as was mentioned before, the state team time trial championships are come up on the 16th october.
this is where you ride a set course in a team of 4 men, 3 women or 2 juniors. there is also a masters section for the men, including a masters +50 age group.
now being a state championship, you do need to have a full racing licence, but being a team time trial, you do get to ride with people you know. you don’t have to have a fancy tt bike with sperm helmet to have a go and we will match you with others of like ability.
the flyer, map and registration can be found in these links.
put your name in the comments if you want to be involved. we hope to have a good showing of spr colours this year.
This was a really good event last year. SPR did well with a medal in masters. The team i was in broke the hour too from memory (memory may be questionable) which was cool. Do it.
I’m up for it! It was a great ride last year. Either Masters or open for me – depending who else wants to do it.
this is on my only free weekend in a gazillion weekends
SHOULD there be a team that DESPERATELY (and im talking desperate here guys, im riding a grand total of 60kms a week at the moment) needs someone to fill a gap then time trialling is my fav discipline… i could be… persuaded…
Would love to but I’ve only been on the bike once since Belgium, and i only get back from vietnam on yhe 8th, plus I think I’ll be away for work.
Got my first taste of a time trial today so count me in for this…:-)
yes please
We have a team of 3 for it 😉
count us in
Have TT bike, will travel.
I’m in. @breedy and I would be looking for workhorses 🙂
I’m keen!
I’m up for it, masters team i’d reckon, should be a bit of fun… (well the first 5k anyway..!!)
Count me in please.
Yep…we’ve got a team up! Cathi, Alison and I…whoo hoo!
Would love to be in on this but my CA licence for 2011 is non-racing.
I’m front end of Main 1 (normally)…..would be willing to pay the $ to upgrade my licence if there’s a team needing another rider.
I’m keen if anyone will have me… 🙂
If any old farts (50+) team needs a member I would be happy to get a lic and join in.
Yep we will be there under SPR-EHBS, but as per my picture on this I will hanging on the back of Uppers, Joe and Greg haha.
See you all there
You can count me in! 😀
I am in for the race, any team and love pain.
In process of jioning Cycling Australia and South Perth.
Come talk to me if putting team together (ride Cannondale six13)
Happy to come along and make up the numbers. looking for masters team going at c grade pace.
John Phillips: Count me in for the TTT (the 50+ Masters section if there are any other grumpy old men who want to go for it)
Willing to have a go-tick
CA Licence(couple of C grade races)-tick
Masters under 50-tick
TT bike-cross
Sperm suit-cross
Yes – count me in.
CA License (masters <50)
No TT bike or sperm helmet.
teams so far.
there are a couple of masters racing open.
we didn’t get enough +50 for a full team, so i have split based on talent.
Open Team 01
1 Peter Mah
2 Mark Hindley
3 Carlos De Oliveira
4 Cade Zulsdorf
Open Team 02
1 Jordan Brock
2 Jamie Byrne
3 John Breed
4 Luke Ellis
Masters Team 01
1 Matthew Seale
2 Stuart Gee
3 Dale Groves
4 Simon Millichip
Masters Team 02
1 Andrew Ballam
2 John Phillips
3 Colin Jenner
4 Ian Morris
What’s the go with registration, Peter? Do we each have to do it individually and nominate the team we are riding in, or is it done as a collective?
I can be a reserve in case anyone pulls out.
John, you can have my place, my hamstring is not in a good way, so it’s probably not a good idea for me to be racing! Should be the right group for you anyway! Cheers,
Riding the TT bike this weekend, will see how I go, may be tempted for next weekend.
need to know really soon ryan. and you will also need to find 2 more people to form another team.
I will poach some of yours 😉 Ok, will see how I feel come Monday, then try convince others to play with me.
I’m in…but not on Ryan’s team…where are you Paul O????
Why will you not play with me Rob? I know you have hidden powers as you stole KOM from me on Majestic parade. Tut..
Cheers Peter, look forward to racing next weekend. Am I able to borrow a medium jersey off someone or should I wear a generic jersey?
I don’t want to play with you Ryan because I am attached to all my internal organs and their current position within my body. I fear some may be left on the road should I be required to make efforts required to stay near your wheel. And KOM on Majestic is wrong; iPhone app is VERY unreliable!
I’m keen to give this a go – sounds like a good event. I usually ride main1/fast
Riding the TT bike for a good 80km tomorrow, if you want someone to be part of a team and you’re willing to take me in the form I am (which, if this morning was anything to go by, was damn good, but no guarantees that lasts more than a week…), give me a buzz – 0439252803
Northside Nick with the two chicks, damn good sounds good. You are in and dedicated workhorse for the old boys (and Jonno). PRex Pete, another open team is:
1. Jonno B
2. Nick M
3. Jerard G
4. Ryan F
I did not have to poach anyfrom you’re other teams
here’s how the teams are looking so far.
i have a couple of maybe’s in there so we need to confirm.
at the moment, if i get 1 more person , i really need 4 as the teams are full.
registration details will be emailed out to the team captains (rider #1) as they need to register everyone’s details and pay for it all.
let me know if there is a problem
Open Team 01 Licence #
1 Jonathan Bolton 165725
2 Nicholas Mattock 156907
3 Jerard Ghossein 152756
4 Ryan Fynn 150602
Open Team 02
1 Carlos De Oliveira 168109
2 Cade Zulsdorf N/A
3 Jamie Byrne 166778
4 Luke Ellis 173039
Open Team 03
1 Jordan Brock 164821
2 John Breed 167588
3 Dan Jacobs N/A
4 Shane Gorman 158221
Masters Team 01
1 Peter Mah 137607
2 John Gilbertson 157905
3 Stuart Gee 136316
4 Rob Ramsden 158750
Masters Team 02
1 Matthew Seale 138143
2 Ben Madsen N/A
3 Dale Groves 146656
4 Simon Millichip 169337
Masters Team 03
1 Andrew Ballam 168475
2 John Phillips 137619
3 Colin Jenner 166317
4 Ian Morris 173397
Open Women 01
1 Lisa Wood 154423
2 Dianne McAuliffe 152036
Open Women 02
1 Alison Ramm N/A
2 Cathi Dixon N/A
3 Amanda Nabi N/A
SPR Open 3 registered!
SPR open 1 registered!!
SPR Masters Team 2 registered.
Thanks Jonno.. No getting out of it now for me.. Do’oh…
SPR Masters Team 03 locked and loaded! (and registered too!)
whos the other 3 that you need the fourth for pete. I could do it- not that fit atm though. I was meant to be away but looks like things have changed and I’m here. Let me know and I’ll let you know
SPR Open 2 Registered
Thanks Carlos….nice team name too… 🙂
My god… what have I done?!?!
Thank the heavens you only need 3 people to finish, Flying Fynn, Jonno Bolton and Jerard are gonna be pulling some big turns!
SPR Master’s 01 is now registered.
Damn, I hoped you might have forgotten.
Nic, now weget to see if you push your pedals as well as you talk the talk;)
Wouldn’t say too much, Ryan. Once he’s finished his WACE exams/Head boy thing, he’ll be ripping it up as a shiftless Uni student with plenty of time on his hands for training.
^Thanks Mike 😀
If I don’t get my medicine spot then I’m having a gap year as well, THAT’S when you’d wanna watch out 😉
Just let us know in advance which group rides NOT to go in.
Hope the UMAT went well and good luck for your exams. I’m marking Literature, not English, so no need to be nice.
The open women seconds are also registered…
I have pulled out of tt this sunday and have a replacement but know looking for one more as Jamie has pulled out because of flu need someone to cover him who ride main 1/fast group with license cheers…:-)
Results – http://www.pdcc.asn.au/State%20TTT%202012%20Final%20Results.pdf