not very often that you get a second chance in life. maybe the paddle pop “lick a prize” or the mcdonalds “peel and win”. today the fast group gave me a second chance. i started the day with the earlybird and decided to still do the fast group. i predicted that i would last about 20 min and i was close. at about 25 min jono went to the front on a small rise after south st and i went out the back. i continued to ride on my own waiting for main 1 to sweep me up into its comfortable arms but it didn’t seem to happen. i pressed on and turned onto berrigan drive stuck in no-man’s land wondering if i should stop and wait.
just before i crossed over the freeway, i looked back and saw a group coming up the road. about time. the first rider to pass me has ryan and i had to double take. hang on, i am pretty sure he was with the fast group when we started. “we missed the turn” was the comment i heard as the group sped passed.
not wanting to give up my second chance, i quickly jumped on the back of the group and hung on for dear life. didn’t do a turn for the rest of the ride and sat mostly at the back of the pack. it is relatively flat for the run into home so all i needed to do is get over the small rises behind the back of jandakot. the new road surface on warton road with it’s double lane made for a good smooth riding surface and even nicholson road is almost complete now.
a nice fast pace was set all the way home and i thank the guys for dragging my sorry arse around. i ended up doing 1 small turn when coming across the causeway, but that pretty much blew my reserves and i was out the back when they started the run for the line.
the second chance was good for me, but the moral of the story is to make sure you know the ride routes. they are posted every thursday evening, so you all have lots of time to see where we need to go. you can actually download the course and upload it to your garmin if you feel the need. it is up to every rider to know where the ride is going so that accidents don’t happen in times of indecision.
Oh man I was too busy chewing my stem holding Mr Boltons wheel and I was on my TT bike… Didnt even register the turn.. maybe one day I will actually upload a route onto my garmin

Was a good hit out since I actually managed a whole ride from the start, since I start work in the city in 2 weeks hopefully I can do a few more