Over the last year, there’s been a noticeable increase in the number of ladies riding in the faster groups, and regularly participating in races…
With the increased numbers, there’s been discussion about organising assistance for building an increased understanding of things like:
– Building a training plan
– Understanding the build and recovery periods
– How to peak for a specific event
– The benefits of using a power meter or heart rate monitor
– Reviewing training & race data to understand what to work on
– Nutrition (pre & post ride)
– Bike fit
– Making it all fit in a 9-5 (usually 8-6) working life.
After discussion with some of the more active (vocal!) ladies, Tom Barratt has offered to pass on some of the things he’s learnt in the last 10-years of racing & time-trialling.
Tom has offered to provide specific training advice, with regular assistance for reviewing and adjusting a training plan, for approx 10 SPR ladies. They will need to be active SPR members.
He’s also offered to provide more generic advice for anyone interested, with links to articles/books worth reading, and some of the basics for understanding the training/recovery cycle.
The advice is free, so if you’re interested, drop your name in the comments section or get in touch with Tom on Saturday morning’s at Dome, or via email to tom@lifeafter5.com
I thought spin was a good guise.. But a ladies coach.. Dammit.. Back to the drawing board…
Tom, you need an assistant?
I am good at… Uumm… Eeerm… Uum..
Tena salesman?!
Keen to learn more about understanding the basics from the likes of Tom.
yep, if he could give me some tips on how to avoid being overtaken by every friggin’ rider in kings park (including older ladies on very meaty looking hybrid numbers) it’d be much appreciated ;0)
Put my name down please! All and any advice is very very welcome!! 🙂