After a fabulous cycling weekend in 2022 with a great mix of riding and multiple social events who would want to miss out on the Tour of Gracetown (TdG) on Saturday 28 October this year.
There are three distances: 107km; 85km or 65km and all cost the same to register; the $100 fee finishes 31 January rising to $125 so don’t wait. To register for the longer distance join the SPR team 1 or 2; for the middle 85km distance select SPR_Medio.
The TdG is a great opportunity for those wanting a well organised but challenging ride of 107km with 970m of climbing. For those newer to cycling there is time to work towards this event over the year. It is also a wonderful weekend away with fellow cyclists and partners who are encouraged to come along. There is a recovery ride on the Sunday after the event with coffee at the Berry Farm – the photo from the start of the 2022 ride is below.
Accommodation for the event is in Margaret River, an easy walk to town which you can book via the SPR shop; $75 per person in a twin share room for three nights or $150 for a double room.
Contact Carol via comdev@southperthrouleurs.com.au if you have any queries.

Racing this weekend – If you want to race, or get in on the action watching others race, read on.
1. NBCC Splendid Park Criterium
From the Ride Coordinator — Last weekend saw the first of the Dams training rides, where we invited non members who were training for the upcoming Dams events to join our structured hills rides. Take-up was good, and we’ve had some great feedback on how we can improve the format. We’re processing that and will give details of the changes in next week’s blog.
The wind should be Easterly again on Saturday, so let’s have some fun on Benara Rd which we haven’t done for 5 months.
Sunday’s short hills ride (Darlington Zigzag) has changed from the way we used to do it, to improve safety on the descent. We now go up Victor, and down Coulston, instead of the other way around. We still do the U-turn on Darligton.
Enjoy, and look out for each other.
Saturday 28th January
- Ride starts under the Narrows (cityside) at 5:30am
- Early lap – earlybird 40.93km spr special
- All rides start at Coode St carpark at 7:00am
- Development group – novice shelley 36.06km spr saturday
- Transitional 1/2 – Trans Shelley 40.59km SPR Saturday
- Fast, Main – Benara Rd 50.76km SPR Saturday
- SPR Zwift – <not this week>
Sunday 29th January
- Rides start at Coode St carpark at 6:00am (
- Short – Victor Darl Zigzag 66.3km SPR Sunday
- Long – Darlington Richardson Weir 89.01km SPR Sunday
- Rides start at Coode st carpark at 6:00am (
- Development group – coffee ride
- Short Hills (Social) – Victor Darl Zigzag 66.3km SPR Sunday
Monday 30th January
- Ride starts under the Narrows (Sth Perth side) at 5:30am
Tuesday 31st January
- Ride starts under the Narrows (city side) at 5:30am
- Ride starts Frasers ave at 5:45am
- Development group – interval training kings park
Wednesday 1st February
- Ride starts Raffles bike path at 5:30am
- Interval training – stock road repeats
- Rides start at Coode St carpark at 10:00am
- Midweek Transitional – <returns March 2023>
Thursday 2nd February
- Ride starts under the Narrows (city side) at 5:30am
- Ride starts Frasers ave at 5:45am
- Development group – interval training kings park
Friday 3rd February
- Ride starts under the Narrows (Sth Perth side) at 5:30am