a bit of the feeback we have received as part of the spr survey was, “what are the benefits of being a member of spr???” well besides the organised training rides and social interaction there are also a series of members benefits. these are deals that we have with local business that, on the presentation of your membership card, can get you some pretty good deals.
not all of these deals are bike related and as you can see from the member benefits page, there are some that are from the business’ of spr members. if you are interested in offering a members benefit to the club drop us an email and we can see what you have to offer.
today we have two new benefits to offer. well actually, they are old benefits, but we have changed the business’ that we are now running them through. so if you are after a new bike helmet or want to be set up on your bike correctly, see below for more information.
bike fitting
Total Triathlon is offering any spr member at the presentation of their licence, a discounted road bike fit session for only $50 (not including parts). the fit is handled by Stuart Durham(Eclipse Fitness head coach) in the store and will cover –
basic laser cleat alignment
seat height and fore – aft adjustment
handle bar reach.
this fit is for the enthusiast who wants to ensure, as their training/time spent on the bike increases they remain comfortable and injury free. it is also aimed at getting correct muscle engagement and back relief.
the fitting can take approximately an hour on different individuals and also included is a follow up inspection to ensure satisfaction.
Ride Advice is now offering any spr member on presentation of their licence, a white/silver Giro Ionos helmet for a discounted price of $250 (rrp $299). these helmets have the all important aussie standards logo inside which you will need if you want to race or actually obey the law. race organisers are now checking helmets and not letting anyone with an international helmet race. you can also void your insurance if your helmet doesn’t meet aussie standards.
welcome to winter. cold mornings are predicted, but at least they should be dry. it’s probably about this time that you think “i wish i did order that spr jacket and longsleeve jersey.” rug up and i will see you on the bike.
cyclo-sportif – just some info for those that are heading out to the swan valley. i will be out there with a tent, and would like some company if possible. especially when the others are all out riding around. otherwise, use the tent as the meeting point so you can find all your team. it will be inside the velodrome along the back straight.
BWA Cyclo Sportif Swan Valley– Speed Dome Midvale,Sunday, 24th June 2012
Some recommendations for all participants are listed below:
Recommend arriving ~7.30am at the Speed Dome Midvale – earlier if you need a fix from the coffee van.
Can anyone participation please bring along any spare SPR team jerseys. please put your name inside and try to remember who borrowed your jersey.
The ride to the start of the event is 8km and teams should gather at the Speed Dome before heading out for the start – It’s sort of escorted as the route is “meandering” so be ready & together as this aspect is a bit chaotic what with all the cyclists milling about and the team leaders rushing back from the briefing so allow ~ 30 mins to get there.
The 80km groups start 1st (at 9am) followed by the 64km starters, then the 32km teams. The exact Team start times will be posted.
They’re toilets at the school where the race actually starts but are generally busy after the 8Km cold ride from the velodrome – plan ahead just in case.
Provide your mbl phone contact to your team leader so you can be contact if needed (and vice versa).
tipping comp – the tour tipping comp is open again. proceeds from this will be going towards the uci trip so support your fellow spr’s and enter the tipping comp. bike related prizes to be won and it can be a lot of fun. more info here.
spr survey – take some time and fill out the club survey. this helps us understand what you want from the club so we can plan for the coming few years. we have had over 100 people fill it in so far but the more people, the better that statistics. more info here.
spr accessories – we are currently in the process of finalising an order for spr gloves and booties. there will be summer, spring and winter gloves and windtex and lycra booties. keep an eye out for orders to be open on the website soon.
ride routes – with a lot of the regulars for sunday doing the cyclo-sportif, make sure you know the route as you may be relied on to lead a group.
saturday 23rd june
ride starts under the narrows (cityside) at 5:30am
the tour is just around the corner and that means that the tipping comp is back again. this year all proceeds will go towards the uci fundraiser so the comp winners will get a bike related prize instead of cash.
for those that have entered in previous years, the rules and format is exactly the same. for those that are new to it, i will give you a quick run down.
through the tab menu, you will find a tipping comp area.
enter and give your team a name.
each stage is listed on a separate page.
to put your tip in, you must add it to the comments before 6pm (perth time) the night of that stage.
you must put in a tip each stage.
you can’t tip the same person between rest days.
your tip accumulates time, points and wins to go towards 4 different comps.
it may seem like a lot of work, but ask anyone that has played and it makes watching the tour more exciting. you will find yourself willing your guy to sprint for 6th place just so you get points.
the cost of each team is $20 and this will go towards the uci fundraiser.
the stage pages are slowly getting built (some may still show some old data), but it should be up and running before the tour starts (i have a week and a half).
entry is on the main tour tipping home page which can be found via the menu or here.
crazy week both on and off the bike. we had a garage sale on sunday, so i wasn’t allowed to ride. watching the weather from the relative safety of the couch, i don’t think i was missing much. however, it was pointed out that if the wind was blowing the right way, you could collect a few good strava KOM’s if you can dodge the tree branches and fallen powerlines. i did manage to get out on both tues and thurs rides and was relatively dry on both occasions. apart from the bike the quiz night on saturday was a resounding success and was a really good night. i think that this may be the precursor for more social events this year.
spr survey – we have organised a survey so you can all have your say as to what direction the club should be heading. there are questions covering everything from kit to social events. make sure you have your say in how we run the club. more info here.
cyclo-sportif swan valley – we currently have 5 teams and are looking at filling a sixth. this event usually gets a good turn out as it is nice and close to the city. it is held in conjunction with the track cycling grand prix as your entry to the cyclo gives you entry to the velodrome to watch the racing. as with the last couple of years, we will have a tent and display at the event. this is for a couple of reasons. firstly to provide a meeting point for all those competing in the event and secondly to give our club a presence at the cycling event to attract new members. if anyone wants to volunteer some time to spend with me manning the tent, let me know. more info here.
kit distribution – the kit will be available this week at the coffee shop after the saturday morning ride. if you can’t make it to the DOME, then contact alison directly via her email to organise a time to collect.
ride routes – after a shocking week of riding weather, it will be good to see some clean air this weekend. make sure you take advantage of the weather and get some kms in. kudos to leah g who apparently was the only one to turn up to the 7am ride on sunday.
saturday 16th june
ride starts under the narrows (cityside) at 5:30am
to work out what the club needs to do for it’s members, we have created a little survey to understand what you are after. this is open to both members and those that ride with us and covers a lot of different aspects of what we do.
initially it is so we can develop a clear direction for the club since we cover such a wide variety of riders all with different goals. we are also using this opportunity to understand what the club wants in relation to social activities, club kit, race events, etc.
please take the time to fill out the survey so that the committee can guide the club in the direction that that members want it to go. the whole thing takes less than 10 minutes and is anonymous. please be honest and add as much info/feedback as you can so that we can get a clearer idea of where the club needs to head. the survey will be open for the next week or so.
busy week for me and i haven’t even been at work yet. quick trip to visit family involved lots of traveling over three days. home now and really appreciating the weather even though it is wet and cold. mainly because cold here is not even close to as cold as it is in victoria. the temperature as we passed through ballarat in the morning was 6 degrees. on the way back in the afternoon it was 7 degrees.
kit collection – the kit has been sorted and will be available for collection at the coffee shop after the saturday ride.
quiz night – still some more places for this fund raiser if you want to join in. more info here.
pickering brook race series – easy entry into racing in case you wanted to give it a go. looking at the forum there will be quite a few spr riders attending, so you will see some familiar faces.
ride routes – remember the ride routes if it is raining…stay the same and you just get wet.
saturday 9th june
ride starts under the narrows (cityside) at 5:30am
well the public holiday totally crept up on me this week. it wasn’t until i was reminded about in on monday or tuesday that i actually realised. probably would have turned up for work. the painting has finished and the house is pretty much back together and looking a lot fresher. carlos and co do an excellent job but you have to book a long time in advance as they are so busy. i celebrated a milestone birthday last week, so things have been pretty hectic all around. looking forward to some normality…whatever that is.
focus group ride – well it is the first saturday of the month and that means that the focus group ride is on again. meeting at the back of the boatshed cafe next to the coode st carpark, we will help out a group of disabled kids and their families to an easy paced bike ride. it starts at 9:30am so you still have time to have a coffee after our main ride before heading over. last month numbers were low because of the rain, but there have been quite a few families express interest in participating. i will be rounding up volunteers at the coffeeshop after the ride, but come along and do you bit for the greater community.
kit distribution – the kit has arrived, it just needs to be sorted so it can be distributed. i will let you know when it will be ready for collection. as per usual, at the coffeeshop after the ride will be the primary distribution location.
quiz night – make sure you put your name down for the quiz night fundraiser. teams of 4 to be held at DOME. moneys raised to support the riders heading to south africa for the uci masters champs. more info here.
members benefits – i am arranging a few new members benefits. keep an eye out on for more details. these will give you discounts to certain items if you flash your spr membership card.
ride routes – the public holiday ride this weekend will be split at the start to reduce overall numbers on the road and reduce the pressure on the spread of abilities within the group. a fast and main 1 combined group will head off first then a main 2/3/trans group will head off on the same course. coffee will be at DOME for both groups.
saturday 2nd june
ride starts under the narrows (cityside) at 5:30am
so the painters have finished but i spend most of thursday evening getting the bedroom back together so didn’t have time to post the ride routes. still got lots to move and there is definitely going to be a garage sale at the end of this. can’t think of what else is on at the moment as i am quickly trying to get the ride routes out. see you out there all rugged up.
ride routes – the saturday hills ride seems to be going well lately with about 15 riders last week. as such we will keep this going as a regular ride. this also takes a few riders out of the main groups to make the size more manageable. for saturday, the main groups will be doing a relatively new route (only done twice so far). make sure you know when to turn as there are a few tricky ones. the sunday hills ride will try to avoid kalamunda as much as possible as the tour de kal is on. not sure where the coffee stop will be yet. it might be back in town.
saturday 26th may
ride starts under the narrows (cityside) at 5:30am
we have been sent an email regarding the tour de kalamunda event that is on this weekend. as our members are part of cycling wa and hence part of cycling australia, they need to be aware of the potential issues involved.
Morning all,
we’ve fielded a couple of calls recently regarding the Tour de Kalamunda event occurring this weekend, and I just wanted to clarify the situation with this event. It has not been sanctioned by Cycling WA (or Cycling Australia). I spoke with the race organisers back in April following a request that we assist in promoting the event, to which I agreed as long as the sanctioning process was adhered to. It became apparent in that conversation that this was unlikely to happen, and indeed it has not.
Obviously without the required internal processes being followed we are unable to sanction the event or support it with CA accredited officials. Participants should also be aware that in the event of any incidents, CA’s insurance will not provide coverage.
Kind Regards,
Garry Chandler
Chief Executive Officer
if you are intending to do this event, it would be in your best interests to check the insurance coverage that your registration provides. we are not telling you whether you should ride or not but just to be aware of the issues.