Race Report by Chris
So another weekend and this time a hilly race was planned with the WC Masters. Bruce was keen, I needed another workout and with the weather looking good there were no real excuses.
A scheduled 9:30 start was sounding very civilised and meant I could have a proper breakfast before heading out. Ah Coco Pops, breakfast of champions.
A cool start for the day so I made sure I packed arm and knee warmers and warm shoe covers just in case. The drive out there was pleasant and I arrived with plenty of time to sign on and have a look around at some of the other toys. Young Steve Bush had come along for his first race with the oldies and quickly got shoved into B grade.
Bruce showed up eventually and we had a quick chat about strategy, sit-in was my plan. Bruce had similar ideas I think. Steve seemed a little apprehensive.
Numbers looked good for B grade and Bruce’s assessment of the course was rolling with no real climbs. Things were looking promising, I like rolling hills that rely on power to get over. Long climbs tend to bore me and so I don’t really commit to attacking them like I should.
Anyway, with ½ hour to start time I figured I’d best get organised and warm up, although there was a short neutralised section to the start I knew from previous experience that one of the guys would attack from the gun. In this case it’s always good to have done a couple of efforts so it doesn’t hurt as much.
So, back to the car to get kitted up. Out of my civvies and into the cycling kit, decided on the arm warmers but left the knee warmers in the car. Then the clincher, reached in to grab the shoes and…”sh*t, where are my shoes?”
Went through the usual looking in places I‘d never have put them in the first place but no joy. It seems I have joined the ranks of Forgetful Jones.
I was not happy! Motivated and ready to race it seems I wasn’t going

A scheduled 9:30 start was sounding very civilised and meant I could have a proper breakfast before heading out. Ah Coco Pops, breakfast of champions.
A cool start for the day so I made sure I packed arm and knee warmers and warm shoe covers just in case. The drive out there was pleasant and I arrived with plenty of time to sign on and have a look around at some of the other toys. Young Steve Bush had come along for his first race with the oldies and quickly got shoved into B grade.
Bruce showed up eventually and we had a quick chat about strategy, sit-in was my plan. Bruce had similar ideas I think. Steve seemed a little apprehensive.
Numbers looked good for B grade and Bruce’s assessment of the course was rolling with no real climbs. Things were looking promising, I like rolling hills that rely on power to get over. Long climbs tend to bore me and so I don’t really commit to attacking them like I should.
Anyway, with ½ hour to start time I figured I’d best get organised and warm up, although there was a short neutralised section to the start I knew from previous experience that one of the guys would attack from the gun. In this case it’s always good to have done a couple of efforts so it doesn’t hurt as much.
So, back to the car to get kitted up. Out of my civvies and into the cycling kit, decided on the arm warmers but left the knee warmers in the car. Then the clincher, reached in to grab the shoes and…”sh*t, where are my shoes?”
Went through the usual looking in places I‘d never have put them in the first place but no joy. It seems I have joined the ranks of Forgetful Jones.
I was not happy! Motivated and ready to race it seems I wasn’t going
to be allowed to due to my own ineptitude.
With not a little embarrassment I went to let Bruce know I had no shoes and would not be able to race. As luck would have it to add to my shame Lorraine had come along to support a friend racing and got to hear my tragic tale.
So lesson learnt (I hope) I drove home fuming, 2 hours of driving and no riding not a happy camper. In case you were wondering, Bruce finished 13th but I have no idea about young Steve as he has not been listed on the results sheet.