Transitional Ride Report 16/3/2010

This is only a short report as Toby doesn’t normally write one for Tuesdays. Set off from Narrows not far behind the advanced group. Toby and Scott lead along Mounts Bay Road and it was clear the pace was going to be faster today.

Soon after turning onto Hacket Drive the rider next to me was already pushing the speed up and we were sitting just over 30km/h. Up over the small rise on The Avenue and he was pushing me at around 27km/h I just made it but I know I saw him looking back waiting for me to catch up. I was expecting Shaw or someone else to go past as a few were on my wheel but they left me there. Right onto Birdwood Pde and we were still ticking along. Was starting to feel today would be a bit of punishment.

Passed Sunset Hospital and Toby called to slow down so the pace dropped back to a mild 25km/h. Toby let us know that a few couldn’t take it and were going home. Apparently Tracy was very clear she wasn’t going to take further part. She did complete the three dams on Sunday though so probably deserved to take today off. All were on and Toby mentioned that we are going to make you work now. Up went the pace again until most the way around Victoria Ave where I pulled off the front to have a rest. However I dropped back a little to much and then had to work to get back on. Scott dropped back a bit and I got on his wheel and I think Shaw was in front of him. We had a minor regroup at Queenslea Drv where Toby announce for our efforts so far your all doing Mosman Park hill. You could hear the moan and just to annoy the rest I blerted out “Bring It On!” Toby seemed to like the enthusiasm.

Short trip along Stirling Hwy and left on the route to Mosman Park Hill. Arriving at the hill again I think there were five (we only had 8 or so in the group now) that were in front of me. Not fussed I set my own pace and got up the top and then made my way to the Water Tower for the regroup. Passed a couple of others on the way there. Off from the water tower I was on the front again and I think it was Toby that met me. We lead through until just before Stirling Hwy where I dropped back again for another break. Over the bridge and onto Preston Point Road and Shaw started the sprint up the Hill. Not sure who won. Caught up the rest and after passing EJ Chapman Playground Shaw and I were on the front (I don’t know how I keep getting to the front so fast when I drop back).

Shaw and I lead the group until the downhill of Burke Drv where Toby called for a roll through. This seemed to work well with the pace sitting on around 30 ~ 33km/h. Soon arrived onto Canning Hwy where some car decided to cut us off. Left onto Dunkley Drv and we resumed the roll through again. Left onto Fraser Rd and Kintail. Again found myself at the front again. At the Raffles we kept rolling and decided to regroup over the bridge. After getting over the bridge and slowing right down to wait up for the others I was accused of protesting. I told Toby “No your so slow I had to wait so long for you :)”

Nothing eventful from here was just a normal ride back to Mends St. I’m not sure who won the sprint was too far back and when I wanted the right lane on Labouchere Rd had to wait for a group of other riders and cars to go by.

This was probably the best Tuesday morning ride I’ve been on. Overall speed was not as fast as other weeks because of the hills but was a much better workout.

Ok this was a little longer than I had planned but Meh.

By Nathan Rzepecki

10 thoughts on “Transitional Ride Report 16/3/2010”

  1. Just for the record when I droppped off you were going 31 plus and didnt look like easing off! And i completed the ride arriving at the coffee shop when you guys did, minus mosie hill ! I guess as the average fitness and pace of this group keeps getting higher this might be a common theme … oh well it wasnt a bad ride on my own !

  2. Sorry guys, I was planning on coming but I set my alarm on the iPhone for 5am Friday. Ooops. I should be there thursday though.

  3. Today was not a good indication of the normal pace of this ride.
    It seemed we had more of the senior transitional riders out this morning and going by their efforts they may be heading for the intermediate group soon to get more of a challenge.
    I’m sure more of the usual crowd will be back after recovering from the Dams ride and bring the pace back to normal.

    Jordan – I’m with u, bit worried about Ronny too…..

  4. Thanks for the write up Nathan. Feel free to do it every week if you like.

    Just to keep everyone on the same page this is a ride that should average under 30kph every week. This week was an exception to the rule.

    Its very important that the ride stays mellow because it exists for the point of encouraging newbys, or people who just want an easy ride, out in the morning. If you wanna push yourself perhaps its time to go up a group.

    And while we are talking about the Tuesday Transitional ride can I take this opportunity to re-ivite anyone out there lurking in the cyber shadows to come out. Stop lurking and start riding. Tuesday – 5:30am – under the narrows bridge city side – coffee optional – lights now mandatory.

  5. Don’t forget the Thursday ride also.nah I wrote one today because I was on a high after this morning ride and it just flowed.

    My good mood and high disapeared by the time I left work though 🙁

  6. I for one will be glad when we go back to our Tubby Tuesday speeds. Also, apologies to that stranger who turned up at the start and was going to join us. You had gone off with the intermediate group before I had a chance to tell you to wait.

  7. I was on the front after turning off mounts bay road, I apologise for putting the pace up, I didn’t know what speed the group went at as it was my first ride with everyone.

  8. Looks like had a great ride! Tracy told me the pace was very high so I was worried to come along at all! Thankfully after reading the comments I can see my place with the transitional is safe while the pace is a bit lower. Sorry you Speed Hogs these legs of mine just can’t keep up!! 28 – 30 is good for me. Any more and I’m wrecked….i’ll be back soon after i’ve recovered from the weekend and my physio appointments. 😉

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