Lynda and I ( normally of the transitional group) thought we would “ have a crack” at the 3 dams challenge, we needed a goal ! Probably wasn’t the best idea since we hadn’t actually done a full hills ride. Id only really done the Zig Zag and Lynda had done Canning Mills. Oh well.
We headed off from the Narrows at 6, the sooner the better and managed to jump in with a quick group to Midland. Then the hills began…. Lucky we were very fresh, although quite a few people went around us we got up at a reasonable rate. Why did everyone need to make a comment about the two very large bananas bulging out of my back pocket! Very happy to see Mundaring and get away from that road, it felt pretty safe just didn’t like the trucks. It was also good to see Bernie and Grant waiting for us at the top, it was great to have a bit of support, they stayed with us to the end it definitely helped a lot ( Thanks !)
One banana later and rolled down to the Weir and arrived at about 7:45 which was well before the cut off, yay( yes that what we worry about down this end)!. I think the 5 dams fellows were probably at Wungong by then. Large number of peps at the Dam, we were fed and watered, got our stamp and rolled on. Saw a couple of other SPR riders always nice to see the SPR jersey. Next we learnt the problem with a nice roll downhill is getting back out. Past Gungin and a cruise down to Aldersyde, its funny how quickly the speed is lost going back up ! Another hard slog up through Carmel not too bad though with it being a bit rolling. Crossed paths with the Advanced SPR guys before Karragullen and refuelled there. Flew down Brookton and Croyden and again it began.
Rest stop at Canning Dam a few people being loaded onto the ute ( $130 taxi id rather walk!) quick stop as wanted to get the next section over and done with. Crossed paths with the 5 Damer’s coming into Canning. A lot of puffing and sweat got us back to Albany Hwy.
ONE TO GO… Really warmish along Albany Hwy glad we were finished with the hills. Arrived at 11:40 and again fed and watered at Wungong, loved the fruit cake! Wondered if the 5 Damers had finished yet ! Heard about a MTBer on the 5 Dams route, that had not known about the speed humps on the other side of Wungong, had apparently hit them unaware at 70km and endo’d and damaged himself not sure injuries but ambulance required, ouch!
One hill to go ( what a doozie) tried to get a run up and found the speed humps. Long slog up Wungong pretty sure could have walked up faster, but made it. We all jumped aboard the cycle train and whizzed our way through Armadale. Due to a few war wounds reemerging in our crew after the long ride, the train slowed down on Armidale Road.We were joined by the Cycle Buzz guys near the end. I know its the most direct route but it’s a hell of a road, did not like it AT ALL. Several sections of bad surfaces, debris and it was just long and hot, may have been because we were stuffed and over it ?. I had the GPS but we just never seemed to get to the end. Im telling you the real train station at the end was pretty damn tempting. Finished it off up the freeway rolled into the Narrows around 2.

Finished yay! Slow and steady but thankfully uneventful. ( thanks again to my buddies Lynda, Bernie and Grant!) One damn fine effort I think J
Although it was a hard slog this was a very enjoyable ride really glad to have broken the ice and gotten into the hills as it felt a bit inaccessible. We are definitely novices and survived, so I recommend it to others. Anyone who wants to give it a go (at less than race pace) I would love to do it again.
Final tally 164km, 1928m gain elevation, 7000 cal ( noice!), avg heart rate 159bpm!, max speed 65.6km average 23km. Minus 2 kilos ( made up for it with beer not long after J )
Anyway thought id put this in to say if we can do it anyone can, so get amongst it J
L’escargot sur velo aka Tracy
That’s awesome work Cycling Snail! Well done to you and Lynda! (And the other 3 & 5 dammers of course!)
Great work Tracy..
Just think how many muffins 7,000 calories will afford you 😉
Well done
Great Work!
Great Determination!
Wow Tracy I vowed never again but after readign that hmmmm well maybe???? Thanksf or your help too was a great ride x
Looks like with that spelling Im still worn out!!! 😉
Tracy and Lynda you are amazing! I have not ridden that exact route before but I have ridden those hills and they are hard work to climb.
I will join you if you decide to go hill riding again. It’s hard but fun 🙂