we only have a couple of names down for the ride lead this weekend and not many for the weeks after. it is also a bit disappointing that it seems to be the same people volunteering each week. as discussed before, you only have to do it once or twice a year and we would have the whole year covered.
below is a guide for what is required to be a ride leader. this has been developed with the help of a few of the more experienced riders on the spr committee and gives and idea of what is expected. this can also be found in the comments on the ride leader page where you can sign up as a volunteer. there is also a requirement for the riders in the groups to listen to the ride leaders. if you can do a better job, then feel free to sign up and show us how. this is a volunteer organisation and no-one is paid for giving up their time to keep the club running. it is up to the members to make the club what they want it to be.
SPR Saturday Ride Leaders
This document summarises the roles and responsibilities of leaders for Main 2, Main 3 and Transitional Groups. It is recommended that these guidelines be followed by the leaders each week to ensure a good group ride. It is proposed that this document remain live, with changes made as required based on ride leader feedback and with approval from the Club Committee
- It is recommended that ride leaders have at least 6 months experience riding in a group higher than the one that they are leading.
- At the start of the ride, the two leaders should identify themselves to the group. Talk to the group about ride expectations and behaviours (regroup points, fast sections, opportunities to roll through)
- If the group is large (>~25 people), it is recommended that it be split in half, with one leader taking each group. Strongly emphasise the reasons for splitting group (safety, size on the road, potential to be split at lights).
- On the ride, ensure smooth pace is maintained. Don’t be afraid to make forceful suggestions if rider behaviour is not up to standard (not maintaining lines, trying to force the pace).
- If the group has been split at the carpark, ensure that the groups remain split. Traffic lights, hill regroups etc. may force the groups together and groups will need to be split apart again.
- Decide on whether rolls throughs can be done safely and actively coach during the roll throughs. This generally means that the ride leader will sit out of the roll through so that they can give advice and instructions. Areas to focus on are creating gaps in the group, rolling off too fast and slowing too much. The roll through needs to be smooth so it is recommended that a moderate pace roll though be used as “practice” early in the ride.
- Enjoy the ride and encourage others to do the same
Good write up – will try and remember these when we lead together!