Announcement of South Perth Cycle Club Annual General Meeting for 2025
The South Perth Cycle Club Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held on Saturday 22nd March 2025 at 9:00am. The AGM will take place at DOME Westralia Plaza (5/167 St Georges Terrace, Perth) following the usual Saturday ride.
Each year at the AGM, all office holder and general committee positions are declared vacant. In order to keep the club moving forward and meet the needs of all our members, it is important that the SPR committee is representative of our broad membership.
For this reason, we ask all to consider joining the committee, regardless of how often you ride or how long you have been a member of SPR.
Positions on the committee include:
Race committee representative
Ride Coordinator committee representative
Women’s Interest committee representative
Kit committee representative
Juniors committee representative
Community Development committee representative
Development and Training and representative
Membership representative
Communications representative
General committee members
There is also an opportunity to assist the club on the following sub-committees, and new volunteers are always welcome:
Race sub-committee
Kit sub-committee
Community sub-committee
Women’s interests sub-committee
Development and Training sub-committee
Juniors sub-committee
With the exception of the office holder positions, President, Vice-President, Treasurer and Secretary, all nominations are as a general committee member and all other roles are agreed/assigned by the committee at the first meeting after the AGM.
If you are interested in joining (or continuing on) the main committee or one of the sub-committees, please nominate via email to
Please note that to be a committee member or to vote at the AGM you must be a current financial member.
Nominations close Friday, 14 March 2025 midnight.
After the success of online voting from previous years, online voting will be used for our Committee election, with the results being declared at the AGM. Voting will commence on Saturday15 March 2025 and conclude on Friday 21 March 2025. All members eligible to vote will receive an email at the beginning of the voting period to advise them on how to place their votes.
There are now two rides out of Margaret River on the weekend of 12/13 October 2024; the TdGracetown on Saturday and the TdCowaramup on Sunday. Of course, you can do both rides for those who want a greater challenge or training for the TOMR. Both have a similar format: start/finish from the same location each being a winery, multiple distances/climbs and funds going to support local communities and charities.
There is still some accommodation available in Margaret River through SPR for 3 nights; in Friday out Monday, shorter stay if preferred for the same discounted price. Please contact Carol or Danielle via to put in a request.
Register via these links: Sunday TdCowaramup; most SPR members are registering with this event, organised by Perth Integrated Health; note fee increase on 1 October. Saturday TdGracetown, a co-organiser of last years event with the same name. We recommend that you choose the one that best suites you.
Cheers, Carol
SPR Chicks Catchup — There is informal catch up this Sunday, mainly for those interested on being on the SPR Chicks Subcommittee, but also for those who are keen to chat about what we can do to make it more fun for the women in the club going forward.
Juniors Ride —Huge congratulations to Claudia, Francois, and Morne for completing the 46 km gravel ride in Ballidu last Saturday in the U13 category! An impressive achievement!
For those not racing at the X-Speed junior rally (, there will be a junior ride session this Saturday starting in Shelley.
From the Ride Coordinator — Communication is the key to a safe and successful group ride. When you are the rider at the front, you must call out all hazards(e.g. parked car, potholes) and indicate route directions, and following riders must pass it back down the group. Calls from the back of the group must also be passed to the front of the group. Remember that it can be even more difficult to hear in windy conditions.
Please note, the development group currently runs 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month.
Saturday 28th September
Ride starts under the Narrows (cityside) at 5:30am
[ Great write-up by Carol this week regarding Canteen. Huge congrats to Mark De Castro, Steve Burns, Jarred Anderson and the SPR teams for the great results at the PDCC Harvey Teams Series #2 and Dave Hind for the win at the WA Cyclocross Numbat Cup Round 4. Daniel ]
Thank you Canteen 💚 — The Canteen committee has decided to stop offering the 3-day on road Perth to Busselton ride after 25 years. This event has raised millions of dollars to help kids cope with cancer and has been such a fabulous event for all level of cyclists. SPR is very grateful to have had the opportunity to participate for many years. Our thanks go to the organisers who offered so much of their time and the companies who sponsored the event year-in year-out that allowed our cyclists to participate in a unique, special and collegial experience.
So this is recognition and a huge thank you to those who dedicate their time to make our cycling experiences happen. We should never take it for granted. Canteen was special – no one could commit as much time as their volunteers have over 25 years or provide year on year sponsorship. However, you too can volunteer or sponsor an event – the tour of Margaret River is one of those opportunities, or just participate – it makes the commitment of the volunteers and sponsors feel worthwhile.
Cycling events also only work when there is an early and sufficient uptake to participate. The cessation of Canteen is a reminder to embrace what is offered at that time – it might not be offered again. One of these events is the French Alps with three places still available – this unique offering is not likely to run again.
Our enjoyment of cycling is so dependent on volunteers and sponsors – grab what is offered!
Call for Sponsors — SPR Tour of Margaret River 2024. The Tour of Margaret River three day cycling event has been a key success of the South Perth Rouleurs through the Clubs commitment to providing a well organised, safe and social ride experience. The hard work and dedication of each and every cyclist in the months leading up to the event and its race volunteers ensure a quality experience for all.
SPR Tour de France Dinner 2024 — This year is the first time the Tour de France will not finish in, or near Paris since its inception owing to preparations for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games; starting in Florence 29th June and finishing in Nice on 21st July.
To celebrate the event in style, you and your family are invited to come along to Chez Pierre in Nedlands on Tuesday 9th July; tickets and details here.
SPR Ride Leader Program Call for Expressions of Interest — SPR’s training rides set us apart as a cycling Club; we have a large range of group ride on weekends, covering all skills and abilities, with a broad range of opportunities for people to cycle in a group every day during the week. Since its inception in 2009, a key feature of the feedback the Club receives is the value delivered by our organised and regular training rides. A key part of running these training rides is our ride leadership programme. Consistent, trained and visible ride leaders results in safer, more enjoyable ride experiences for everyone.
To this end, the Club developed a ride leader development program, with the objectives of:
Developing SPR ride leaders’ knowledge and skills of both ride leadership and core cycling skills
Building the confidence of ride leaders to ensure ride consistency and enhanced decision making during group rides
Growing the pool of capable, confident ride leaders
We are now seeking Expressions of Interest from SPR members who would like to be part of our next public Ride Leader Development Program.
If interested, please submit your EOI via this form:
There is space for questions as part of the EOI, but if you have any questions about the Ride Leader Program before submitting your EOI, please send them through to and we will get back to you ASAP.
SPR French Alps Trip 2024 — The French Alps are calling cyclists – don’t miss out, only a few spots left!! 💚
The itinerary, quality hotels, fully equipped support vehicles provided throughout the trip is truly remarkable for a very affordable price. Thirteen Main 2 riders have already signed up for the SPR French Alps cycle trip with Christophe so don’t miss out – itinerary attached.
The 16-day trip starting in Geneva 31 August takes you through the iconic French Alps for ~ 700km to Nice. Full itinerary here. If you are interested, please put in an expression of interest via this link. You can also get in touch via email if you have any questions —
SPR is arranging this tour to support a collegial cycling experience in Europe with familiar likeminded colleagues.
Racing this weekend – If you want to race, or get in on the action watching others race, read on.
Some great results from the weekend just gone (see here, here and here). Keep an eye our for a full SPR write-up soon!
Juniors Ride — Please check your email tomorrow for confirmation regarding our Juniors Ride this weekend. Or reach out via email on or
From the Ride Coordinator — Hard to believe at the moment but it looks like our weekend will be dry giving us 2 days of riding. Enjoy!
Our ride route committee got together this week and had a look at creating some new variations of our Saturday routes and Sunday Short Hills routes. Hopefully we can start including them in the route roster over the next few months.
Please note, there is no ride leader scheduled for development this weekend.
IMPORTANT: We have changed the start time of our Sunday Hills rides back to our winter time of 7am. Take note 🥶
Saturday 29th June
Ride starts under the Narrows (cityside) at 5:30am
The South Perth Rouleurs Cycling Club is committed to its’ shared values, Safe, Social, Organised and Inclusive through important decisions and ongoing activities. In support of these values, in particular Inclusive and Safe, SPR is very pleased to welcome tandem cyclists from WATCAC to a monthly Saturday transition ride. WA Tandem Cycling Advisory Council (WATCAC) are a tandem cycling group of visioned and blind or vision impaired cyclists who wish to bring their current group rides into mainstream cycling; they currently have separate monthly group rides.
The pilots (lead rider) and the stoker (second rider, vision impaired) have extensive experience, some riding together for 20 years. Tandems from WATCAC have participated for many years in the on-road Canteen ride from Perth to Busselton, rolling through with the regular cyclists and other events such as MSWA. We look forward to welcoming some of these cyclists on Saturday 15 July at Coode St car park.
To learn more about tandem riding in WA please visit
U11 Juniors Ride — Tour de France will start on the 1st of July and the best way to celebrate it is to go out for a nice ride! The weather forecast looks great although it is going to be a bit cold.
In this occasion I planned to catch up a little bit later at 11 am in order to get the benefit of the warmer hours. We will meet at the Kuljak Island. You can find the exact google coordinates at this link. Please note that there is a car park, so you can reach the place by driving.
The island is fantastic because it is completely closed to the traffic and we can ride around it without any problem. The full loop is ~1.6 km.
The plan is to do 4 or 5 laps to warm up and then play some games:
The Tour de France is arguably the most famous epic road race so come along to celebrate the event in style at Chez Pierre in Nedlands on Tuesday 11 July.
This event has always been an excellent night with Chez Pierre putting on amazing food. It is after all something for which the French are renowned. Bring your own wine to make it an extra special night as corkage is included in the price. See menu.
From the Ride Coordinator — At last we have a great weekend for riding – albeit on the cool side. Saturday takes Main and Transitional groups to Abernathy Rd, which should give everyone a friendly tail wind all the way home. If you didn’t know, we try and select our main routes for Saturday so that the home run is down wind.
It’s not always possible, as Easterly winds prevail in the morning for most of the year, and we have some excellent routes coming back via Dalkeith and Mounts Bay Rd – so its a balancing act. On Sunday both long and short hills rides start with the Zig-Zag. Long hills goes up the “Chookenberg”. It’s a beast of a short climb with over 20% gradient, but there is a detour if you’re not up to that. You can continue up Lawnbrook and meet the group about 1km up the road at the intersection of Palmateer Rd. Whichever you choose, stay safe and enjoy the nippy sunny conditions.
And do read about our recently introduced U11 Juniors ride – see all the details above.
Saturday 1st July
Ride starts under the Narrows (cityside) at 5:30am
After a fabulous cycling weekend in 2022 with a great mix of riding and multiple social events who would want to miss out on the Tour of Gracetown (TdG) on Saturday 28 October this year.
There are three distances: 107km; 85km or 65km and all cost the same to register; the $100 fee finishes 31 January rising to $125 so don’t wait. To register for the longer distance join the SPR team 1 or 2; for the middle 85km distance select SPR_Medio.
The TdG is a great opportunity for those wanting a well organised but challenging ride of 107km with 970m of climbing. For those newer to cycling there is time to work towards this event over the year. It is also a wonderful weekend away with fellow cyclists and partners who are encouraged to come along. There is a recovery ride on the Sunday after the event with coffee at the Berry Farm – the photo from the start of the 2022 ride is below.
Accommodation for the event is in Margaret River, an easy walk to town which you can book via the SPR shop; $75 per person in a twin share room for three nights or $150 for a double room.
From the Ride Coordinator — Last weekend saw the first of the Dams training rides, where we invited non members who were training for the upcoming Dams events to join our structured hills rides. Take-up was good, and we’ve had some great feedback on how we can improve the format. We’re processing that and will give details of the changes in next week’s blog.
The wind should be Easterly again on Saturday, so let’s have some fun on Benara Rd which we haven’t done for 5 months.
Sunday’s short hills ride (Darlington Zigzag) has changed from the way we used to do it, to improve safety on the descent. We now go up Victor, and down Coulston, instead of the other way around. We still do the U-turn on Darligton.
Enjoy, and look out for each other.
Saturday 28th January
Ride starts under the Narrows (cityside) at 5:30am
The recent Canteen ride from Bassendean to Busselton ranged from 300km to 400km with or without hills over 2.5 days offering a goldilocks ride for all. In the slower levels the roll through sometimes involved a five-minute chat with each person as they rolled by so you got to know all the members of your group – not an option in the faster groups!
The huge support of so many volunteers for the whole event such as 15 support vehicles, trucks, trailers, cooks, organisers and a masseur to name a few, as well as Rotary and Lions Clubs in the country towns to provide meals really takes this event to a totally different level you rarely get to experience.
All participants discover a new perspective when they hear about what young cancer patients and their families go through – it truly is an immersive and uplifting experience.
The 11 members of the SPR team raised over $13,000 to help support CanTeen!
The CanTeen organisers did a fantastic job with their COIVD plans to keep it a safe event including their Covid Man (picture above 😎) to keep the message front and centre.
Of course the Club too has been following the government advice on COVID for community sport and wants to reinforce the need to not attend an event or ride if you are not feeling well; alternatively, returning a negative RAT based on the instructions prior to attending. Don’t forget a mask and your phone for proof of vaccination if you plan on a coffee afterwards as per the government requirements for hospitality venues.
Jim Flynn and the Indian Pacific Wheel Ride 2022 – Last week we saw off Jim on his IndiPac 2022 adventure (see last week’s blog).
See below for the progress update as at now and see his latest Facebook post here.
AGM Reminder – Don’t forget that voting is open until tomorrow evening for the SPR Annual General Meeting 2022. Check your email or voting link here.
The in-person section of the meeting will be held on Saturday 26 March 2022 at 9:00am at DOME Westralia Plaza (5/167 St Georges Terrace, Perth) following the usual Saturday ride.
The Committee requests that all attendees of the meeting vote using this form wherever possible. Please contact the club via the email address if you have any problems voting.
New Race Day Gear – the SPR Kit Subcommittee and Mayeur are proud to announce the SPR Race Day Hoodie and SPR Race Day Tee for your wearing pleasure.
You know you want one.
Unlike our normal kit orders, these items may be ordered any time and will be delivered direct to your door. Order on the Mayeur SPR shop here.
Criterium racing this weekend – If you want to race, or get in on the action watching others race, read on.
From the Ride Coordinator – So it looks like this weekend may be our first “inclement weather” forecast for the year on our Saturday main ride with an ex tropical cyclone weaving its way down the west coast It’s a good time to remind people to look over your bike for things like tyre and brake wear and to make sure that everything is in good working order. Which is an expectation on all riders who ride with SPR. The consequences of a poorly maintained bike might not just be an early finish to your ride but could impact others as well. As we move towards the wetter months, now is the time to recheck everything so you are prepared for the more slippery conditions across May into September.
Speaking of getting prepared for the winter months, our Sunday Short Hills and Long Hills ride will revert back to a 7am start time from Sunday 3rd of April. So to be clear that is NOT this Sunday it is the following Sunday. This will mean that from that first Sunday in April ALL Sunday rides will depart Coode Street at 7am after the coffee ride and the Social Short Hills ride moved to the 7am start time a few weeks back.
Also worth highlighting is that over the coming months there will be significant road works being done around Bayswater but also along Welshpool road as the bridging for the Metronet Station near Whatley and the same on the Leach Highway over Welshpool take place. You can bet there will be disruptions and diversions taking place on these busy roads and many of our ride routes also traverse these intersections. Whilst we will do our best to minimize interactions/routes to avoid these works, the ones on Leach Hwy will be the most problematic for the Sunday Hills riders so we would encourage all regular Sunday Hills riders to avail themselves of information each weekend on what’s going on as it is likely to constantly change and it can’t be fixed by chopping and changing our ride routes online every week. So please keep an eye out for changes on the main roads website and let each other know when you find out.
Saturday 26th March
Ride starts under the Narrows (cityside) at 5:30am
The SPR Committee is pleased to announce the club’s Christmas Party 2021 Edition.
I look forward to seeing you all there!
The Christmas Party will be held on Sunday 5th December at a cost of $30 per head including one drink. See our flyer and the SPR shop for the all the details.
The Swan Valley Fondo is back as part of the WestCycle WA series: Sunday 13 June 2021
Gather a few like-minded cyclists and create a team or just jump in yourself.
Two distances to select from:
A: 79km 1 challenging lap (644m of climbing) + 3 scenic laps $88 pp*. One section is 11.5% gradient so come along for a challenge. Check out the route on Strava.
B: 51km 3 scenic laps (reasonably flat) $78 pp*. If you are new to group cycling events and want a collegial non-competitive participation ride this is for you. Check out the route on Strava.
Don’t wait – register by 9 June midnight via this link.
You can create a team or join a team by selecting an Individual Registration then selecting I’m part of a team.