All posts by Carol Dowse

Dinner at Chez Pierre during the Tour de France

Currently there are 11 coming to the dinner…. its not too late to put your name down.. the sooner the better though. We have the Garden Room booked which can accommodate 26..

This is just a get together for anyone in SPR and their families/partners to enjoy some wonderful French flavours and flare at at Chez Pierre during the Tour de France. The restaurant is decked out in cycling paraphernalia, all the staff speak French and they prepare food from the region for that stage of the tour – week two will feature food from the Rhone Valley. For more information on the restaurant visit their web site: 15th July 7pm

Chez Pierre 131 Stirling Hwy Nedlands(08) 9386 5886 – pay when there.

5 Course fixed menu $54.95- BYO wine (corkage $8.50 per bottle). Parking in front of restaruant.

Please RSVP on or before Wednesday 7th July to Carol on, or at the Quiz Night, with how many will be coming and any special needs, eg high chair (for the kids that is), vegetarian…etc.


Rhone Valley (Week beginning Tuesday 13/07/2010)
– Amuse Bouche
– Home -made Boudin Blanc, wild mushroom risotto & light sauce supreme
– Sorbet
– Coq au Vin, Braised Red wine Chicken, served on pomme puree with pancetta, mushrooms, shallots & a rich red wine sauce
– Red Berry & Crème Patisserie Tart, served with homemade sorbet.

Vegetarians and gluten free accommodated

Hope to see you there.

Swan Valley – SPR Developers Team, 05

Ride report by Carol

We had heard that it always rains at this event.. but then again that was from “foreigners” who have not got the “she’ll be right mate” concept. So sunny it was… I reckon we have brought good luck with the weather for all the events this year.. nothing to do with a draught!

With the help of the trusty old mobile phone we found each other in the car park and with jerseys from the SPR “pool”, thanks Lorraine and Peter we even looked liked a SPR team. So with no idea where the start was, we followed other cyclists out of the car park hoping the person in front knew where they were going as we certainly didn’t.

This was the first Cyclo Sportif for three of our eight team members and the longest for all of us. Knowing the circuit was flat and the weather favourable, it was good to get to the start with all eight team members together…step one complete..but how would everyone go with the extra distance?

Within a minute of starting we were passed by SPR team 01 on their second lap.. we were definitely going to finish late. After our first lap we had a “wardrobe” adjustment stop, and then two laps later another for swapping bottles and a stretch. We rolled through on the first two laps, and then Jennie and Mike/Colin sat at the front and did a lot of work to help the rest of us for the remainder of the laps….

Everyone was feeling upbeat as we started the last lap… well ….we knew we were going to finish the distance now so with that uncertainty out of the way we headed out on the last lap.. with a few extra members! Mark S. and Mike R. who had already finished their five laps joined us, giving support not only to their other halves, but a much needed push (thanks Mike) for a few of us who were feeling a little less fresh than at the start…

Thanks to Jennie, Ruth, Mike, Colin, Tess, Deb and Gwyn it was great no one got lost on the way there and we all finish together with no punctures.. it was a great ride and a really worth while experience.

What rain!

Pictures extracted by Ruth

N Ride Saturday

So here is the news from the N group….if someone would like to come up with another name for the N group (that el Presidente likes of course) its worth a chocolate frog – it would be great for those who want to stay but do not feel new (anything but on at 7am on a Saturday) or novice (not total noddies), without giving the wrong impression – maybe R & T – Rules and Techniques, introduction, primary, starters, Not Noddies… …. Kindaof like “not noddies”. ..I just like to toy with the idea. Ahh well ,,,enough diversion….back to the report.

We had a few new faces in the group on Saturday and the regular ones as well which was great since Mark was bikeless and not able to join the ride… I guess jogging had not occurred to you?

We stayed together pretty much along Coode St and made it over the second bridge without any bridge incidents …. off along the path and down through Mt Pleasant with a regroup at the old peoples home. The roll through went pretty well on the way out, and improved on the way back… picked it up pretty well guys. The men’s sprint was won by Shane.. sure I have that wrong and the women’s sprint (2 classes now) was won by Jackie – pretty constant there Jackie.

We tried a bit of speed on the way back through Mt Pleasant which split the group but seemed to work with the slightly bigger numbers. Some went on to Applecross; there was a lot of sand at the bottom of Majestic after the storm on Tuesday which meant one could not get a run up ….bit slow start at the bottom…The good thing was no one was trying to come down for change. It seems to work better going later as many of the big groups who take up the whole road on their way down are taking up roads elsewhere at that time.

For anyone who has not tried Majestic, its not great on knees as one of our group found out.. did well to stay upright on the bike. We went back to Canning Bridge to regroup with the rest who had stayed back not knowing the short cut.. I think they didn’t mind the rest …..sorry about that guys..need to get some Applecross street names under my belt.. map maybe. We went back for coffee at our own pace .. but all seemed to make it there at the same time.. Mike dropped a chain but was back soon after the others. Overall I think everyone had a good ride at their own pace,.. but I will leave it to your feedback for the truth!

Tyrone moved from the Novice (just after I finally stopped calling him Tristan) to the Transition group this week and was able to hang on the back – he seemed very pleased with the ride and will certainly be back there next week – lots of satisfaction which is great. Best of cycling TYRONE.

Ruth, Deb and I have been doing the Tuesday and now Thursday 6-7am ride around Kings Park… its not too early and not too long so anyone who can find us in the dark you are welcome to join in. We met in the car park with all the bulldozes near the large grassy round about. If you sleep in and rock up late cycle clockwise around the east and middle loops and you will catch us as we cycle anticlockwise… There was a dedicated dad with the kid on tow doing Cardiac Hill this morning.. see the kids are not an excuse any more.. well until they get to 30kg.

Gwyn and Mark will be back next week…. I am off with the family to go swimming with the whale sharks (we hope) in Exmouth for the Easter break so will miss this Saturday.

Best of cycling

Newbie (Novice) Ride Saturday 16th Jan

Third straight week with a big group ….18 riders for the Saturday Newbies ride and the usual suspects Lynda, Andy, Mandy, Carol, Tracy, Michelle, Shaw, Deb, Mr Saxo Bank (we only get to know the noisy ones by name) with Jackie returning after other adventures as well as new/newish Michael, Nathan, Darryl, Jun, Ann1, Ann2  and the yes there’s more.. if only I could remember –the list is too long for the old grey matter. Between word-of-mouth and the blog the numbers are really taking off and from talking to people the attraction is how different skill levels are catered for by SPR that are not offered in other clubs making the formula work… and of course the social aspect. A lot of newbie’s  however have been cycling on their own and this shows in the “group” dynamics – still a bit to learn with the calling and bike sense. Never too late guys to brush up on the cycling calls/signals and don’t forget to look into joining Cycling Australia (select South Perth Cycle Club) – insurance… as well … just a bit of a plug there for risk minimisation!

 So off we went, Dr Ronny the experienced SPR cyclist shepherding us through Applecross… Majestic the big hill for us … well not all… Carol took “new Ann” on a shorter than usual short cut and missed the mighty Majestic… We regrouped at cycle city intersection next to Raffles. It was off to work (the paid variety) from here for Ronny as we continued on our way to Shelly. The group took off with the rear guard Deb, Carol and Ann continuing on at a sedate pace (what the main group call “spat-out-the-back”)… so over to Tracy for the recollections of Majestic and onwards.

 The group managed a bit of unity through to Applecross with most people tackling Majestic without hesitation – newbies Jun and Ann being the dark horses flying up our nemesis.  A quick regroup on Kintail and losing Dr Ronny to work at Raffles.  Michelle and Shaw led a pacey ride to Leach, a quick regroup at the old people’s home car park (no soup this week) and off for the Shelley loop.  During the first leg Jun managed to get his foot caught up with his front wheel (you have just gotta tell us how you did that… showing off to the new talent no doubt) and took a tumble – quite a few grazes – luckily Mr Saxo Bank came prepared with a large collection of bandaids. Jun decided for an early departure so headed off with Ann1– hope you are healing quickly and we see you next week. After Tracy had surveyed the damage, she tried to catch up with the group into a head wind and the main group got back together for the ride back.  Michael, Darryl and the bandaid guy made a play for the Bullcreek hill, Michael coming out a winner.  Regroup with a pacey ride to Raffles with Nathan and Tracy leading – final push along the freeway path Nathan and Michael leading  out. 

Carol, Deb, other Ann and Jackie (just retuned to the group so I imagine the other adventures were not cycling related) turned half way around Shelly to get back in time for coffee….the rest of the group was still somewhere on the Shelly track ahead… they would have to wait for coffee.

Transition to Main Group: Next week: Liam suggested in the prep talk in the morning that some cyclists from the newbies group should be ready to try the main group and with the strong ones chaffing at the bit to test themselves, there will definitely be a few having a go at the main group ride next week; if you are keen to try make sure you check out the route in advance of next Saturday and print out the map; we expect that approximately six will do the transition.

Newbie Sunday ride next week (Jan 24th) – possibly an extended freo loop ~ 80km which Mike (borrowed from Elite, married to SPR!) hopes to lead.

 Maybe see you all Tuesday 6-7am or Wed 5-6pm for interval ride at Kings Park – anticlockwise loop. Note if you rock up late, try the clockwise direction and we will pick you up – we’ve been getting around 8-10 people on these rides. PS don’t forget to call hazards on the path……….including branches (there are a lot if it has been windy) – these can take out a cyclist and do a lot of damage.