i am quietly crapping myself. in 39 hours time i will be starting the longest bike ride that i have ever done. for those that don’t know, i have signed up for the delirium 24hr race down in cowaramup. along with brooke, we will be riding around, and around, and around a circuit for a day and a night to see how many kms we can do. last year, leah, alison and dale took the plunge and since none of them are going back for a repeat performance, i can only speculate as to how much fun this is going to be. so, instead of the usual “how many kms will you do” question, i think that the better question is “how many hours before you start crying”. “how many hours till you can’t sit down on the saddle anymore”. “how much gel/powerade/sports food can you eat before your body has to purge itself”. any other questions and estimates of answers can be added to the comments below.
kit collection – the kit will be available next Saturday at the coffee shop. see previous post for more details.
goldfields cyclassic – this event is coming up at the start of june so we are trying to organise travel and accommodation if you are interested please see the previous post and add to the comments. there is a two day race plus a participation ride.
armadale kermesse and grand fondo – you may have heard about this event that PIHC is putting on. catering for all types of riders as it has both a grand fondo participation ride plus a kermesse (longer criterium) race on at the same time. although, we would like as many people to enter and support this event, we are also running the race with rccc. this means that we will need some volunteers as well. as we get closer to the event, we will post more info as to what jobs we need filling.
ride routes – with anzac day on next week, there will be an extra public holiday ride. thursday earlybird will run as normal with both the fast and main groups, but they will then regroup back at coode st for the public holiday route. finish at DOME, but remember that there will be a lot of other people in the city for the anzac march so be considerate.
saturday 20th april
ride starts under the narrows (cityside) at 5:30am
early lap – earlybird 40.93km spr special
all rides start at coode st carpark at 7:00am
development group – novice shelley 36.06km spr saturday
transitional – trans rebold 38.69km spr saturday
fast & main groups – south lake 51.99km spr saturday
sunday 21st april
ride starts under the narrows (cityside) at 5:30am
early lap – earlybird 40.93km spr special
all rides start at coode st carpark at 7:00am
short – spr sunday 66.71km (greenmount & gooseberry)
long – spr sunday 95.04km (greenmount & parkerville & mundaring weir)
thursday 25th april
ride starts under the narrows (cityside) at 5:30am
spr thursday 43.54km (cott & freo)
all rides start at coode st carpark at 7:00am
trans & main – spr public holiday 59.35km (shelley & freo)
Good luck on the ride & don’t forget to pack a bucket of chamois cream Pete.
Peter, hope your mind fares a bit better than the Race Across America winner (else maybe consider leaving the family at home):
Pete ….. beware the band of black-bearded men on horseback!
SO much going on! Well done (again!) to all for the 5 & 3 Dams, UCI Events and Tri’s from last weekend… there were some amazing efforts! And yes, good luck Pete for this weekend… unimaginable! As for the Armadale Grand Fondo… I notice that is on the same weekend as the first Cylco Sportif for the season in Kalumunda (it seems communication between all these groups leaves something to be wondered at!) and call me soft, but personally I’d rather do that than (another) 160kms hills ride. Here is the link for anyone else who’s arse is still recovering… http://www.bwa.org.au/events/713/
As I understand it the organisers of the Grand Fondo provided their dates to BWA well ahead of time in the interests of avoiding clashes but when the cyclo calendar was published some months BWA chose to schedule an event head-to-head with the Grand Fondo.
Unfortunately the kit was not delivered as it was meant to today…..so it isn’t available for distribution Saturday. See the kit post for alternative collection dates – it is in Perth….so will be sorted for early next week. Apologies for this!
Hey best of luck Pete for the delirium! Crazy bastard!!!
Yeah go get ’em Mr. President!
Good luck El Prez!! You definitely must be bonkers!!!
With my Andrew falling off this morning on the EBR I just thought it would be timely to recommend people to lower the pressure you put into your tyres when riding in wet conditions. Knock off 10 or 20 PSI from your usual tyre pressure…it helps to keep the bike rubber side down.
Many thanks to the EBR group this morning for taking care of my Boss :-).
I do hope he’s ok Amanda?
And Lorraine had a decent slide at 40km/hr on Marmion Street, Melville at about lunchtime after missing the group rides today. Lots of road rash and some broken equipment but thankfully nothing irreplaceable. I would hate to have her changed from how she is ..:)