ride report by peter.
early start for me as i decided to do some “secret” training and slip in a lap of the river before the saturday ride. the benefit is that at least i was pretty warmed up by the time we were underway as it usually takes me a good ¾ hour to get the legs firing. i bumped into judd as i was about to cross the narrows and rode towards south perth with him. however, he was yet to have his early morning coffee so shot off for a quick take-away before the ride. he really needs a cup holder on his bike.
about 35 riders at the start today and an old familiar face with matt who years ago worked at the bike shop in south perth. we were delayed slightly when the sound of a tyre being pumped to explosion rang out like a gunshot from a book depository. brett had borrowed a pump to put some extra air in his tyre and may have over done it. by 10 past we were off and racing.
the standard light changing interference along canning hwy didn’t dampen the spirits and soon we were at attadale and ready to split the group. the main group were heading straight down canning and back up leach while the fast group were taking a detour along burke before using stock road to access south and home via albany hwy. the split was a successful 70/30 division and we were on our way.
the pace along burke was not too extreme, and the roll through only really got going after about halfway. next thing you knew we were at stock rd hill and were the fun really starts. a couple of the boys hit it quite hard and sprinted up the first section. i tried to sustain a bit longer and got into a tempo. eventually the hill wore the boys down and their early antics cost them as they dropped back. at the top i saw james turn back and wasn’t sure what was going on. i debated stopping the group, but we were spread too thin by then and also wasn’t sure if he was coming back. we managed to slip through the lights on canning and so it was the last we saw of him.
not much rolling through on stock road but the pace picked up a bit after recovering from the hill. once on south st, the roll through started, but the small hills put an end to any consistency. for the majority of it there were maybe 5 or 6 riders continually on the front swapping out turns while everyone else just seemed to be hanging on for grim death. ryan, mike, michael and jerry were consistently at the front and managed to get off the front a few times. once it flattened out, the rest of the group would start rolling through, but every time there was a hill, the group spread out again.

pretty soon, south st became ranford rd and we were on our way to the left hander into nicholson. one last small undulation before the shopping centre and i stood to keep the pace up. unfortunately, that didn’t feel right and i looked down to see my front tyre bulging out more than it should. luckily i was on the inside and a turning lane was there for me to use so i drifted off to the side. i told everyone to keep going, but dr carl, lisa, john and brett swung around to make sure i was ok. the rest of the group disappeared over the hill.
a quick change of the tube and we were on our way again. we tried to set a consistently high pace, not in the hope that we would catch up, but more that we were not going to be too late to coffee. everyone did turns at the front and we were clipping along at plus 40 kmh for most of the ride. it was quite uneventful but very hard as long efforts at the front were beginning to take their toll. as lisa pointed out once we cleared the hills around vic park, it was so good to finally see the city.
no sprint to speak of, but there was a final rush for the line at the end. probably more likely to be first in line for coffee. it turns out that we were not that far behind as some of the group were still ordering their brew as we turned up. the place was a bit busier with the anzac day holiday but they still had a table ready for us and service was not too bad.
at the end of the day i was just happy to have arrived and grateful for not having to be siting a bike seat. i didn’t find out whether the main group was caught today as they were when we last did this route. i’m sure that someone can let us know what happened…
also, someone left an spr drink bottle at the coffee shop. i have picked it up as they are very rare (none left as spares), so if it is yours, let me know.
Poor ole Henry hey 😉 Looks good in green doesnt he 🙂
looks like hes’ thinking…”i’m not coming down until i get my nicks!”
Henry loves to dress up but hates wearing pants, he reckons he has no nuts so what the neck.
Pete, you have my bottle, thanks for grabbing it.
The Main Group.
Sorry about the delay.I did post a summary of the main group ride yesterday but I think the site moderator may have banned it because of my reference about the fast group and goats! The point is taken.
This was one of those rides were it all went along smoothly.
We parted company then pushed on too Stirling Hway, once we cleared the slight rises on Canning and Leach Hways we moved into two lines and started rolling thru, everyone seem to know what to do and we cruised along with only a bit of negativity from one rider at the lights when I suggested we take the speed up a notch,once again in the spirit of a team i WILL not name the rider. We arrived at Albany hway as a group and then formed two lines with the guys at the front going hard then peeling off to keep the speed up as we neared the causeway it was time to think about the enemy I mean my fellow riders.
I looked at the group.
GREG. Looking good today but has done a bit of work at the front, will he have enough left in his tank. The tank somedays has premium and some days metho, which one today?
BRETT. Once again worked up front a bit, probalby not enough time on the bike lately although he metioned doing ten minutes on the vending machine everday!
ANTHONY. A week or so up at Exmouth, not today Tony better off thinking about the next case.
DOUG.Oh yes, Doug a popular person on the reports lately.Very reserved today and for a Yank that worries me,if the sprint is not coming of a roll thru he may well sit up and whistle Dixie.
WILL.He had finished both his water bottles before we arrived at High road wanted to buy one of mine I don’t think so! Kept calling me Henry which is his brothers name,I don’t think he will be bothering me in the sprint.
A few other riders and I wasn’t sure of these guys, but I was about to find out, I went out for it and was chased and caught by I think Matt and then it was all over. I not sure what my therapist is going to say about how I let this one slip.
Worked well, finished as a group. Everyone stuck at the task.
Can it get better than this ? . . . sitting on 39 and rolling through at 42 no wind, cool temp no Holden Utes with brain diminished contents and the ride Kontroller keeping the group safe, together and in line & very satisfying to arrive at the coffee table first . .. Thanks for a good one and same again next week please.