Today I rolled out of Coode St with Main 1. For the ride out to Mill Point Rd I was next to Geoffrey. Chatting away about the new bike. Sitting behind Toby doing leisurely 26kph. Along riverside drive Toby pulled off and we took over. Another rider jumped in front so I moved up and joined him until we got along Mounts Bay road where we pulled off. As I let the pack move by I realized just how big Main 1 was. Probably little larger than needed.
Off Mounts Bay road and now the pace stepped up. Soon we were doing high 30s low 40s. The back was yo-yoing a little and I wanted a little more protection so at the first rise I slipped back a few places. Managed a good pace staying in the saddle. Just to be sure I decided through Dalkeith would be a good place to take on a power bar. Wasn’t much chance later. Pace through Dalkeith was kissing on 50kph at points. Was happy to get to Stirling Hwy and get some water down.
Still feeling good. Legs ok but the short transition up Stirling Hwy normally makes my legs burn a bit. Descent down to Mosman Park hill. Keeping an eye on the rowers swinging a kayak ahead. Mosman Park hill. My Tuesday wake up call was today my Saturday wakeup call. As I got my rhythm at the bottom I saw Blair over half way up attacking someone who passed him. Bloody kids and their energy. Reaching the top panting like a dog.
Recovered halfway to water tower and pushed on. Short regroup at water tower and then another descent. Side by side with Anna. However our rhythm was lost on the rise due to bikes in front. Found back at the front of the pack for the next few kms then on the front for the ride over the bridge.
After the bridge I was swallowed up on the hill but made up some ground on the descent. The group ahead was a little all over the place and as I past Toby he yelled some disciplinary orders. By now the power bar should have been kicking in.
Burke Drive I think broke the group slightly. Was not a massively high pace but by no means slow. Think it was all in the 40s. Was a little spent by the end and took on a fair whack of water.
Canning Highway was a little dodgy with a couple of cars where we merged into the center lane to cross the freeway but cars appeared to be giving way. They were out numbered. I think we broke into two packs but thanks to some lights we were back together by South Perth. Another crossing of the causeway and back onto Riverside Drive for the sprint finish. I used the people in front for short drafts before moving onto the next. Was a good ride with an average of 34kph according to Blair. Was happy I could hang on.
a kid? how dare you nathan
rowers and kayaks??
yeah nathan, get it right, they are CANOES!
I cant understand why Zac would get so upset, he’s never even been on the water, he just likes the outfits.
and Anna I am pretty sure everyone loves a zootie
From that write up all you people took away was one line about a dingy.
Row, row, row your ….kayak
gently down the stream.
Merrily, merrily, merrily.
Life is but a dream.