this has been the longest week of my life. the weekend started as per normal with the earlybird double which makes me pretty tired by evening time. however, with the tour on, i was obliged to stay up till midnight to watch the finish (and what a good finish it was). jump into bed for 5 hrs sleep, then the earlybird and long hills ride making up 5 hrs of riding. unfortunately no afternoon nanna nap but up late again for the tour. get to sleep in till 7 monday, but already feeling seedy at work due to lack of sleep. late night mon for stage 3 and up again at 5 for the spr tuesday ride. work suffering. up late for stage 4, early for spr ciao ride. no work, but brain suffering. late for stage 5, and slept in instead of looking after the kids as i was supposed to. oops. late again tonight and looking forward to the rest day after stage 9 where i will be in bed at 7pm.
tipping comp – is well underway and we have raised over $450 for the belgium trip. we have organised a few prizes already for the category winners and i need to get a couple more. not sure what prizes will be for which category yet, as i will wait till all prizes are donated. if you know a business that would be interested, or you yourself want to donate something (half dozen bottles of wine, etc) then let me know. so far shaw from netplus microcomputers has donated a samsung dvd and surround speaker package, ross from canning bridge cycles has donated a limar 608 helmet and toby has organised a whole bunch of subway vouchers.
giro donne – while the tour de france is going on, the best women in the world are competing in the women’s giro in italy. it comprises of 9 stages over some pretty big terrain at a fast pace. our very own davina summers is over there right now riding for the women’s uci team, bizkia-durango with a couple of other aussies. her teammate and fellow aussie, shara gillow, managed to win the second stage which put her into the pink leaders jersey. davina has been blogging her races on her website and is trying to keep them updated between hard racing and long transfers between stages. you can follow her progress here.
memberships – our list for the end of june showed that we had cracked the 200 member mark with 204 members. however, there were a handful of those members that were on a recreational licence that expires at the start of july. the race licences run till the end of the calendar year, but the recreational licences are for a rolling year depending on when you joined. check the expiry date on your membership card and renew online here.
ride routes – the tour seems to bring people back to the bike and even though it is winter and about 2 degrees, we still had about 40 riders turn up at 5:30am on tuesday. as there is no rain predicted for a while now, i am expecting good numbers this weekend despite the cold forecast. and that forecast also says easterly winds. both the transitional and main groups can take advantage of it along benara road. a crowd favourite. shaw and ronny are away this week, so we will need some leaders for the trans/m3 group.
saturday 9th july
ride starts under the narrows (cityside) at 5:30am
early lap – spr earlybird ride
all rides start at coode st carpark at 7:00am
development group – spr saturday 35.48km (novice shelley)
transitional 1 – spr saturday 39.04km (benara rd)
fast, main 1, 2 & 3 – spr saturday 50.98km (benara rd)
sunday 10th july
ride starts under the narrows (cityside) at 5:30am
early lap – spr earlybird ride
all rides start at coode st carpark at 7:00am
short – spr sunday 82.79km (brookton & weir rd)
long – spr sunday 97.99km (carradine & peet & observatory)