saturday morning may be the last dry morning for a few days so make the most of it. storms are meant to roll in on saturday arvo which means that sunday may be wet again. look for the lone figure standing in the car park on sunday morning waiting for someone to ride with. remember, don’t look at the weather report to work out if you will ride, but rather look at it to work out what to wear while riding.
cycling documentary – we have been approached by a high school student who is studying media to see if she can use our group to make a short documentary on cycling. she will be out and about on saturday and will get some footage of our start as well as from points around the course. afterwards, at the coffeeshop she will do some interviews for those that are willing. also, if anyone has a bike mounted camera can they please get some footage for her (wonga, scott looking at you). so, best behaviour and all in nice shiny spr kit if possible please.
collie-donnybrook – another classic race next weekend. i will put up a post about this soon, but basically this is different to most races in perth as it is a handicap. this means that there is no “a” grade, “b” grade etc, but rather you get a handicap (i.e. minutes head start) over the normal “a” grade boys (at 0 minutes which is called scratch). you then work with your group to try not to get caught. this means that you all race the same course against each other for the prize money. the scratch riders do not always win, but it depends on the handicap that you get. it is often based on previous results and as such is only open to people with a full racing licence.
preston point road – we will be using this road again for now. after 90% of the vote on the blog was in favor of using the old course again. we used it on tues & thurs mornings and had no trouble. i think it will all depend on the traffic at the time. if anyone has any problems, please let me know.
ride routes – i thought after last weekend that you didn’t get enough of the perth foothills. only one climb this time with ridgehill instead of the 3 or 4 on holmes road.
saturday 13th august
ride starts under the narrows (cityside) at 5:30am
early lap – spr earlybird ride
all rides start at coode st carpark at 7:00am
development group – spr saturday 35.48km (novice shelley)
transitional 1 – spr saturday 39.81km (shelley & bannister)
fast, main 1, 2 & 3 – spr saturday 50.04km (hale & ridge hill)
sunday 14th august
ride starts under the narrows (cityside) at 5:30am
early lap – spr earlybird ride
all rides start at coode st carpark at 7:00am
short – spr sunday 61.14km (welshpool & weir rd) (follow long course out to welshpool)
long – spr sunday 101.86km (welshpool & mundaring & kalamunda)
Hopefully the Saturday earlybird won’t include the muppet in the white hyundai getz throwing 2L bottles of milk and cordial at the group like last Saturday.
lucky i’m planning on making the ride this sat.
Will make sure both cameras are charged and ready to go
Oh and Jordan if your mates are back they better smile for the camera
Milk & Cordial? That’s breakfast, isn’t it?
D’oh 1 – I dont get to ride this weekend
D’oh 2 – I dont get to be on camera and microphone this weekend
D’oh 3 – I have to work looking out of the window at the amazing Adelaide hills.
I hope you’re all shedding a tear of sympathy for me!
What’s the title of the documentary? S-L-O-W-I-N-G! …..and for the sake of SPRs reputation (if in case we have one) keep Fynnie and Lennie away from the post ride interviews.
anyone up for the double tomorrow…..?
jamie – I’ll be just happy to get out for a ride, so I doubt that a double is gonna happen..
I’ll be going out for a hills ride leaving from South Perth/Vic Park around 1:00 PM today (once the weather has cleared a bit hopefully). If anyone would like to tag along, leave a post or text me on 0417969762.