Below is the calendar for 2010, so the waters a little chilly still but i guess that makes you swim faster!
- Sunday 10 October – Duathlon (no swim) at Champions Lake in Kelmscott.
Novice 2.5km run, 11km cycle, 1.5km run
Long 5km run, 21km cycle, 2.5km run
- Sunday 7 November – Womens Pink Triathlon at Challenge Stadium in Mt Claremont
Novice 100m swim, 3km cycle, 1km run
Medium 200m swim, 6km cycle, 2km run
Long 300m, 9km cycle, 3km run
- Saturday 13 November – Power Station Tri at North Coogee
- Sunday 28 November – Left Bank Tri at John Tonkin Park
- Sunday 5 December – Iron Man WA – 3.8km swim, 180km cycle, 42km run (yeh, you wont see me at this one!)
- Sunday 19 December City of Rockingham Tri – This is the 1st of 5 Honda Triathlon Series races over the summer. The idea is that you enter all 5 and accumulate points but you can just enter one race as you feel like it.
Pursuit 750m swim , 20km cycle , 5km run
Enticer 250m swim, 10km cycle, 2km run
our next kit order will include a trisuit, so make sure that you jump on board now as we don’t do many orders of triathlon gear.
Hmm. According to the Velominati “a ride shall not be preceded by a swim or followed by a run”. Rule 42
I’m too cool for rules.
I think Nov 7th is a goer..
Pink is the only way to go…
Will take the trip to Rocky
I’m definitely in for the season.
Jorgy, Rule #42 seems to contradict Rule #5. If I can get on a bike after swimming in the Swan River, then run covered in sweat/salt/seaweed whilst wearing a one piece bathing suit with next to no padding for the ride, then anyone can.
@Chris Ah yes, but then there is Rule 1. Obey The Rules. Rule 2. Don’t assist someone to knowingly break the rules (Anna because of this post you are now in breach of this rule) and Rule 3 No matter how good you think the reason is there is no excuse for breaching the rules.
So let it be known, participate at your own peril….:O
(ps, I’m pretty sure I breach about 5 of the rules every day…..He He he)
stupid question incoming: i’d like to do the duathlon…what does one wear? Do you wear your bib nicks for the 5km run? Or do i need to go and finally buy myself a tri suit?