Ride Routes 3rd – 9th August

A reminder that there are some great opportunities coming up in terms of events.

If you’re keen to race, in addition to the weekly Masters racing there is the WA Cyclocross championships this weekend as well as the 99th Collie to Donnybrook Return road race coming up later this month. Details below and reach out to race@southperthrouleurs.com.au if you’re interested.

For those keen to get some out and ride some different roads than our usual metro rides, look no further than the WestCycle Canola Classic coming up 18th August. Again, get in touch with comdev@southperthrouleurs.com.au if you have questions or want to find out who else from SPR is involved.

There should be good weather this weekend, so our Saturday and Sunday rides should be very pleasant!

See you out on the bike.


Racing this weekend – If you want to race, or get in on the action watching others race, read on.

1. PDCC Peel Enduro 2024

2. WCMCC Neerubup Road Road – Race 3 of 3 Winter Race Tour

3. 2024 AusCycling WA Cyclocross Championships

4. CCC 99th Collie to Donnybrook & Return Cycling Classic (17/Aug)

SPR Van will be onsite for the 99th (100 next year!) Collie to Donnybrook.

Juniors Ride — This Saturday offers us promising weather for a morning ride. We will meet at 10:30 AM in Shelley at our usual meeting spot: https://maps.app.goo.gl/EqqgtLwv5CKEWWuc6.

Our focus will be on bunch riding skill practice. 

From the Ride Coordinator — It’s the start of the month so it is “Step Up Saturday!”

For this occasion we thought one of the flatter ride routes would be appropriate. According to Mainroads the roadworks on William St, at the railway crossing, are no longer an issue, so we’re going with Canning Vale & Welshpool for the Fast & Main rides. The last time we rode this was in October 2023. Please remember that there is a tricky lane change when turning right from Nicholson Rd onto Albany Hwy. You will need to keep an eye out on Nicholson Rd once you have gone through the lights at the T-junction with Spencer Rd & crossed the bridge.

Take this opportunity to see where your riding is at and STEP UP and have a go at riding with that next group above your usual Saturday ride.

No ride leader is scheduled for Transitional or Development this week. However your M4 ride leader will be flexible and run the best ride for the riders who turns up.

Please note, the development group currently runs 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month.

IMPORTANT: We have changed the start time of our Sunday Hills rides back to our winter time of 7am. Take note 🥶

Saturday 3rd August

Sunday 4th August

Monday 5th August

Tuesday 6th August

Wednesday 7th August

Thursday 8th August

Friday 9th August