Transition Ride Report Saturday 3rd April 2010

by dr ronny

Another solid turnout with our numbers reinforced with some WAT ladies (including Michelle) and Bernie and Rob who were there for Lynda and Tanya’s company, which begs the question – where was Mr Bonner?

I gave a brief overview before we headed off noting the strong easterly which meant that people really needed to stay close and be mindful of where they wanted to be within the group, for instance, if you wanted less work then be on the right on the way out. The plan was to stick together until Nedlands where people would be free to contest the bus stop finish sprint.

Bus Stop Sprint Finish

We picked up Phil heading out of the carpark who had missed the other groups so he joined us. I suggested he could chase down the Novices (or is it “Development Squad”?) who were ahead of us on Coode St but he declined.

I decided I would take a more observatory role today and keep off the front to let others dictate the pace. The girls (except Emma) seemed to congregate at the back (perhaps the gossip was better???) along Canning Hwy and learnt a small lesson by doing so. Everytime the lights went green, the guys at the front would accelerate a little and small 2 or 3 metre gaps would form between riders. Because of the head/crosswind, this made a huge difference and they began to learn how hard closing gaps in the wind can be. When they got back on at the next set of lights, the process would repeat itself.

Rob the "pusher" not "toucher" Ramsden

I asked Leon and Greg at the front to ease up a little and we were all together just before we made the left turn onto Riseley. Going round the corner, the small gaps formed again and when the tempo was set by Emma over the small hills, the gaps soon became splits in the group. We eased up and the WAT girls rode themselves back to the front group (nice work ladies!) before we came back all together at the Leach Hwy lights. Tyrone and Greg were kind enough to let the girls move themselves up within the group at the lights, which would hopefully protect them a little better.

We seemed to be cruising until we hit a long uphill stretch on Leach Hwy where Lynda cracked. Bernie and I rode with her and we paced ourselves over the hill as we saw Emma set the pace at the front of the group up ahead. Leon got out of the saddle half way up and Tyrone looked liked he was struggling at the back with a few others.

When we crested the rise we found the others waiting at a bus stop and made our way to Freo where we managed the right hand turn onto Stirling Hwy very well. I moved up the back to check on Lynda who apparently had received some help from Rob in the form of a friendly push. Luckily, we weren’t in a team time trial at theΒ Tour Of Qatar and we had Rob, a well decorated expert in the art of “pushing” without “touching”.

We had a nice tailwind along Marine Parade and especially in Cottesloe. Rob couldn’t resist and came up the front asking to go quick. Before I could say anything, he and Tyrone were 30 metres off the front and Greg was asking if we should chase. I agreed but was suprised to see him and two others sprint across leaving me behind πŸ™‚

We regrouped at the top of that nasty little hill after the right hand roundabout turn and got ourselves to Nedlands. Greg opened it up at the end of Jutland Parade and put himself in time trial mode – Cancellara style. The chase behind was disorganised with Leon and then Emma having to give up. Phil came past and I got on his wheel to bridge to Greg. He had a huge gap by now and eased up well before the line. I told him he had enough time to do a victory salute but he couldn’t think of anything to do. After all, there’s not much left with Contador, Flecha and Cavendish taking all the good ones.

Contador's El Pistolero

Flecha's Bow-and-Arrow

Cavendish's "For the Ladies!"

Phil and Rob decided to have an impromptu sprint on Mounts Bay Rd (Phil won) and we made it to coffee first. Overall, a very enjoyable ride and everyone did well to stick together given the wind and wide range of ability. See you all on Monday.

PS – I promised Nicole at coffee I would post these pictures of George Hincapie

8 thoughts on “Transition Ride Report Saturday 3rd April 2010”

  1. Always happy to lend a ‘hand’. I’d say I had a preference for my role today but I fear it may offend both John AND Bernie… πŸ™‚

  2. Mr Bonner was frightened off by all this talk of gaps, hills, cross-winds, riders cracking, “40 km/hr”, and the sight of Rob flexing his fingers at the first traffic lights. Instead he rode with Bonner-the-younger (13 year old Kate) in the Novice/Development group and had a very nice time.

    Mark runs a tight ship and the 3 new riders learnt heaps and learnt it quickly today. Recommended.

  3. Thanks Rob for lending a hand without touching??? I didn’t realise there was competition for your expertise – but it feels better knowing there are others out there who sometimes need a little push πŸ˜‰ ….really enjoyable ride thanks again.

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