wow a freakin’ hot week ahead with temps in the high 30’s for as far as the forecast can see. saturday is expected to hit 38 degrees but only have light easterly winds. whether that will be the reality of the situation is yet to be seen. experience says that once a cyclone up north travels so far along the coast, it eventually hooks back east and dumps a load of rain on the continent. they haven’t estimated it’s track properly so far, so my bet is that it will end up dumping a load of rain on perth.
spr club kit – ok, i may have lied a bit about when we are closing off the orders. there has been a delay with the final design of the kit as one of the sponsors is based in brisbane and i have not been able to get in contact with them since the floods. we are trying to chase up their logo and this has put things back a bit. hopefully we will get it done tomorrow, so we expect to have the orders sent off on monday. therefore, you have the weekend to get those last minute orders in. based on the old order system (i.e. no discounts) the current order would be equivalent to a $52,000 order. in that is currently 178 jerseys which is getting close to the total amount of jerseys we have sold in the past 2 years. seems that people are happy to wear our kit.
crit series race 04 – this sunday is the fourth race in the crit series that we are holding with the rccc. starting at 8:00 for “d” grade, these are a great opportunity for anyone wanting to get into racing. we also need to fill some more volunteer positions so have a look at the previous post here and add to the comments if you can help out. we especially need traffic marshals. last race a couple of people were left on a corner all race. we have enough people there that we should be able to change marshals after each race. if we don’t get more volunteers, i may have to volunteer a few people on the day.
ride routes – the earlybird ride has been quite popular lately and has given people an opportunity for a ride if they can’t make the 7:00am one. it is also a good chance for extra km’s if you need to ramp up your training so we have been getting about a dozen riders on a regular basis. a request for the transitionals to repeat the new course has been made so that they can work on their roll throughs. a request was also made for the main/fast to not do the new course for a while as it was a lot hillier than expected. next time i think we should add ridge hill road in after it just to make sure. no organised hills ride on sunday as the club crit is on and we would hope that you would support that instead.
saturday 29th january
ride starts under the narrows (cityside) at 5:30am
early lap – spr earlybird ride
all rides start at coode st carpark at 7:00am
development group – spr saturday 35.48km (novice shelley)
transitional 1 & 2 – spr saturday 39.81km (shelley & bannister)
fast, main 1 & 2 – spr saturday 51.36km (sth lake)
sunday 30th january
no rides planned today as the club crit is on at tech park