ride routes 22nd & 23rd november

i had a couple of days off this week as ben has been sick and kate came down with it on monday night.  i stayed home to look after ben and now the inevitable has happened.  i got sick.  sore throat and so very tired, i struggled on the ride this morning and sat on the back instead of rolling through.  so much for a good lead up to the great perth bike ride. 

as such there is a good chance that i will not be riding this saturday when you tackle scarborough beach road.  so play nice and take it easy till you hit the lights near the bunnings before giving it some gas.  make sure you regroup at scarborough beach and go easy till oceanic drive.

sunday is the double figure eight around kalamunda and includes points up welshpool, the observatory (hard side), mundaring weir rd and kalamunda rd.  the map currently does not have mountain points marked, but i will endevour to redraw it soon (as soon as my account revives from being shaped).  i will be trying to keep up with the fast boys for a couple of loops of the river.

south perth rouleurs saturday ride 05 (scarborough beach rd)

south perth rouleurs sunday ride 06 (welshpool & observatory & kalamunda rd)




3 thoughts on “ride routes 22nd & 23rd november”

  1. enjoy the weekend rides kiddies, which you may choose. Figure it will be dryer up onsite for me thisvweek than Perth, I will be probably befriending my wind trainer, were only just on talking terms of late:)

  2. Its hard to follow Le Kuan’s effort. Nothing to write about anyway.
    We road, we sore, we conked 🙂

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