RIDE WITH CAMERON MEYER – Perth Integrated Health Clinic Fundraiser

The Perth Integrated Health Clinic-Cycling Club is holding a special ride to to raise funds for one of their patients, Claire Anderson.

Cameron Meyer has kindly consented to be the lead buy cheap viagra rider for this PIHC special project. For those of you who aren’t aware, local boy Cameron is on the professional circuit with Team Garmin Slipstream.

See attached flyer or www.pihc.com.au for more information.

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Date: 19 September 2009, Saturday.

Time: Assemble time: 100 pm meet and greet with ride time at 130pm. Completion time estimated at: 400pm

Location: Point Walter Car Park (specifics will be emailed to those attending)

Distance: social ride for approximately 45 km primarily along the Great Perth Bike

Ride Route.

Category A: 30 km per hour or more

Category B: 25 to 29 km per hour

Category C: less than 24 hours per hour

– Category C will take off first with Cameron, followed by Category B and then Category A

– Cameron will ride with each Category in this non race social ride.

– Maximum of 80 riders on a first sign up basis.

Raise Funds for Claire Anderson

This social ride also has a purpose and that is to assist Claire Anderson who

suffers from Muscular Dystrophy achieve her dream of gaining greater muscular function and control through stem cell therapy in India.

Ian hopes that his fellow cyclists and friends will help PIHC raise funds for Claire to fulfill her desire for greater function and independence.

All riders who are to participate in this social ride event – entitled Ride with Cameron Meyer and Help Claire Anderson Project– will be asked to donate a minimal amount of $10 either in cash on the day or via EFTPOS.

PIHC staff will be on hand from 1200 noon to collect your donations. This time will also be an opportunity for everyone to meet both Cameron and Claire.


SPR breakfast Saturday 19th September

As per usual the breakfast will be held immediately after the ride, if your not planning on riding you are still more than welcome to come along – there will be coffee and muffins, brownies and hot chocolate, toasties and OJ and much more yummy goodies….

There will be a raffle with some cool prizes and I am sure Ben’s counting has now reached higher than, I quote, “nummer four” so good news for the other 50 odd people that will be there, your number could be called!!!!

Only $10 a head to be paid on the day EVERYONE WELCOME!

Please RSVP by 16/09 either by posting a comment or emailing me to me so that we can have approximate numbers for catering.


Mark de Castro has kindly opened his house up for our festivities so if your not planning on riding with the group I can email you the address.

See you there…


Changing Tyres with Kids

by Rob.

So there I was out in the back courtyard on Saturday afternoon cleaning the sand and grit off my bike from another wet/grubby/windy Thursday morning ride. Once clean, I looked at the tyres and thought I’ve got a couple of fresh Continental 4000’s sitting in the shed – about time that they went on. Half way through the action, Mr Just 5 wanders over and says “What ya doin’ Dad?”
“Changing a tyre Son.”
“What’s this?”
“That’s the tube Son.”
“Do I have tubes in my tyres Dad?”
“Yes, Son, you do.”
“They’re not this skinny though are they Dad?”
“No Son, they’re not.”
“You know what Dad?”
“What Son?”
“I’m going to have skinny tubes like this when I grow up.”

Yes Son, you are.

Not long after this very proud, eye-tearing moment, Miss Nearly 9 wanders over and says “Dad, could I put some different music on?”
“But this is Powderfinger honey. Great stuff really.”
”But I want to put some of ‘MY’ music on. Pleeeaase Dad…?”
”Fine, Sweetheart, but don’t turn it up, OK?”
“No Dad, I won’t”

Her ‘choice’? AC/DC – The Razors Edge.

“Yes Dad?”
“Turn it up a bit would you.”

Hi from a very sunny Canberra

Hi All,
Greetings from the East. We have certainly been enjoying much better weather than you guys I have to say. I am riding Sat/and Sun every weekend and this weekend it was 24 degrees and I finally got to christen my SPR kit. Had lots comments from the jealous Canberrans about what kind of club produced such an awesome kit.

Raced in Mogo down the coast today ( mountain biking ) absolutely horrendhous! 50kms, 31 degrees, head wind all the way.. so glad to finish 🙂 Am enjoying the cycling back home and have met some new people to cycle with and now running spin classes and after my year in Perth, finally getting back to some hill riding! Ride Mt Stromlo each week and participating in Fitzs challenge in a few weeks ( 5 peaks) not sure I will make all five though!
Hope you are keeping well. This time last year I had just started my adventure in Perth can’t believe it ended all too soon. I really miss the place adn the people and especially you lot !! Always a room in my house if any of you are over my way 🙂
Keep in touch
Love libby

Carradine-Peet-Lawnbrook – Ride Report for Sunday September 13

Report by Julian 

With the wind easing and only a light shower or two predicted, a very healthy turnout of 22 riders set off just after 7am from the car park for a 5 climb ride.  The roads were still damp from the early showers but this didn’t dampen the spirits.  The leaders set a good pace along Manning Rd and Albany Highway whilst I was content to sit at the back and talk to Peter, Stu, Kim and a couple of others who ventured down with us.  The spirits were sorely tested through Gosnells and Kelmscott and the rain became heavier but there weren’t many (although there were some) thoughts of turning home. 

The left turn into Carawatha Rd gave everyone a chance to tackle the first hill.  In previous posts I’ve made no secret of my dislike of this first short sharp hill and today it didn’t disappoint.  On the early part I made my way of the field and started to reel in the front six when I put in an effort and my back tyre slipped on the white line.  I just managed to stay upright but had to stop regain balance.  To make matters worse when I re-started, one of my shoes wouldn’t sit right in the pedal.  Resigned to finishing towards the back I cruised up the last bit of the hill and set about finding out who had done what on the climb.  Matthew had just edged out Ben for the points. 

The descent before Carradine Rd was taken fairly easily, due to the wet road and before to long we were on the roughest part of the course.  Mark D who as usual was at the front on the descent complained once he started climbing, as this is his least favourite hill on the Sunday rides.  Wanting to atone for the first hill I went to the front and was joined by Steve and Byron.  Byron made a couple of attacks on the climb but we reeled him in each time.  Coming up to the intersection I kept my eye on him over my right shoulder and the ever cunning Steve decided to take me on the left in the last 200 m and held out until the end.  

By this stage the rain had cleared and at the re-group the sun managed to peep through.  We did set off for the infamous Peet Rd climb with the bonus downhill jaunt on Soldiers Rd.  Again we took it easier down the hill, partly because of the wet road and partly to avoid bushwalkers and a couple of ducks.  Mark D also nearly came unstuck dodging a magpie but in the end we all made it safely down.  We stopped at Brookton Highway so Judith could change a flat and we managed to upset one of the local ladies who didn’t grasp the concept of being able to pass by us on the other side of the road. 

With all problems sorted we started up Peet Rd.  Having conserved energy on the first climb I decided to attack early and before Urch Rd had put a fair amount of space between the rest of the group.  I decided to keep going and by the time I got to the roundabout I figured I was pretty safe.  Once I reached the school I was able to watch the battle for second as Damir held off Matthew and Byron.  Melvyn finished the climb without the kid on the BMX following him in this week and Kim wanted to claim a point for finishing 17th.  Another puncture (I can’t remember who had it) meant the re-group was a little longer than normal and we also stopped at Karragullen for water in and water out.  

The trip to Pickering Brook was pretty cruisy and we were all still together.  The observatory climb started with Ben Damir and I getting away before Stu, Matthew and Byron reeled us in.  The tension rose as we neared the last part of the climb and Damir attacked first, Ben and Stu chased him down and I managed to get Stu just before the line.  Ben’s victory meant that there was a different winner for each of the first 4 climbs.  Kim came in 15th and was again disappointed to learn that no points were awarded for this position!

 The drier road on the downhill section to Lawnbrook Rd meant that this descent was a bit quicker than the others, but everyone soon grouped up on the early part of the climb.  Ben, Damir and I cleared out and once Damir dropped off near the top, I figured it was been Ben and I.  However, we didn’t reckon on a burst from Steve and towards the final roundabout he came flashing by.  Ben set off to wheel him in but we both slowed by a car on the roundabout.  We again picked up the pace and had almost got him when Byron came past us.  Ben summoned up a last effort and managed to catch him and I held off Steve.  The closeness of most of the climbs today indicated the great competitive nature of the points system. 

 Once we regrouped (the original 22 were all together still – a fantastic effort) we made our way to the Merchant for coffee.  However, it was pretty full there and we decided to try Paris Brest.  Given the size of the group, the typical service at Paris Brest and an 11.30 am deadline I had to meet, I decided to forego the social side of the ride and headed directly home.  I’m sure we will be told if anything exciting happened with the group on the trip back. 

KOM Summary. 

Climb 1 – 1. Matthew,  2. Ben,  3. Damir,  4. Byron,  5. Dan 

Climb 2 – 1. Steve,  2. Julian,  3. Byron,  4. Matthew,  5. Stu 

Climb 3 – 1. Julian,  2. Damir,  3. Matthew,  4. Byron,  5. Steve 

Climb 4 – 1. Ben,  2. Julian,  3. Stu,  4. Damir,  5. Matthew 

Climb 5 – 1. Ben,  2. Byron,  3. Julian,  4. Steve,  5. Stu 

Next week is the State TTT and there will be a few of us there.  The Sunday ride will still be on so please can someone keep track of the points and send them through to me (e-mail details on Points Classification Page).

saturday 12th sept – scarborough beach road

ride report by peter.


the weather has turned nasty again with lots of rain and lots of wind during the week.  it was forecast to be similar this morning and there was lots of rain overnight.  fortunately it eased off to give us a relatively dry start to the morning.  the wind, however, didn’t seem to ease off and looked to be a factor today.

it was going to be a new look at an old route as we headed to scarborough beach road.  we headed through the centre of town for a change, as it took off about 6kms from the original route that went around kings park.  we managed to get a number of traffic lights, but as we were only on cruise mode, it was just a minor irritation.  the lights and the small climb up to kings park spread the field a significant amount but we managed to be all back together to turn onto thomas. 

a pretty uneventful trip up loftus and onto scarborough beach road with james and ben setting the pace.  the westerly winds were gusting between 30 and 40 km/hr and we were heading straight into them. at least we would get a good push home.

just before the rolling hills started, we split the pack with the fast group turning onto ewen st while the main group continued along.  i discovered the ewen st hill when i had to go to lisa’s house for a committee meeting.  even though it was a while ago, i have been trying to get it onto the saturday ride and today would be the chance. 

we started the hill and their were no attacks as a don’t think anyone knew what to expect.  i came around and hit the front but didn’t last very long before i was at my max.  the hill pitches up a final time towards the end and everyone started coming around me once we hit that.  people were starting to stretch their legs, but there was a full on race to the top between davina and jarrad where neither looked like they would yield.  i was just on damage control mode and limped over the top.

we came down the other side and onto west coast hwy.  we didn’t stay that long on it before we turned up the boulevard.  the hill was made significantly easier with the strong wind on our backs and soon we had turned back onto oceanic.  this little detour was to add kms to the fast route as well as add a couple more climbs.  it would also give the main group a chance to get ahead of us.

back onto west coast hwy and the pace really started to pick up.  we were soon running single file as a combination of the pace, the traffic and the wind made things more difficult.

we picked off a couple of main group riders that had been dropped earlier and soon we were heading through swanborne.  we had lost a few from our group and they were chasing to get back on.  as we approached the lights at stirling, we found the main group waiting for a lights change.  when they did, they hardly stayed green and their group became split with us further behind a bit of traffic.  this allowed quite a number of our group a chance to catch up while the main group waited over the road for the rest of their riders at the lights. 

at the change, we came past the main group and suddenly the hammer was down.  i had to work hard to bridge across as i was held up coming around the main group, but finally made it before the group got too far away.  i was content to sit in now as the group sped through dalkeith and over the rolling hills. 

the pace didn’t seem to diminish and i found myself  slightly off the back again with paul o.  we finally made it back just as the lights changed to get onto mounts bay road.  no rest for the weary and we quickly jumped on the back of the group.  from then it was just a matter of hanging on to the end and i was too far back to see who picked up the sprint.

coffee was quite quick this morning and i actually got the chance to have one after a number of saturday morning appointments.  jerry was at the coffee shop after skipping the ride to keep his legs fresh for tomorrows atta time trial.  his first attempt and a chance to air the new bike.  however, he is starting just 1min in front of the guy that usually wins the events.  calculations have it that he will be caught by the first lap.  good luck jerry.

the spring breakfast is next saturday and the state team time trial championships are on the sunday.  looks like we will have a good turn out for both.  don’t forget to rsvp to lisa so we know how many to cater for the breakfast.

State Team Time Trial Championships Update

We have a great commitment from SPR for the State TTT championships coming up next weekend with six teams as of this moment. This amounts to 23 riders most of whom are members of our club so if you have the time next Sunday get down to Pinjarra to cheer on you fellow Rouleurs.

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Team members should have received an email detailing fellow team member names and licence numbers in order that you can cordinate your entry. If you haven’t please drop an email to the club email address or leave a comment below.

Nominations for this event close this coming Tuesday (15-Sept) so if you are interested please drop a line to the club at the usual email address or post a response below and we will match you with others. Bear in mind that male teams require 4 riders female teams 3, so the more the merrier.

Detailed below are the teams.



Male Elite A



Male Elite A



Male Elite A



Male Elite A



Male Elite B



Male Elite B



Male Elite B



Male Elite B



Female Elite A



Female Elite A



Female Elite A



SPR Masters A



SPR Masters A



SPR Masters A



SPR Masters A



SPR Masters B



SPR Masters B



SPR Masters B



SPR Masters B



SPR Masters C



SPR Masters C



SPR Masters C



SPR Masters C



Best of luck to all the competitors

Team Name
Male Elite A Brendan Nichol
Male Elite A Ryan Fynn
Male Elite A Judd OTLEY
Male Elite A Jerard GHOSSEIN
Male Elite B Joseph CARRENO
Male Elite B Steven HEDLEY
Male Elite B Jarrad Lumbewe
Male Elite B Daniel Hughes-Daeth
Female Elite A Lisa WOOD
Female Elite A Nicole Sloan
Female Elite A Jill Scanlon
SPR Masters A Rob Ramsden
SPR Masters A Peter MAH
SPR Masters A Stuart GEE
SPR Masters A Paul Owen
SPR Masters B Julian Johnson
SPR Masters B Michael Wlasenko
SPR Masters B Shane GORMAN

Masters B

SPR Masters C Alistar Buchanan
SPR Masters C John Barrett
SPR Masters C Daniel Harvey

ride routes 12th & 13th sept

some early reminders for next week.

the spring breakfast is next saturday the 19th and will be held at mark’s house in booragoon. there is a post belowso if you are coming let lisa know so we can organise catering.

the day after is the state team time trial.  we almost have 6 teams now but we need a few more people.  it is similar to a cyclo-sportifas you just race with your team-mates and you don’t even need fancy bars and bikes.  our aim is just to make our presence known to the cycling world and this is a good opportunity for us.  you need a RIDE, SPORT or recreational licence as a minimum as you can also get a day licence. 

there is a post below where you can register your interest and there is more details on the event.  so far we have 2 elite teams, a women’s team and almost 3 masters (+35) teams.  most of our guys are masters so if you want to ride, we can find a team for you.

so, now on with this weekend.

south perth rouleurs saturday ride 05 (scarborough beach rd)

i have made a few changes to the scarborough beach road route.  the main group will do the normal route but there has been a change after we cross the causeway as we will head through the city instead of mounts bay road.  after that the normal scarb beach road and down westcoast hwy.  the fast group will stay with the main until just before the rolling hills on scarbs rd start.  they will take a slight detour and ride up ewen st before linking onto west coast hwy.  there will be another detour onto the boulevard and back out oceanic drv.  both these routes have changed, so if you have a garmin you will need to upload them again.

south perth rouleurs sunday ride 10 (carradine & peet & observatory)

sunday will have a crack at 5 climbs.  heading down to mt nasura, up through roleystone and then kalamunda via the observatory and lawnbrook.  if you can make it that far you deserve a coffee.  just under 100km but some nice climbs to make it feel more like 200km.

Byford Cyclo Sportif (better late than never)

Cyclo Sportif Byford SPR Group A

I tore my calf on the Thursday leading up to the Sportif which meant no running for awhile (not so good for city to surf), thankfully my physio said I was allowed to ride my bike but no hills and no sprinting allowed (I was allowed to ride on Saturday, I just had to control myself and stay out of the sprint). Leg held up ok on Saturday so I did not pull out of the Sportif (afterall, the hills in Byford are not proper hills ).
Sunday rolled up, listened to pre race brief where Gary Suckling indicated there were some proper hills on the course (nothing for us hardened hills men I thought (thinking of Mike B mostly) and hoped there were no strugglers as I did not want to push with dodgy calf).
The A team included:
Michael Bonner: Riding very strong as always, never a doubt to whether he will carry his weight (even though there is minimal to carry) more a case of will he get a work out riding with us.

Brendan Nichol: also riding very strongly possibly stronger than normal due to Grafton training (approx 900kms a week, noice). Although hope all the kms in the legs had not turned them to Jelo) But no concerns over him not being able to keep up.

Ben Stewart: Never a doubt as to his mountain abilities or staying power, glad we managed to get him to come out with us. He has been a little absent of late in the hills rides (much like myself, possibly a fair weather rider too) but always stealing the points when he does ride and always up the front making my life hard.

Jerard Ghossein: Dr Ghossein as always is riding very strong, Poulidor is know more for his sprinting prowess than his climbing but he has been regularly attending the Sunday hills rides and gaining points in the climbs. Never a doubt about his staying power due to his penchant for Psytomax (excuse spelling)…

James Fox: First time entrant to Sportif, has been riding well on Thursday mornings and on Saturday morning where his is always pushing the pace with the break away crew. His recent purchase of a race illegal Parlee coupled with his light body indicates he should handle the hills ok (even though his presence on Sunday rides is almost non existent).

Mark DeCastro: The smartest man in the bunch, tenacious and always there. Has ridden in prior sportifs and is always rearing to go faster all the way to the end. He has been riding regularly on Sundays and stealing points now and then too.

John Doyle: The quiet achiever, recently back from a cycling tour where he conquered some huge climbs in Italy and France. He should have his hill climbing legs and there were little concerns over him fading over the distance.

Gregor Urquhart: A slightly unknown entity for me as I have not been attending the Sunday rides but I had ridden with him before and he appeared to be another tenacious fella (mountain bike men usually are) who was attending the Sunday rides, so the 9th birth was given to him (even though he was slightly reserved about taking it).

Ryan Fynn: (myself) a little of an unknown entity at the time due to lack of riding and torn calf but I felt running had possibly helped my endurance which would enable me to hang on worst case scenario.

So all in all, a good group of guys who could tackle the hills.  The time came and we were all off to face the 86kms of gentle undulations. We took off at a reasonable pace and were soon rolling through nicely into what seemed a forever present headwind. We were soon overtaking other teams, some whom were still riding but a fair few who were stopped on the side of the road repairing punctures. Michael Bonner said jokingly that we had a chance of winning provided we did not get a puncture (if past events were anything to go by, we were almost certain to get at least one puncture).
A decent pace was set but when swinging left onto the main highway the pace seemed to drop alot, I am not sure why, we now had a tail wind? Mike B said everyone was catching their breath, then told me he was going to put a little effort into the hill and would wait at the top or turn around and come back to us in order to get a more solid hitout. I tried to hurry everyone along as any cruising time was time lost.
Once on the hill, we rode a steady pace as a group and started picking off other groups. Soon, Mark DeCastro was struggling a little so I helped push him to the front of the group to keep the pace up. Gregor was also struggling but was managing to hang on to the back of the group so did not get a helping hand up the initial hill I do not think. I dropped my glove as the road flattened so had to turn back to grab it, Michael B stayed back for me and we jumped back onto the group easily.
Along the undulations, I tried to keep the pace up again as I felt we could all hang on but some breaks formed so the pace had to be kept in check (James was wanting to head off the front ). Mark DeCastro was loving the downhills and set the pace when going downhill. I tried to tell him to take it easy to ensure he left some gas for the uphill sections.
We kept our roll through happening and everyone was taking their turns to the Dam. Coming down into the dam there is a pretty sharp turn which we had been warned about in the pre race brief, Jerard was the only one to indicate he felt it was a little hair raising as he took some speed into the corner. We had a little regroup to catch breath, drink and gu up whilst going across the bridge as we were sure there would be some more uphill after all the down hilling we had been doing.

Sure enough once over the bridge, the road faced north again. Here I was doing some more pushing (turns out I would rather push to keep the average pace up than let the average pace slip down), Mark DeCastro was struggling with the pace a little and I gave Gregor a push to the front as well. But we worked well as a team and soon the hill was behind us and we were up to speed along the undulations.

Then there was some really rough roads and I looked back and one of the teams we had just passed was just behind us (a triathlon team). I did not want them to draft off us so tried to up the pace a little more. This is when James popped and I had to drop back a little to get him and push him onto the back of the group. I did not shout out for the pace to ease up as wanted to keep away from Triathlon team who were just behind us. This had to be the hardest part for me as pushing at full pace into a head wind was tough.. Grrr But soon enough we were on the back of the group and James could look after himself… Phew..

Then the road went narrow and there was a car behind us and a car coming in the distance. This meant we slowed a little and once again the triathlon team came closer (they were always in the back of my mind, I did not want to help them along.. grrr), someone said to let them go through, noway, they were drafting us and would slow us down if we let them through. Soon we were at the turn around point and I said to the Triathlon team that I thought Triathletes did not Draft??

We were on the home stretch now with a tail wind and I tried to get the pace up as soon as we turned. Once again, any down time was lost time, have a drink when we are at full pace, not when we are going slow (I also wanted to get rid of triathlon team).. Soon enough we were rolling through and pace was on. Brendan, Mike B and Ben were still very strong and we soon pulled away from the Triathlon team. Then came a little zig zag where we had to cross the railway and we got stuck behind a lil old lady in her old car who was not sure where to go and was even less sure when I shouted out for her to get going from behind. I took the lead and went around her hoping others would to. We lost some time whilst we all regrouped and got up to speed again (which allowed triathlon team to gain some ground again… Grrrr).

Then last 10 or so kms was hard but good, Brendan put in alot of work (looking very strong in lead up to Grafton) and the call to ease up was only made now and then and when it was, we eased up till group was together, then picked pace up again. Well oiled machine I tell ya.  I then started to fade (head mostly as I looked down at speedo and we were at 84kms and the event was meant to be 84kms but there was no end in sight… Hopefully we had not missed a turn off somewhere).. We continued on at pace and Brendan asked where the finish was too but soon enough we spotted the turn and we were on the home straight. I moved to the front as I had the timing chip and drove the train over the finish line.

I felt like it was a great team ride and we all shook hands and gave each other pats on the back etc (clothes stayed on) before tucking into some of Lorraines great muffins which were washed down with coke (thank you very much Lorraine for looking after us when your body was broken and you needed the looking after).

When the results came out, it turned out we had the fastest time by over 3 minutes (when I sent out the results both James and John wrote back asking if they were interpreting the results correctly and if in fact we had the fastetst time), a fantastic result even if it was in a participation event our team work definitely paid off and I am looking forward to the next event.

Below is a table of heart rates for the event (some shorter distance participants in there to), you can see Gregor and Mark were definitely digging deep, whilst Mr Bonner was taking it easy waiting up for us to catch up 😉

Byford Sportif HR Data

Here are the links to some Garmin data to which is pretty interesting:

Ryan http:  //connect.garmin.com/activity/11799785

Jerard http:  //connect.garmin.com/player/11743536

Mark DeCastro http://connect.garmin.com/activity/11751615

Melvyn http://connect.garmin.com/player/11751289

SPR BREKKIE – 19th September

” I said what about breakfast with SPR”  (think Breakfast at Tiffany’s tune!)

….Ok well its that time of year again,  SPR breakfast Saturday 19th September.  As per usual the breakfast will be held immediately after the ride, if your not planning on riding you are still more than welcome to come along – there will be coffee and muffins, brownies and hot chocolate, toasties and OJ and much more yummy goodies….

There will be a raffle with some cool prizes and I am sure Ben’s counting has now reached higher than, I quote, “nummer four”  so good news for the other 50 odd people that will be there, your number could be called!!!! 

 Only $10 a head to be paid on the day EVERYONE WELCOME! Please RSVP by 16/09 either by posting a comment or emailing me to me so that we can have approximate numbers for catering.


Mark de Castro has kindly opened his house up for our festivities so if your not planning on riding with the group I can email you the address.

See you there… Lisa

The website for the South Perth Cycle Club