sunday 23rd aug – cyclosportif, byford

Team B Byford Report by Shun

The day started off at 7am for the drive down to Byford. When reaching Mead Rd, I was surprised to find an empty housing estate rather than the start area.

After going around the block (or hectare?) I eventually saw the cyclo-sportif sign lying next to a fence.

Crawling down the side road I found a parking and it started to rain lightly. Not a good start to the day.

Amusement for the next hour as cars turned up and did 10 point turns to backup to Warrington Rd to find a parking space.

Eventually the SPR gang started to turn up in and we all met at the briefing point.

After the usual briefing and pinning the tail on the donkey with the numbers we all huddled together waiting for the start.

Lorraine hobbled up and helped us with our misc car keys and wallets.

Finally the B team got to the line and started off.

As we went down the road, the wind from the right kick in and Doug assumed the position to let me half wheel him for some shelter.

Snuggle’s must have started to get frisky and moved up to the front for some long pulls, and then dropped to the back for short breaks.

After the 3 time, I yelled to him that we needed to get a blood/urine sample from him after the event.

I think he snorted and me and went even harder???

It was about 13k’s in when I heard ‘ease up’ from the back and I relayed the message to Snuggles (phew).

As we approached the climb up to the Serpentine monastery we decided that the best approach would be to go up the climb at our own pace and regroup.

I went off the front at my own pace expecting to be passed eventually and didn’t want to hold everyone up too much.

As I went around the first corner, the first of a couple riders from other teams had already dismounted and started the long walk up.

About 50 meters and I dodged a few who were zigzagging.

As I got to the 3/4 point, Tim and Paul went past and I met them at the top a minute later.

When I found out Tim had a fair about of body weight on me, I vowed to join in more Sunday hill rides! Great effort from the big guy!

After a quick break, BD said hi to his breakfast again, we were off.

I rode my brakes for most of the descents and Melvyn kept an eye on me to make sure I didn’t lose contact with the group too much.

Eventually we hit the dam and had another climb and I saw Tim pass me to head to the top again.

More descents on the rough country roads after this kept us on our toes.

The ride back into Byford was comfortable until it started raining for the last 10k’s in.

When we crossed the line, first thing on everyone’s mind was to get changed into something warm and dry.

Lorraine’s refuelling station was open with chocolate brownies and coke which was most welcomed!

Off to the lunch and Cameron Myer’s garage sale.

All in it was a great day and thanks to everyone for coming and flying the SPR colours.

vuelta a espana tipping comp

well it is time for another grand tour as the pros line up for the vuelta this coming weekend.

we will be running another tipping comp and have set up a new tipping home page.  same rules apply as the tour tipping comp and there is a page outlining them.

you can now access all the pages easily using the page menu above, so register your team name by adding your comments to the vuelta home page.  cost will be $10 and there will be prizes for each category.

good luck.


saturday 22nd august – tv stations

kind of a ride report by peter.

another weekend off the bike for me as i just can’t seem to shake this cold.  two weeks of coughing and spluttering and a week and a half of no bike can be quite soul destroying.  anyway, i was playing “official photographer” today so with the young lad in tow,  followed the group around the course. 

there were quite a few out and only a few brief showers along the way.  the group didn’t split and waited on wanneroo rd when dr greg got a puncture going through some roadworks.  pretty uneventful from my perspective (inside a car), but anyone else is welcome to elaborate on how the ride went.

Research Project – Huber on Female Recreational Cyclists

This is one aimed for all of our Lady Cyclists, have a read and feel free to contact Ian or Kelly to be part of some breakthrough research.

Dear PIHC Cycling Friends and Contacts

We have a 5th year ECU Sports Science student who is undertaking a ground breaking research on Female Recreational Cyclists.

The information is attached for your attention.

If you can network this flyer to your contacts and those keen should contact Kelly Seward at: or on 0418928338.

Kind regards

Ian Wee

Research Supervisor

Occupational Therapist
Perth Integrated Occupational Therapy

Perth Integrated Health Clinics

Northern Districts Centre
Unit 12, 8 Booth Place Balcatta
(Entry via Erindale Road)
Tel: 9240 5266 Fax: 9240 1522

Research Information Flyer

ride routes 22nd & 23rd aug

another nice wet weekend predicted so we will keep close to town on saturday.  the tv stations provides a nice way to warm up once the pace is on but usually allows the group to stick together after the downhill.  just remember that you turn off halfway along kings park and then come home via dalkieth.  i am sure that the last time we did this route, the main group was not caught.  novice group rides as usual.

sunday sounds like a nice relaxing ride through john forrest national park but not before heading up greenmount.  only 4 climbs that are fairly well spaced out means that there is a lot of transitional sections to ride and chat.

there is a cyclo-sportif on this sunday down at byford so good luck to the 2 teams that we have entered there.  we have one in each of the a and b distance but both have to tackle the hill.

i will be taking the remaining kit to the coffeeshop this saturday, so if you haven’t collected you can pick it up there.  even if you don’t ride you can still collect, otherwise it will be by appointment with me.  drop me an email.

south perth rouleurs saturday ride 06 (tv stations)

south perth rouleurs sunday ride 04 (greenmount & parkerville & mundaring weir)

Collie to Donnybrook return

Race report by Brendan
Well I guess I will start with the trip down, what a terrible day to be driving anywhere, pouring rain, gale force winds with a hint of hail. I considered turning around many times but about half way to Pinjarra there was a Truck crash or fire and the road was blocked and we were forced to turn around and back come the thought of just keep driving back to Perth. But knowing I need the race miles in the legs for Grafton in 4 weeks we went the backway with 50 other cars and lost a good half hour but still arrived in plenty of time.

After the necessary registering and catching up with a few people I haven’t seen in a while I made my way back to the car to set up the bike in the rain, did I mention the wind?? You can see the tone of the day really.. I initially put on my deep dish wheels but during my warm up I decided against it and changed back to my shallow ones. With most groups going off to torrential rain and hail we were lucky I guess as it wasn’t raining when we set off but the road was that wet it didn’t really matter. As I was second scratch (second last to go) with a couple of Plan B riders and Brookes McMurdo ones plus others I knew it would be a tough ask to hold off the scratch group let alone get up for a win as the first few groups had over half an hour head start…

We set a furious pace and on the first hill I immediately found out the legs didn’t want to play (something to do with the 900kms in the last 9 days training for Grafton) I struggled through for turns with the group and missing a few but I noticed I wasn’t the only one. Russel Brookes (Who went on later to win) was on a mission and strong as and drove us over the hills at over 40 ave which taking in the huge side winds and rain gives you the idea… Within 20kms we had someone giving us time checks behind and front and we were gaining fast on the next 2 groups and actually holding off the scratch group so I tried my best to recover between smashing through turns with everyone and just hoped my legs would come good.

By the first turn towards Donnybrook we only had a minute to catch 3rd scratch group but they had also caught there front group making a rather large group and with some strong regular ATTA riders in there our task was becoming harder, for the next 10 odd kms we had only closed down another 10 odd seconds and Donnybrook was fast approaching and driving into the head wind we all dug deep knowing that if we could just catch them we could hold off the scratch group. By the turn around in Donnybrook we had approx 30secs to make up and could see our prey but with a short few kms of a tail wind the big group were on a mission to hold us all off. We basically sprinted full gas out of Donnybrook with a tail wind hit the turn left and back into the side winds and finally caught them shortly after.

Once caught they pretty much sat up with only a couple interested in working so Russell Brookes smashed an attack with Jordon (plan B) chasing and I knew it was the break not to let go but just didn’t have the speed to bridge the gap so settled in with the group encouraging others to work so we could catch them back up, but with only a few and many just sitting on it was doomed so once I recovered I surged quite a few times to offload as many as possible prior to the hills on the return to Collie. Scratch caught us just prior to the mentioned hills but weren’t doing a high speed and pretty much guessed Russel and Jordon would probably catch the front groups and go on to win (which they did just).

On the main hill, well the one the hurts the most pretty much sorted everyone out and my legs said no more and the scratch group rode off in the distance and I got together with a couple of people and we worked solidly together all the way home to be about 4 mins behind the winner and scratch getting to within a minute of Russell’s winning time. We had a few front guys sitting on us on the way home for 10 odd kms and then proceeded to try to out sprint us for like 25th spot after we had dragged them through the winds, talk about disrespectful! So after we crossed the line I ensured I told them my thoughts 🙂

So a very tough day out but glad to have done what I did with what I had off a very hard mark, full credit to the winner for a strong ride who proved he was the strongest on one of the hardest day of racing I have done in years.
The other SPR riders were within a chance up to the closing kms when our group and scratch caught most of them with Stu and Nicole riding strongly on the day too. My mate from Kal Ryan rode the whole race in a rain jacket and from the start picture you can see why….
Colli Don

Brief Ride Report – Sunday August 16

Report by Julian 

I had a good sleep in on Saturday so was keen for hills session.  Ten of us gathered for the ride, with Brendan the only one I knew – a sure sign we’re getting lots of interest in the rides.  The newer riders had come across the web site and were pretty impressed with the general layout and organization of the club, which means we’re doing something right.  Obviously a big part of this is the work by Peter, and shows being off the bike has its benefits. 

We tackled the Kahuna first with Brendan setting a good pace on his recovery ride.  After dodging some chickens before the climb started, I sat with him on the climb and was serenaded by gradient calls at various points.  He let me have the points then turned around and went home. We also lost another early rider so that left 8 for the last three climbs. 

On the Roleystone climb John made a couple of good attacks but wasn’t sure of the finish.  He did a couple of laps at the roundabout allowing Michael and I to catch up.  I managed to outlast Michael on the last hill.  We lost another two riders at the regroup, which left 6 of us to complete the course. 

The observatory climb was very uneventful but the last hill was anything but.  John made the first attack and I managed to wheel him in and decided to keep going.  In the last 600 m I noticed the gap was getting noticeably smaller and I was soon passed by Dean and John.  John spent all his tickets in the chase so I got by him again but Dean held on for glory, helped by the confusion that the 50 km/h sign on the left hand side of the road had been removed.  Hopefully it will return soon as it was hard to concentrate on the finish line without it there.  Adding to the drama, Michael got a puncture courtesy of a staple, so he had been tailed us in after making the change.  We caught up with Mark D at the top, who had slept through his alarm but still managed to get out.  

We then headed for coffee at the café down the road from Paris Brest, based on Matthew’s recommendation and it was well worth it.  The service was very prompt, 3 marshmallows were supplied with the large hot chocolate and the sandwiched Michael and Ben had looked pretty good.  I would recommend it again and it has plenty of space for us.  The wait staff were easy on the eye but lacked french accents! 

On the way down we had a bit of drizzle and the new SPR jacket was fantastic in keeping out the wind.  The last stretch was a struggle for me as my Trek is in desperate need of a service after a few weeks of commuting in the wet.  All the more reason to get a second bike, which has now been agreed to by her indoors. 

The KOM points are listed below and the table has been fully updated. 

KOM 1 – 1. Julian,  2. Brendan,  3. Michael,  4. Dean,  5. John

KOM 2 – 1. Julian,  2. Michael,  3. Matthew,  4. Dean,  5. John

KOM 3 – 1. Julian,  2. John,  3. Michael,  4. Dean,  5. Matthew

KOM 4 – 1. Dean,  2. Julian,  3. John,  4. Matthew,  5. Michael/Ben 

Footnote:  I can’t make Cyclosportif this weekend and will also be unavailable for the Sunday ride.  Will anyone be heading out to keep points??

The website for the South Perth Cycle Club