our big bike race for the year is coming up on saturday the 5th nov and we desperately need volunteers to make this event successful. josh has done lots of work behind the scenes to set this up and we have sponsorship money from the city of armadale so we can afford proper traffic management. the day, however, comes down to us as a club to run the event. we need a number of volunteers for various parts of the day from basic setup work through to driving the lead car during the event.
so we need the following bodies –
- 7 setup labourers
- 3 registration desk attendants
- 3 line judges
- 2 lap counters
- a chaperone rider for the U13 race
- mechanic in the spares vehicle (just wheel changes)
we also need the following things –
- 3 lead vehicles – if anyone has a business out there that has a sponsored car and would like to drive it around the course on a saturday morning, let me know.
- 1 spares ute – follow the “a” grade race with spare wheels in the back
now this gets us to the basic minimum to run the race. what i am looking at is a few more things that make it a bit better than a standard race.
- bbq cook and refreshments attendant
- anyone with a business that wants to donate some prizes and we can promote your company
- podium girls (yes i am serious)
if you think you can help out on the day please out your name in the comments below and let us know what you can do/provide and for how long. as a club, we have an opportunity to make a big impression in how we run these events, so i am looking at others in the club to help out as much as possible. if you have never raced before, then this is a good opportunity to see how it all works before dipping your toe in the water.
Happy to help with setup and whatever else while I’m waiting for the C grade race to start.
Same for me..
I’ve signed up for the B grade race. But anything before or after I should be able to help…
Am I pretty enough to be a podium girl?
If not, happy to help setup before c grade.
Only if you shave your legs…..oh wait
Ive got something on later that day but more than happy to turn up first thing and help out setting up.. so count me in.
Happy to help out where needed. Will be racing C Grade. I have also touched base with David from @thesufferfest and he is eager to sponsor the fourth place getters with The Sufferfest training videos. Let me know how many categories and I will get it sorted out.
Will be there to help out wherever needed, but only if Toby shows his guns again. Not racing so can cover later jobs (excluding cross dressing).
Happy to put my name down for registration attendant or refreshment attendant or BBQ attendant….. but not podium attendant! Will need a little time out though to do some laps with the women.
Racing in B grade but put me on to help out before and after…:-)
Carlos, you’re a trooper…
I should be able to offer a NetPlus van (Hyundai iLoad) to drive around. What time & where?
Seb will entering in the U13 for SPR (no kit unfortunately) so happy to assist with the chaperone task.
Maybe we need > 1 doing this?
It can get a bit fragmented…
Happy to help out till about 12.30 (have commitments after that). I have never helped out at a cycling event before but have heaps of experience with Rally Australia and other motorsport events and plenty of experience timing/judging equestrian events
ill be racing but im happy to get there early and help setup 😀
Hi Pete, Happy to help out where needed.
Happy to help out where needed, in between racing of course :-).
Same for me. Let me know what you need. Prob race C grade. B grade if I can get fit by next month.
Very happy to do my bit…
I plan to ‘race’ in C grade so if you could work around that it would be good 🙂
Pete – happy to help, will likely race in C grade as well
I am happy to help out as I will be racing the C grade race 🙂
can help
I am available for any jobs, will possibly race as well.
Happy to help as needed
Like I said, I can provide a van, but Nathan is talking me into racing C Grade, so will need someone over 26 YO & manual licensed to drive it during the C Grade.
Also, I have no idea what the is required of the van, so I hope instructions will be given out.
You have that right Nathan is MAKING you register. Breaking your bike is no excuse
I can help out if still you guys still need volunteers, happy to do any of the tasks, just point me in the right direction.
will be in the master race but happy to help afterwards, perhaps tag with shaw on the van duties?
I’m gutted that im going to be away for this. So many people giving it a go, it’s great. Good luck to everyone, i look forward to the write up.
I can help on registration table… We also have a ute that I can drive but a bit rubbish with wheel changes so would need help there 🙂
Des is racing, so I’m happy to help out on the registration desk.
just paid my money. racing in C grade. happy to help where i can before & after.
happy to help setup, bbq or any job that you want filled.
entered for c grade. can assist wherever needed, though post ride duties preferred.
Put me down for ‘almost’ anything that hasn’t been taken care of.
Only point to note is I am on call this weekend so don’t make it something too important in case I have to dash.
Let me know how I can help.