PMBC XC Series – Round 3

This Sunday is round 3 of the 2010 XC series to be held at the Goat Farm.

For those who are interested but need more details, check out theย event flyer. Don’t contemplate too long as pre race entry closes this Team SPRThursday, May 13th. If you miss the cut-off you can still enter on the day but there will be a $10 late fee.

Here is the link to register if you already know your keen – Register

With this event being close to Perth it would be great to get a good turnout. Its not as far to travel as Pemberton was and is closer than a lot of the Cyclo events so no excuses. This will be a good warm up forthe 6 Hr Enduro to be held on May 30th.

Let me know in the comments if you’ll be there and we can organise the tent, drinks etc if there is enough to warrant it.

8 thoughts on “PMBC XC Series – Round 3”

  1. Judd, I will be there to cheer on my son Nick who is having a go with the under 17’s.
    Scott is also competing.
    SPR brownies will be making an appearance too ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. I am thinking of giving this a bash.. What would I enter?? The Veteran Men??

  3. Well if Lorraine, the brownies, the Fynnster et. al. are going to be there, I’ll put my meagre MTB skills to the test as well.

  4. Ahh, I thought Experts were the top knobs, I did not realise there was an Elite category… Hmmm, sounds like it could be a goer.. The mtb needs some tlc though, how far is a lap?

    What the heck, I missed rego but I will head down and give Expert Men a bash… I will leave my horn on so I can let others know I am behind them after a lap or two and I have warmed up.. Just to let them know there is a roadie coming through…

    Mwuah ha ha,,,

  5. lol, just register on the day, u’ll still get to race.
    BTW u won’t be the only 1 with a horn, there are a few others who ahve raced with horns before.

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