook, Margs and Greenbushes, all which have many nice hills to climb and descend.
What is included in the cost:
- 3 days racing + event registration
- Team accommodation (4 nights)
- Team BBQ/dinner
- Subsidy for SPR Volunteers
We are also calling for volunteers to assist during the event. Vollies get free accommodation, staying with the team, plus a reimbursement of petrol (capped) and who without them, we could not have had such successful tours as we have had for many years. Please email us at race@southperthrouleurs.com.au
Cost: $850
Details: Accommodation: Broadwater, Busselton (Thursday 2pm – Monday 10am)

Again we are calling for volunteers.
Send to: race@southperthrouleurs.com.au