For those that joined us last Sunday for the Water Tower Challenge, thank you. For many, it was an opportunity to get out on a longer ride they have attempted before. If not the longest. With support and excellent company on the journey. And it turned out to be pretty much the perfect day in terms of weather.
With two options – the Imperial (170km and 1,800m of climbing) and the Metric tonne (103km and 1,300m of climbing) – there was something for everyone.
Thank you to Steve Burns and our volunteers on the day for making it a wonderful event.

SPR Team Time Trial – This year we have changed location of the team time trial to the Shire of Jarrahdale, on a course similar to Stage One for the Tour of Margaret River.
The Perth Dauphane to the TOMR.
Teams of 6 riders (minimum 4 riders) and the 4th rider will stop the clock. Teams will be released on regular intervals of between 1 and 2 minutes.
It is a great warm-up for the Tour of Margaret River to train your team skills.
See all the details and enter here: https://entryboss.cc/races/7947
From the Ride Coordinator – This long weekend SPR has a plethora of ride options for you to consider across all 3 days – both off road and on road !!
Off road I hear you ask? Well yes we cater for that with our regular Sunday monthly gravel ride scheduled up for this Sunday. And by the look of the weather forecast, this Sunday is looking “wet wet wet”. You too can feel the mud in your fingers and possibly in your toes too. For the children who never grew up – this ride is for you! Come join us at 7.30am opposite the Darlington Post Office for some wet weather fun.
But before we get to Sunday, we have the return of those “beasterlies” starting again this weekend, so we will schedule one of our favourites to finish with that wind behind us – Benara Rd! Other than the wind, Saturday is looking like it’s going to be a cracker.
And finally, if you haven’t had enough of the wind, the rain and the mud and you’ve got something left for the public holiday, then there is always the public holiday ride to try. Let’s hope we get enough of a clear window in the weather on Monday so we don’t get wet. If we do, it may be the last dry weather ride for a few days thereafter.
Whatever cycling that you do, please be safe and look after your fellow riders.
Saturday 25th September
- Ride starts under the Narrows (cityside) at 5:30am
- Early lap – earlybird 40.93km spr special
- Hills ride starts at Coode st carpark at 6:30am
- Short Hills – <not this week>
- All rides start at Coode St carpark at 7:00am
- Development group – novice shelley 36.06km spr saturday
- Transitional 1/2 – trans benara 39.90km spr saturday
- Fast, Main – benara rd 50.76km spr saturday
Sunday 26th September
- Rides start at Coode st carpark at 7:00am
- Development group – coffee ride
- Short Hills – Social – kal goose 67.63km spr sunday
- Short – kal goose 67.63km spr sunday
- Long – kal obs goose 97.40km spr sunday
- Ride start at car park opposite the Darlington Post Office at 7:30am
- [NEW] Gravel – Heritage and Chidlow spr gravel
Monday 27th September
- Ride starts under the Narrows (Sth Perth side) at 5:30am
- All rides start at Coode St carpark at 7:00am
- Fast, Main – public hol 57.62km spr special
Tuesday 28th September
- Ride starts under the Narrows (cityside) at 5:30am
- Ride starts Frasers ave at 5:45am
- Development group – interval training kings park
Wednesday 29th September
- Ride starts Raffles bike path at 5:30am
- Interval training – stock road repeats
Thursday 30th September
- Ride starts under the Narrows (cityside) at 5:30am
- Ride starts Frasers ave at 5:45am
- Development group – interval training kings park
Friday 1st October
- Ride starts under the Narrows (Sth Perth side) at 5:30am