for those that didn’t stay up late to watch the world champs. for shame. even with the interupted telecast, it all came down to the last two laps and there were so many big names still in the running.
congratulations cadel. first australian world road champion.

Awesomeness plus+++++++ : Bout frigin time he had a good team behind him 🙂
But he was actually the second as Jack Bobridge was the first 😉
First Pro for road race:)
well i wasn’t counting the track either as we have had lots of world champions there too. anyway, what about mick rogers and his triple world champ wins. bobridge is awesome, but it’s still an under 23 race.
hope cadel doesn’t pick up the world champs curse. lots of riders have a crap year wearing the rainbow jersey.
I watched it from here in Canberra. It was inspiring. My ride over the Aussie Masters champs course yesterday was as miserable a ride as I have ever done. Freezing cold, very windy, magpie attacks, no gloves. Arriving back at ‘home’ was such a relief. Can’t wait for some nice warm Perth rides again..
You may have gathered from the accent i’m not Aussie but this was well worth staying up for and fantastic to see; well done Cadel. The best bit was nobody helping Cancellera behind, Poet tic justice for a certain stage in the TDF where Fabian discouraged anybody from working with Cadel in a break.
It was a great race from team OZ, and to see what Cadel can do when he’s got support. The Italians were whinging that they could have won it but nobody was willing to help.. boo hoo hoo…
I’ve got a personally signed Silence-Lotto jersey from Cadel, that I need to frame and put up, next to my Eddy Merckx signed poster – from when he came to visit Melbourne a few years ago. (I couldn’t get the bike-frame in time otherwise I would have gotten him to sign my Team SC as well.)
Cadel is the first Aussie world road champion. Mick Rogers & Jack Bobridge got their colours in the TT.
Wearing the rainbow will be a curse – but it’d be no different to any other time for Cadel. He’s always a marked man anyhow.
Interesting, I was reading interviews from the other pre-race “favourites” – Cadel was considered a dark horse, but everyone had their eyes on Cancellara, Cunego/Italians, Spaniards, and Cadel’s Belgium team-mate (who came in 6th). So Cadel was able to sneak up and when he broke away at the end, everyone was waiting for someone else to make that chase – no one did as they were all marking each other, or they couldn’t. That last bit is on you-tube.
And don’t forget Simon Gerrans – who made top-10. Great effort!!
it’s a shame a great rider like cancellara can’t match his sporting abilities with some sportsmanship…poetic justice or karma at work.
What is the course like for Canberra? How are the hills? Anything like the 10% reported on the video? My cold is not too bad so I’ll be coming over on Thursday.
See this for those interested to meet the man.
Also if you’d like to send him a message: