All posts by peter

ride routes 29th & 30th jan

wow a freakin’ hot week ahead with temps in the high 30’s for as far as the forecast can see.  saturday is expected to hit 38 degrees but only have light easterly winds.  whether that will be the reality of the situation is yet to be seen.  experience says that once a cyclone up north travels so far along the coast, it eventually hooks back east and dumps a load of rain on the continent.  they haven’t estimated it’s track properly so far, so my bet is that it will end up dumping a load of rain on perth.

spr club kit – ok, i may have lied a bit about when we are closing off the orders.  there has been a delay with the final design of the kit as one of the sponsors is based in brisbane and i have not been able to get in contact with them since the floods.  we are trying to chase up their logo and this has put things back a bit.  hopefully we will get it done tomorrow, so we expect to have the orders sent off on monday.  therefore, you have the weekend to get those last minute orders in.  based on the old order system (i.e. no discounts) the current order would be equivalent to a $52,000 order.  in that is currently 178 jerseys which is getting close to the total amount of jerseys we have sold in the past 2 years.  seems that people are happy to wear our kit.

crit series race 04 – this sunday is the fourth race in the crit series that we are holding with the rccc.  starting at 8:00 for “d” grade, these are a great opportunity for anyone wanting to get into racing.  we also need to fill some more volunteer positions so have a look at the previous post here and add to the comments if you can help out.  we especially need traffic marshals.  last race a couple of people were left on a corner all race.  we have enough people there that we should be able to change marshals after each race.  if we don’t get more volunteers, i may have to volunteer a few people on the day.

ride routes – the earlybird ride has been quite popular lately and has given people an opportunity for a ride if they can’t make the 7:00am one.  it is also a good chance for extra km’s if you need to ramp up your training so we have been getting about a dozen riders on a regular basis.  a request for the transitionals to repeat the new course has been made so that they can work on their roll throughs.  a request was also made for the main/fast to not do the new course for a while as it was a lot hillier than expected.  next time i think we should add ridge hill road in after it just to make sure.  no organised hills ride on sunday as the club crit is on and we would hope that you would support that instead.

saturday 29th january

ride starts under the narrows (cityside) at 5:30am

early lap – spr earlybird ride

all rides start at coode st carpark at 7:00am

development group – spr saturday 35.48km (novice shelley)

transitional 1 & 2 – spr saturday 39.81km (shelley & bannister)

fast, main 1 & 2 – spr saturday 51.36km (sth lake)

sunday 30th january

no rides planned today as the club crit is on at tech park

last days – kit order

get your kit order in quickly.  we will shut off the order early on thursday morning (real early like 4:00am) as we intend to get cannibal the final numbers on thursday morning.

remember it will be 6 months till we do another order so get your winter stuff now.

this is also the only time we will be offering the discounted garments to those that already have the current kit.

the order currently sits at in excess of $40,000 and includes over 150 sets of  jerseys and knicks.  this means that it is already four times bigger than our normal order.  don’t miss out on being part of the club.

ride routes 22nd, 23rd & 26th jan

what’s going on???  nothing, just keep riding.  but avoid utes stopped in the middle of the road.

spr kit order –as you may have seen, the kit order is up and running.  ordering can be found here.  instructions as to what you are eligible for are here.  ordering is easier this year as you use your credit card to pay through paypal as you do the order.  as there have been a few people away, we will extend the orders till after aussie day.  orders will close at the end of the 26th with a view to send the orders to cannibal on the thursday.  you have had lots of time, so don’t attempt to piss me off and leave it to the last minute.  we are currently up to over $20,000 worth of orders so this will be the biggest order we have ever done.  for those that are yet to order, the discount applies to any garment that you have ordered previously.  this means that for some people a great opportunity for a new skinsuit or trisuit exists at a great price.

ride routes – a couple of new routes for saturday, so make sure you check the map carefully.  the fast/main ride has a couple of turns that happen halfway along a road, so you must be aware of where you need to turn.  those with garmins, i would suggest you program this one in.  i haven’t actually ridden or driven this route before so i am going on a bit of blind faith after a guy at work told me about it.  hope it is ok.  it basically runs parallel with hale road, but he claims that it is much quieter and more undulating.  the trans group will also get a new route and will get to do shelley and bannister together.  wednesday is national glass breaking day and as such, a public holiday ride will be running.  there will be an earlybirdride on both saturday and wednesday leaving at 5:30 from the narrows.  the main ride on aussieday, however, will contain a few changes.  firstly with the road closures, we will start the ride at the corner of angelo and coode sts (i.e. just up the hill from the usual spot).  also, there is a triathlon happening on the day at point walter so both the earlybird ride andthe main ride will bothuse stonehamroad as a diversion.  this runs parallel with burke drive, but will take a few turns to get onto it.  have a look at google maps to see where the likely diversions will be, i haven’t mapped it.

saturday 22nd january

ride starts under the narrows (cityside) at 5:30am

early lap – spr earlybird ride

all rides start at coode st carpark at 7:00am

development group – spr saturday 35.48km (novice shelley)

transitional 1 & 2 – spr saturday 39.81km (shelley & bannister)

fast, main 1 & 2 – spr saturday 49.69km (holmes rd)

sunday 23rd january

all rides start at coode st carpark at 7:00am

short – spr sunday 67.96km (greenmount & zig-zig)

long – spr sunday 95.04km (greenmount & parkerville & mundaring weir)

wednesday 26th january

ride starts under the narrows (cityside) at 5:30am

early lap – spr earlybird ride

ride starts at angelo st carpark at 7:00am

main – spr public holiday 59.35km (shelley & freo)

ride routes 15th & 16th jan

hot days in perth with bush fires, rain and floods up north, in qld and down the east coast.  devastation everywhere.  our thoughts are with those in qld at the moment who have lost so much.

spr kit order – as you may have seen, the kit order is up and running.  ordering can be found here.  instructions as to what you are eligible for are here.  ordering is easier this year as you use your credit card to pay through paypal as you do the order.  you have till the 23rd of jan as we intend to send off the order on the 24th.  i talked to cannibal today and they are based in tweed heads just south of the gold coast so they haven’t been damaged by the floods.

ride routes – sunday is looking hot, so if you are coming out in the hills, make sure you have lots of food and water.  apart from that, just another weekend ride.  earlybird ride will be leaving…early.

saturday 15th january

ride starts under the narrows (cityside) at 5:30am

early lap – spr earlybird ride

all rides start at coode st carpark at 7:00am

development group – spr saturday 35.48km (novice shelley)

transitional 1 & 2 – spr saturday 41.73km (canning vale reverse)

fast, main 1 & 2 – spr saturday 53.81km (hale rd reverse with guilford)

sunday 16th january

all rides start at coode st carpark at 7:00am

short – spr sunday 53.55km (kalamunda rd) (but do ridgehill as well)

long – spr sunday 85.81km (darlington & mundaring weir)

spr team kit – orders are open

at last.  after a number of hold-ups we are finally live with the ordering of the new kit.

orders can be made through the team kit page and there are links at the top to the online shop.

there are two shops and it is important that you know what each is for.

the first shop is the “full price shop” while the second is the “discount shop

the “discount shop” is for those that have previously purchased garments in the old design.  these people are eligible to get 1 of each garment type that they have previously purchased.  this is subsidised by the new kit sponsors in order to get the new logo’s out to the public as quick as possible.

basically it works as follows –

  • if you have 1 jersey, 1 knicks, 1 vest you can get 1 discounted jersey, 1 discounted knicks and 1 discounted vest.
  • if you have 7 jerseys you can get 1 discounted jersey.
  • if you have 2 jerseys and want 2 new ones, you can buy 1 discounted jersey and 1 full-price jersey.
  • all previous items (except arms, knees & undergarments) are available on discount.

the “full price shop” is for everyone else and any extra garments that people want.

there is also a new long sleeve jersey that is lined for winter use.  this saves you wearing an undergarment, jersey and jacket.

ordering this year is even easier than before. 

firstly you need to register on the top right just like you need to do to be able to add comments to the blog.  if you already have access, then login as per normal. 

basically you select the garments you want in the size you want (note that there are women’s sizes and there is a size chart at the bottom of the page) and add it to the cart.  you can continue shopping and add more item before heading to checkout.  if you want more than one of a particular size of garment, then you can update the number at the checkout.

once you are happy with your selection, you can add your details and click the “make purchase” button.  this will take you to paypal where you can pay in either of 2 ways.  firstly, if you have a paypal account you can pay using that.  secondly, you can use your credit card to pay via paypal.  put in all your details and you are right to go.  paypal will then email you a confirmation of payment and the online store will also verify that your order has gone in.

orders are to be open for 2 weeks with the order being sent off on the 24th of january.

thanks to all those that helped out in getting this up and running.

earlybird membership draw

as an incentive to try to get people to renew or join for 2011, we ran a earlybird draw with a prize donated by shaw at netplus micro computers.  using the standard raffle draw system (ben) we put 80 names into the bucket to see who would come out.

the winner is ivan saracik and he wins a HD media player and 500Gb hard drive to allow you to play downloaded movies (all legal of course) on your normal tv.  congratulations ivan.

draw verification video is shown below.


ndcc crit series

if you can’t get enough of our crit series, then the northern districts club is also running a crit series over summer.  none of the dates clash with our events so you can easily support both events if you need to get a bit more racing in your legs.

starting this sunday in landsdale and covering 4 dates over the next three months, this is a good opportunity for us to thank ndcc for supporting our race series.

jan 9, jan 16, feb 6 & mar 13.

see the flyer for more info.

northern disctricts crit series

ride routes 8th & 9th jan

man, that was a hard week.  motivation was at an all time low after 10 days away from work.  however, the break has meant that the work stress induced cycling downward spiral had at least started to pick up a bit.  i don’t feel so “blah” on the bike and have some motivation to get back some form.  more importantly, i didn’t get dropped on mounts bay road on the thursday fast group ride.

iron horse – as shown in a previous post, a couple of spr guys have started a casual cycle clothing company.  check it out.  buy something.

shut up legs –um, i received a “shut up legs” t-shirt in the mail a couple of days ago from cycling tips blog.  i didn’t order it.  kate didn’t order it.  there was no note or anything in it and it was addressed directly to me.  sooo, i guess thanks to whomever sent me a christmas present.

crit series race 03 – race 3 of the crit series is on this weekend.  unlike other races, this will be held at 3pm on saturday.  grades a-d so something for everyone.  make sure you have renewed your licence or you will not be allowed to race.  for those that don’t know, if you haven’t received your new card yet, you just have to print out the email that cycling australia sent you when you renewed.  this is proof of licence till your card arrives.  even if you don’t want to race, come down to watch or help out as we can always use more volunteers on the day.  setup starts at 2:00pm.

ride routes – ok, after the success of the earlybird ride last week, we will be doing it as a regular training ride.  under the narrows at 5:30am to make it to coode st for the 7:00am main ride.  apart from that, business as usual.  make sure you leave some fuel in the tank if you are racing the crit in the arvo.

saturday 8th january

ride starts under the narrows (cityside) at 5:30am

early lap – spr earlybird ride

all rides start at coode st carpark at 7:00am

development group – spr saturday 35.48km (novice shelley)

transitional 1 & 2 – spr saturday 40.86km (rebold hill)

fast, main 1 & 2 – spr saturday 50.47km (hale rd reverse)

sunday 9th january

all rides start at coode st carpark at 7:00am

short – spr sunday 70.93km (kahuna)

long – spr sunday 94.64km (kahuna & canning mills)

iron horse clothing

a lot of you will know brodie and tim, especially if you have done the sunday hills ride or a bit of racing before.  well they both love their cycling and so have started a little venture into the world of casual cycle clothing. 

the brand is “iron horse clothing” and all the designs are easily recognisable aspects of what we do.  there are currently 6 designs in a number of colours and all are “australian made 100% organic cotton t-shirts that make you feel good and look sexy”.

the website is and you can buy directly from their products page.  there is also a link to their facebook page where they post updates and photos.

unfortunately it’s a bit late for christmas, so buy one for yourself instead.

brodie and tim - feeling good and looking sexy in iron horse clothing