Ride Routes 10 – 16th August

This comes as well-wishes combined with an apology. With all the riding and racing opportunities coming at the moment, I forgot to mention the Backroads Gravel 2024.

The mention is a little late if you didn’t already know about then event, but sending love to all the SPR members riding this weekend. And looking forward to some great photos 🙂

There is however still time to get involved in the 99th Collie to Donnybrook Return and the WestCycle Canola Classic.

See you out on the bike.


Racing this weekend – If you want to race, or get in on the action watching others race, read on.

1. Backroads Gravel 2024

2. WCMCC Herne Hill Race 2 – Winter Season 2024

3. CCC 99th Collie to Donnybrook & Return Cycling Classic (17/Aug)

SPR Van will be onsite for the 99th (100 next year!) Collie to Donnybrook.

Juniors Ride — There will be no junior ride on Saturday. Some of our juniors will participate in the Backroads gravel event in Nabawa near Geraldton.

From the Ride Coordinator — We’ve had a positive response to last Saturday’s “Step Up Saturday”. The next one is the 7th September so put it in your diary!

How good has the Olympic cycling been so far? Definitely worth watching it on catchup.

This week’s ride route is Ridgehill. We haven’t ridden this for a while. Please be aware that part of Helena Valley Rd is currently one way due to drainage works being carried out (expected completion date is December). SPR has an infamous tradition of having some groups go the wrong way around! Don’t go the wrong way! Otherwise you have to go around the roundabout and back up Ridgehill!

No ride leader is scheduled for Development this week.

Please note, the development group currently runs 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month.

IMPORTANT: We have changed the start time of our Sunday Hills rides back to our winter time of 7am. Take note 🥶

Saturday 10th August

Sunday 11th August

Monday 12th August

Tuesday 13th August

Wednesday 14th August

Thursday 15th August

Friday 16th August

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