ride report by peter.
i managed what i thought was the impossible this morning and snuck out of the house without waking anyone up. this is especially lucky as the microwave (for breakfast) is loud and usually precedes number 1 son’s equally loud start to the day. i was out the door and into the dark before my luck ran out.
we had around twenty at the start today and a new face (to sunday) as matt whom i have raced against before thought he would give our group a go. the rest were fairly regular sunday riders with the exception of rachael who decided give the hills a crack today. we headed out and picked up bonner and nev along the way to bolster our numbers a bit.
the course today is one of the most brutal that we have in our repertoire not for the distance but mainly for the steepness of the climbs involved. there were 5 categorised climbs today but we would start with the f_ckenberg which runs up the back of mt nasura. not as brutal as the chookenberg, but certainly there to test the legs. it is steep enough to make it almost impossible to start again if you stop on the way up.
a fairly uneventful run along albany hwy with the only fun being to watch stu and brendan on two separate occasions have to time trial it back to the group after a nature break. once we hit brookton hwy a split formed with a few of the dr’s and a couple of others opting for a run up the brookton hill rather than the fun of the f_ckenberg. the wind had picked up as the day progressed and was in our faces as we approached the base of the climb. as it looms ahead of you, the bulk of the climb is hidden by the fact that the road turns left to skirt the hill and is hidden by the surrounding trees. quite a few in the group had not the pleasure of acquainting themselves with this climb and so we were talking it up as much as possible.
i, myself, am not a big fan as the steep climbs do not bode well with me. the f_ckenberg doesn’t give you much of a chance of finding a rhythm unless you have a compact cracnk and a granny gear. as the road turned left some of the boys started to flex their climbing muscles and took off up the hill. i was content to let them go, but was concerned when milram dan shot past me as well. his fitness has been getting steadily better, but i was unsure about his climbing. i set my own pace as best i could and managed to eventually haul him back in as the hill was a little too long for the effort he put in. i didn’t make any more ground on the leaders and came to the top about seventh or so, but happy that i could actually see the front bunch this time.
mike – 10, brendan – 7, matt – 5, judd – 3, lindsay – 1.
a regroup at the top and a chance to get the breathing patterns back to normal and we were on our way again. this next climb up canns was nowhere near as steep but went for a couple of k’s and had a few pinches involved. brendan and i led the way and the rest of the group formed up behind. no-one was keen to make a move so we set a more relaxed pace as we were working into the wind. brendan was still recovering from some oral surgery from earlier in the week and was not feeling 100% because of the antibiotics. he said that whenever he got his heart rate too high, he felt crook. bad for him, good for me.
not doing this climb too often, it is hard to remember exactly where it ended and therefore exactly where to attack. as a right hand kink in the road approach, i thought that it was not too far away now so was up out of the saddle and broke away from the group. i think everyone was waiting for brendan to chase me down and it allowed me to make a decent gap. i was constantly looking over my shoulder and saw mike swing off and around the group in response. i held out as long as i could, but mike was making ground and towing a substantial group behind him. i eased off so that i had some reserves for when they past me, but didn’t quite have enough to go with mike and judd. i managed to jump on with stu and matt, but they also eventually dropped me. as the finish line approached, i thought that i could bridge the gap and stood up to accelerate. unfortunately for me, they also stood up at the same time so there was no chance i would gain anything. i looked back and decided that the others wouldn’t catch me so rolled up to the line.
judd – 10, mike – 7, stu – 5, matt – 3, peter – 1.
the decent down soliders rd is always fun once you get past the tight sections and today threw up a further obstacle. as we approached the decent, i commented to bec that they must have resurfaced the road as there was a lot of loose gravel on the top and the evidence that they had widen the road had been covered up. this caused a few concerns to some riders, including myself as the surface did not inspire much confidence and i had to swing wide on a few corners just to make sure. the nice and smooth road returned soon afterwards and i managed to clock about 73km/h as the road twisted it’s way down the hillside. everyone managed to make it down ok and we regrouped before hitting peet rd.
once again the pace was not on. i was expecting a few surges from mike at the very least but they never came. it was tempo up the first steep section of peet rd before a left hander onto urch. at the turn we still had a decent size group to contest the prize. the slight downhill gave a reprieve to the legs but also allowed a few people to sneak ahead and mark flew past in the tug position. i wasn’t too worried about him (sorry mark) as i thought that i could catch him on the uphill, but then matt took off after him. i was a bit worried about him and had to get a bit closer to his wheel.
once the hill started again, matt put in a big effort and jumped in front of mark and up the hill. i jumped across to his wheel as he was still putting in the big effort and sat behind him for a while. when he finally sat down, i attacked him to see if he had anything left. not enough to sustain and i managed to put some distance in him. the grinding climbing technique of mike and stu slowly dragged me back as there was a substantial amount of hill remaining and i couldn’t hold position behind them for very long. once we crested the hill, there is a section of flatish rd before it intersects canning mills rd which is the finish point for the climb. a bit of confusion last time we did this route found mike pulling up too early and a few of us overtook him before the line. this time he was making sure and he kept the pace on to stay well ahead of stu. i looked back a few times to see matt gaining once the hill eased up, so i clicked up a few gears to stay ahead. lindsay was climbing well and managed to secure fifth place.
mike – 10, stu – 7, peter – 5, matt – 3, lindsay – 1.
judd decided to call it a day and took the decent down the kahuna for an early home time. the rest of the group ambled along the back roads to pickering brook and continued to the base the easy side of the observatory. no-one had made the early turn to the coffee shop which was good to see and the group is certainly climbing well. i was hoping for an easy start to the hill and that the attacks would start till later. unfortunately, brendan was in the mood to shake things up a bit and went off the front from the first turn. mike and stu chased and left me no choice but to try to get across. we soon caught brendan who was still suffering from that earlier complaint, but could do little surges to make people think that he was going.
mike and stu left me behind a they increased their pace and i looked back to see matt and lindsay on my tail. thinking that i would be better off in no-man’s land, i put in a effort when we were halfway to the top and managed to shake them off. i just needed the maintain now to make sure i kept my points. as the road flattened, i looked back to see matt stuck to the wheel of dr mark and they were making ground. i accelerated as best i could to stay ahead and thought that i was actually making ground on stu up ahead. in reality i was getting closer because he had started the hill while i was still on the flat. as soon as the hill started for me, i did feel that close. matt was now powering up the hill to the finish and i had to continually look behind to make sure he didn’t make up too much ground.
mike – 10, stu – 7, peter – 5, matt – 3, dr mark – 1.
one last climb today and we are starting a new leaderboard. this one is not to see who can afford to buy the lightest bike but is more a list of personal best times and will show how well people are improving. our last climb on a sunday ride is generally up mundaring weir rd to kalamunda. from the bottom there is a road called aldersyde which is where the time starts. you then climb up to the top where there is a 50 km/hr sign just before the roundabout and stop the clock. i will start a new page which will show the start and finish points as well as a list of peoples best times. hopefully we can use it as gauge of fitness and it allows people to see where they stand.
anyway, the climb started and matt shot up the road after some early breakaways. i commented to stu about it and he thought that we should be able to make up the ground. i had started my clock and was determined to put in a good time so i set myself a nice tempo and took off after matt. he had sat up once he caught the breakaway so i picked him up quickly and sped past. a couple of turns into the climb and i noticed the train of mike, stu and brendan baring down upon me. brendan offered me the wheel as they came past and i jumped onboard. about halfway up the first section, and well into the steeper bit that i hate, mike made a big move off the front. i chased onto mikes wheel and held on for as long as i could. i thought that i was going ok and may have had a chance at sticking to his wheel when all of a sudden brendan shot past with a “yee-hah”. mike accelerated just enough to dislodge me but not enough to stick with brendan. unfortunately, this was just one of the surges that brendan was capable of, but couldn’t sustain and was soon overtaken.
i jumped back on stu’s wheel and we soon picked up brendan. mike was a fair way ahead but i thought we could make up some ground once the road flattened out. brendan came around and offered to take us up to mike and we jumped on board and caught him before the road turned the corner. brendan went straight to the front and kept the pace up until he felt crook again and had to back it off. the three of us approached the final pinch and suddenly mike and stu were sprinting for the line. my legs were just happy to be there and had no sprint left in them but i managed to keep ahead of brendan. my time was 8:03, so if you managed to get a split, send them to me via email and i will post them. when the page is up it will explain the rules etc.
mike – 10, stu – 7, peter – 5, brendan – 3, lindsay – 1.

the coffee shop was busy, but we managed to all squeeze around a couple of tables (with a few parked on the stairs). the early off shoot that left us on brookton hwy was still sitting at the coffee shop by the time we arrived. service was very slow and they were still waiting. we eventually received our orders and were late to leave as it was well after 11 o’clock. the most eventful part of the return journey was right at the top of kalamunda where a guy (with family) in a big range rover, deliberately swerved to our side of the road (oncoming) for no apparent reason. when i stuck my hand up (yes all the fingers) to say wtf are you doing, he did the same back to me as if i was doing something wrong. see mr dickhead can drive anything. i actually think that he was on his way home from church as there is one on that road. so i hope a drop bear lands on his bonnet.