who is it that influenced you to ride a bike? was it a family member that you always saw riding when you were growing up, or did you start riding later in life and noticed some friends or work mates spending time in the saddle? for me it was a school mate that got me into riding. pre-helmet rules, pre-lycra style and heavy steel bikes. no group rides, just a couple of us heading out for hours on end, or touring between towns. the longest was a 200km trek between bendigo and halls gap which took us 10 hours and included 8 hours of rain. looking back on it we had no idea what we were doing. bags were just 2 backpacks slung over a carrier and nutrition involved pies from local bakeries. definitely a simpler time.
ride leader sponsor – this months ride leader sponsor is Chaotic Energy. owner, Teneal Attard is an active member of the club and is proud to be supporting the upcoming Renae’s Race, the premier race for women in WA. what is Chaotic Energy? they are a gym with a difference – an inclusive, stress free and supportive community, committed to achieving physical and emotional optimisation. see the previous post for more details and links.
annual general meeting – The South Perth Cycle Club Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held on Saturday 21 March 2020 at 9am. This will be held at Dome Westralia Plaza (5/167 St Georges Terrace, Perth) following the usual Saturday ride. Each year at the AGM all office holder and general committee positions are declared vacant. In order to keep the club moving forward and meet the needs of all, it is important that the SPR committee is representative of our broad membership.
Initial indications are that the club will need at least 1 new committee member for 2020. Please see the previous post for more info.
SPR SuperVan and Tent City at The Ring Subiaco – These things don’t happen by themselves. We are seeking some volunteers to arrive at 11:00am and 17:30pm this Sunday to the corner of Rokeby and Baker Rds to assist in setting up and packing down the SPR tents for The Ring Subiaco this weekend. If you race, intend to race, like to watch (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tyOqd6RN9eU) or happen be an SPR member then volunteer to come along and help. If you intend to nominate for SPR’s at Tour of Margaret River squads this year, volunteer, as this will count towards the mandatory vollie appearance! Email race@spr to volunteer. Otherwise, come along and watch and cheer and ring cowbells like some crazy bugger that could have bought all the toilet paper. See you there.
new spr kit design – as outlined in the previous post, the design for the new spr kit has been finalised. the kit committee has been working closely with Mayeur to come up with a design that encompasses the clubs main elements whilst presented within an understated style. next steps will be a social event/sizing party to ensure that people order exactly what they need.
mercantile lane closure – some of you may remember that the pedestrian bridge over mercantile lane fell down last year. this is the back lane that we take to get from mounts bay rd to st georges terrace. as of 20th dec it will be closed again to facilitate the rebuilding of that foot bridge. no idea how long it will be down for, so you will need to take the next road (william st) to hook back around to the cafe after the ride.
sunday start locations – as numbers increase over summer, we are looking at how we can manage the groups on a sunday morning. as such we are implementing a start location system to give us an idea of how big the groups are. we can then split them before they leave the carpark to ensure that the groups are a safe size on the road. see the previous blog post about where to meet and the new start time.
saturday start locations – we have revamped the group start locations on saturday morning. please have a look at the map so you know where your group will congregate. this makes it easier for ride leaders to give you a briefing before the ride starts. see the previous post for more details.
spr juniors – juniors, juniors, juniors. numbers have been a bit sporadic for juniors since the new year. hopefully we can get numbers back up to a sustainable level so that it doesn’t rely on only a few people to make it happen. while the weather is nice, get the kids out and get them active.
from the ride coordinator – Was so inspired by last week’s Perth Festival finale tribute to Bon Scott that I’ve got all nostalgic in this week’s choice of ride route for our main ride. For those riding this week, bring out your best Acca Dacca Lycra (black will do it) and rock your own Highway to Hell on the Freo Canningvale route !
On another note, good luck to all those SPR riders participating in the Peaks Challenge, Perth to Buso and Subiaco Crits events this weekend.
saturday 7th march
ride starts under the narrows (cityside) at 5:30am
early lap – earlybird 40.93km spr special
all rides start at coode st carpark at 7:00am
juniors – kings park juniors 23.72km spr saturday
development group – novice shelley 36.06km spr saturday
transitional 1/2 – trans canning vale 42.34km spr saturday
fast/main – freo & canning vale 52.11km spr saturday
sunday 8th march
rides start at coode st carpark at 7:00am
note: sunday rides now start at 7:00am from mar to oct
development group – coffee ride
short – grnmt goose 65.22km spr sunday
long – grnmt prk mnd wr 93.71km spr sunday
monday 9th march
ride starts under the narrows (sth perth side) at 5:30am
south stock 33.76km spr monday
tuesday 10th march
ride starts under the narrows (cityside) at 5:30am
spr tuesday 36.37km (river ride)
wednesday 11th march
ride starts raffles bike path at 5:30am
interval training – stock road repeats
thursday 12th march
ride starts under the narrows (cityside) at 5:30am
see previous post for ride groups
spr thursday 37.26km (cott & freo)
ride starts frasers ave at 5:45am
development group – interval training kings park
friday 13th march
ride starts under the narrows (sth perth side) at 5:30am