Track Attack – SPR


– an invitation from Toby

The winter track racing season will commence on the 16th of April, only a couple of weekends away. 

We have had a few SPR riders flying the colours out on the Speed Dome in recent months.  So far, Dave S (who was kind enough to re-introduce me to the track), Alistair and myself have been making incursions into the c-grade races.  I would love to encourage a few more of the crew to come out and give it a try.

Track is cool.  High speeds, fixed wheels, big banks, close and tight racing and no breaks!  What isn’t to love?

The best bit about track cycling wa is that the guys who run the show out at the Speed Dome are extremely good and introducing first timers to the boards.  Last week I took one of our newer members, Nick G, out for his first time.  Despite never even seeing a velodrome before nor having his own track bike he had a great time.

Tuesday nights are basically introductory nights and general fitness sessions.  There are three or four supervisors on hand to teach newbies the basics, and to take you out for a few very gentle laps.  I guarantee that by the end of the first night you’ll be spinning around the boards like a pro and be totally hooked!!

I will also be on hand every Tuesday night to help ease you in and introduce to the instructors and officials.

For you roadies out there who don’t think track can offer anything to your current regime let me remind you that all of our best road stars (except Cadel) come from track backgrounds – O’Grady, the Meyer brothers etc.

If you are interested let me know and I’ll be glad to take you out.  I’m sure Nick will post a commet below about how much he enjoyed it!

As for racing – its on Fridays nights – but you have to do at least two Tuesday nights before you give that a try.

The Details

Day -Tuesday Evening

Time – 6:00pm

Duration – 2 hours

Venue – Speed Dome, Midvale

Cost – $10, or $15 includes bike hire


Toby (SPR)

0404 545 729

Murray Hall (Track Cycling WA)



Speed Dome

Track Cycling WA

10 thoughts on “Track Attack – SPR”

  1. Hi Toby,

    I’ve been keen to try out track cycling for a while! I’ll get in touch or speak to you the next time I see you.


  2. Anyone who has ever considered track just come out you will not be dissapointed. Murray was really friendly and within 10 mins he had me cruising on the steep banks. They seem to be well set up for beginners and there is a great mix of cyclists for all different levels. I know that im hooked after 1 night but still a long way off my first skinsuit

  3. Count me in for Tuesday.
    I had a try out a month or two ago, but turned up at the wrong time and had to be content with out powering a 6 six year old in the kids session!
    It would be good to have another go . . . just one question about the shoes, is it bring your own cycling shoes and pedals or just trainers to use the clips already on the hire bike??

  4. Bring your normal cycling clothes and stuff with the addition of:

    1) Shoes and Pedals
    2) Towel
    3) an undershirt under you jersey

  5. I brought my shoes and pedals, didnt notice any of the rental bikes that already had pedals

  6. Toby I have been trying to get a special spr afternoon going on at track for months now but they have no free slots. There were heaps of people interested tho.

  7. Hi Everyone!

    This Tuesday I will be at the Speed Dome at 5pm to help ease people into the fold. The session doesnt really start till 6pm but I like to be early to get organised.

    Mark, Daryl, Jamie, Mike, Nick, Daniel and Jason – see you when you arrive – come in the side and walk straight into the middle. Gimme a call if you get lost.

    Toby 🙂

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