Ride Report – 8th November

By Russell

As birthday boy I get to write the ride report and pay for coffee.  This is my oppourtunity to cross the line first – irrespective of where i actually came in the sprint. Those who write the minutes of meetings know that you can twist the record of the meeting to suit your purpose! 

I knew about the committment to buy coffee for those I beat home, as I had made it, but being ‘volunteered’ to write the ride report after the ride meant that I did not pay attention to all the normal details that Peter ususally gets in.   

The ride around the river in my view is a 5 star rides and one that really showcases our Perth waters.  You cannot do a decent river ride in Melbourne, Adelaide and many other cities – but Perth is absolutely made for it.  My recollection was that we kicked off with about 40 or 50 riders from South Perth after the pep talk from Peter including the acknowledgement of my impending 50th Birthday and the ‘lead out’ that was going to be set up.  We were going to ride the route (almost exactly) of the Perth Bike ride (this weekend?) and it was to include the steep pinch in Mosman Park. Fast sections were to be up the hill to the water tower and then along Burke Drive and the sprint home.

Everybody rolled out and was well behaved all along Mounts Bay road and through the leafy suburbs of Nedlands and Dalkeith.  Perth waters were like a millpond – a sensational day.  I kept myself in the front 3rd of the bunch and kept calulating how much my shout for coffee was going to cost me.    It was a bit disconcerting to see couple of the back riders pop out in front of the group after taking short cuts – this was a trend that was to occur a few times in the morning – it either smacked of desperation or a charitable desire to save me from buying them coffee.  Your choice dr’s wal and paul. 

The bunch had a nice ride past all the private schools, schools whose fees are so high their parents cannot buy the bike they really want, and down the bumps past devils elbow.  Everybody that I could see ahead of me stuck together until the start of the Mosman Park hill and then kicked on.  The bottom part is normally chaotic as fast guys from the back come past, there is lots of position changing in the middle of the bunch (not that the fast guys ever see that) and one or two almost stall as they miss a gear or crunch a gear change.  Top of the hills are ususally pretty safe as everybody seems to have their own space and their own slow agony to deal with. 

It did not take long to regrouped at the water tower as it was a short climb and not much opportunity for big gaps from front to back.  Don’t know who made it there first but I think I stayed about a third back.  After the regroup we headed past the manicured lawns, range rovers, bmws and transplanted grass tree to get back to Stirling highway.  I think dr’s wal and paul were infront again as we went down the highway.

Orderly procession through Fremantle and Bicton (- did we pick up another rider or two?) before the normal fast flog along Burke Drive.  Things got exciting there for a little while as we tried to roll through, overtake a few riders and dodge cars overtaking cyclists coming the other way.  From there is was hop back onto Canning Highway all the way to the causeway and the bell tower.

Things seemed to stayed together along the highway to Canning Bridge, until we hit all the lights at Applecross, where drs wal and paul again appeared at the front.  The last time I had cycled along from Canning to Causeway with the bunch I had got dropped as the bunch pushed through the undulations at speed.  This time I was determined to stick with the leading group and was trying to engineer a wind break by forcing Christophe to get out from my rear wheel.  Through South Perth we tried rolling through until I was in front only to find the roll through had turned to a breakaway that I couldn’t stick with.  Melvyn came to my aid and provided some shelter.  We had all reformed by the causeway lights and I was againing thinking of the rash promise to pay for coffee. 

Since I posted that i would now pay to get to the front a couple of the fast guys had made some suggestions about hooking onto their wheel for the sprint.  However as I have no kick whatsoever I needed to line up behind a turbo diesel not a dragster.  Coming past the gardens at the causeway Ryan took off – way to fast for me, then Jerry (i think) also too fast, couple of others came around then my turbo diesel – Christophe, and I could hop in behind him for a while. Christophe faded and I and others had to pass and I was left out high and dry until Nick offered his wheel to stop me being swamped by everybody. But I had nothing left to push past and had to stay there until the pressure came off.

So at the coffee shop I was infront of some and behind the fast guys – I had fun, made a couple of good riding decisions, worked hard and was not disgraced.  And i bought coffee for all those behind me.  Special thanks to Melvyn, Christophe and Nick for keeping me in touch with the front runners.

And I look forward to ridding with you all next week – I will still be trying to stay in the front half of the bunch even if i am over 50

sunday 9th nov – kahuna & canning mills

ride report by peter.


yas at rolystone
yas at rolystone

with a absolutely stunning day predicted, i expected a bumper turnout this morning but was left a bit under whelmed.  around 15 or so decided to toe the line but we did manage to pick up a few more on the way.  with the usual suspects like ryan and stu absent, i thought that i would have the mountain points all wrapped up.  unfortunately for me, one of the riders we picked up on the way was mike.  there was even a general murmur of “no points today” coming from the group.  yes, it was true but on the other hand, having mike there meant that i would have to work a whole lot harder which will get me a whole lot fitter. 

steve and i lead the group out and onto albany hwy at a leisurely pace.  “fresh” from his 300km melbourne to warrnambool race a couple of weeks ago, he was also backing it up from a session on the track where he got the honour of being smashed by the likes of cj sutton, graeme brown and cam meyer.  he was unsure on how he would go on the hills, but i thought i better keep an eye on him regardless. 

the first climb of the day was up the kahuna.  as we approached the foot of the climb, clare was doing circles around the roundabout waiting for the group to arrive.  my aim was to stick with mike for as long as possible and see where it left me.  i had my new “dr paul’s custom wheelset” on the bike which saved me a hundred grams overall.  unfortunately as it was a rush job to get them on yesterday, i also managed to forget the speedo magnet and now realised that the derailleur could not access the easiest and hardest gear.  well it could access the easiest, but that pinging noise that the spokes make as the rear derailleur brushes past them was not what i wanted to hear. 

the climb got underway and the pecking order was quickly sorted out.  i made tempo until mike came around me and then i latched onto his wheel, determined to hang on.  steve was on our wheel for a while but detached somewhere along the first main pinch as the field really thinned out.  i was watching my heartrate and listening to my breathing, but was really starting to struggle.  as the road flattened out for the first “plateau” mike kept the effort up and rode away from me.  i have talked about the same thing before and knew that i should also keep the effort up but my body said “no” as it had been abused for too long. 

i rode tempo but looked around me to make sure that the gap was not reducing to the riders behind.  mike’s gap was increasing ever so slowly as he ground his way up but i was more worried about the fact that riders were approaching from behind.  i wasn’t sure at first, but a couple more looks confirmed steve closing fast.  i was paying for my efforts to maintain mike’s pace and steve come past me and started chasing down mike.  he came close to catching him too, but the road pitched up again and he didn’t quite make it. 

the road flattened out again and i managed to recover enough to increase my pace to begin to chase down steve.  no other riders were gaining from behind, so i just had to concentrate on catching him.  another thing i notice about the new wheels is just how quiet they are.  i scared the crap out of steve as i came past him and i tried to stay ahead.  there was not far to go and it came down to a sprint for the line.  the effort of catching him had me spent and my spew-meter was in the red.  i fell a few metres short and came third.  gregor the scottish mountain-biker from texas was back to show his climbing skills ans too fourth while clare was impressing some of the boys by kicking their arse to take out fifth.

mike – 10, steve – 7, peter – 5, gregor – 3, clare – 1.


a regroup had us at max numbers as we had also picked up doug on the climb.  we had a nice fast descent down urch but soon the road pitched up and those with fast descending skills soon deferred to those with fast ascending legs.  again the plan was to stick like glue to mike and see what happens.  steve was fastened firmly to my wheel and we let mike set the tempo up the climb.  luckily for me, the steepest part of peet rd is the section below the urch intersection and i managed to hold onto mike’s wheel till the top.  we kept the pace up and did a couple of turns as we headed over the top and towards the school.  the section past the fruit place always gets me as it is just steep enough to be painful especially after you think you have finished with the climbs.  i dropped it back to the small ring while i noticed that steve and mike were still grinding away in the big. 

mike hit the front again as we made the final run towards the school climb.  steve and i were content to not help him as we were pretty sure that it would come down to a sprint.  about halfway up the hill, steve started to come around with me on his wheel.  the finish is deceptive and i made sure that i didn’t go too early (like the state champs race).  i waited till the last moment and then started my sprint.  steve stepped up and soon we were going side by side along the road seeing who could sustain the longest.  after doing less time in the wind (ryan style) i had the fresher legs and he conceded.  the spots for fourth and fifth also came down to a sprint with clare out gunning gregor for the points.

peter – 10, steve – 7, mike – 5, clare – 3, gregor – 1.


claire takes the hill
claire takes the hill

we were all present and accounted for and ready to rock and roll when we noticed that melvyn hadn’t arrived yet.  he eventually turned up after suffering a bit of chain trouble when his quick link detached and he was riding sans chain.  luckily the two pieces didn’t fall off so he could reattach quite easily.  we headed down brookton hwy and onto the foot of canning mills rd.

as we turned onto the road leading to the hill, there was a call of “flat” so we passed it down the line.  after the debacle of last week, it was good to see the group looking out for each other.  after gregor fixed his flat we were off with the base of the climb starting only fifty metres away.

i was following my same game plan again but found myself boxed in a bit.  mike was starting to move away from the front and i couldn’t get past.  i quickly sprinted around to catch his wheel, but was not sure at what cost my legs had paid.  this is a particularly steep and brutal climb but it is fairly consistent the whole way up.  it makes it easy to get into a tempo and stay there.  unfortunately it was easy for mike to get into a tempo that was obviously faster than i could handle.  i lost ground after staying with him for a short time.  gregor had been on my wheel just before the road steepened up but had slot ground when mike “took off”.  i found my rhythm but was surprised when he caught back up to me.  mike was surging ahead, and we were all losing ground, but i didn’t think that i was going that slow.  no disrespect to gregors climbing ability, but i just don’t like being caught.  soon steve came up beside us too.  pushing a big gear doing strength endurance efforts, he ground his way past us.  as the pitch of the road changed a bit he slipped back and gregor and myself began chasing mike down. 

the last part of this climb really flattens off and is in stark contrast to the first section where trees and curves in the road give way to long straight open roads.  quickly changing up the gears we tried to increase the pace to make up some ground on mike.  it was a bit of a wasted effort in that respect, but i also wanted to distance myself from any other challengers to the points.  about halfway to chevin road which was the rendezvous point, i put it in the big ring and put in a big effort to shake gregor.  i didn’t want it to get to a sprint situation so managed to distance myself from him and maintain the gap to the end.  mike was nowhere to be seen as he had finished the climb and just kept going to keep the legs moving.  after a short wait, steve came in with clare and paul on his wheel, but managed to keep it in that order and maintaining paul’s 6th place just out of the points for the third climb in a row.

mike – 10, peter – 7, gregor – 5, steve – 3, clare – 1.


we rolled towards pickering brook but had lost three riders before we got there with various people having early commitments.  after a regroup at pickering brook a split formed and five more took off for an early mark, opting for a quick descent down welshpool instead of a climb up the weir road.  across the rolling hills before the main climb, john managed to get a bit of a break, but i was mainly concerned with hanging close to mike and steve.  by the time we started the climb, there were a few guys already up the road.  paul and steve said that i should probably go hard now, but i looked back at  how close mike was decided to wait to see what he did.  i didn’t really have a choice as he took off like a rocket and i had to sprint to get on board. 

we passed the others on the climb like they were standing still and i was only just holding on for dear life.  i started to wonder how long i could hold this pace for, but soon got my answer.  we had just passed john who had the early break, and i started to slip off mike’s wheel.  a couple of efforts to stay on really just buggered me up rather than kept me on and i slipped back.  i tried to get into a tempo, but struggled under the weight of the previous effort and was not going as well as i could.  i made my way up the bottom section of the climb, but looked back to see that john was gaining on me and soon grabbed my wheel.  john has never been a climber and i can still remember his first saturday ride with us.  a combination of new bike syndrome and some good training (maybe epo) has seen some god improvements lately. 

judd the man in black.
judd the man in black.

we continued up the climb with mike nowhere in sight.  we came to the last little pinch before it flattens out and i urged john to stay on my wheel.  he dropped back a bit as we hit the flatter section, but a bit of yelling forced an effort out of him to get back on.  as we started that long straight, i could just make out the figure of mike disappearing around the bend up ahead.  we hammered along the “flat” and entered the last pinch of the day.  i knew that john would not hold my wheel here after all the efforts he did on the bottom of the climb, so i yelled some encouragement at him before he dropped back.  actually, i said “keep looking behind you and ride like you stole something.  don’t let him catch you”.  i made my way up the final climb and onto the roundabout.  john managed to keep fresh air between him and the chasers, but it seems that steve caught gregor near the end and relegated him to fifth.  i’m pretty sure paul took sixth again.

mike – 10, peter – 7, john – 5, steve – 3, gregor – 1.


by the time we hit coffee the numbers had dwindled dramatically.

steve, peter, paul, lorraine, mike b, anna, john & gregor – 1.

conversation ranged from what to eat while riding, to bec’s crash at the track last night, to davina riding with a broken arm, to lance’s comeback and what contador will do, to what brendan and steve’s partners got up to last night at the track.  coffee’s, cake and coke (the non-tom boonen kind) devoured we were on our way.

quite a uneventful ride home as the smaller group means less egos to stroke.  john broke away for the sprint at the welshpool rd maccas only to discover no-one was chasing.  steve and i made a move on the hill heading into the final sprint but sat up once we rolled down the other side.  this allowed paul to wipe the voodoo of the 6th place away to take the sprint at the lights.

so, not the best turn out but this allowed the points to be spread around a bit more.  i had been told today that the state crit champs are actually on saturday next week, not sunday like most races are.  this means that i will be missing the saturday ride, but will probably be available for sunday mountain points, to defend my lead.

WCMCC Kewdale Criterium 9-Nov

Race Report


By Chris



Nice to see Bruce on the start line but neither of us were anticipating featuring in the results. Bruce has done minimal miles recently, similarly me. So it was a case of hoping we finished with the bunch and our dignity intact.

There was a pretty decent field of around 30 riders which would at least offer us the opportunity to hide in the bunch.

Things got off to a pretty quick start which seems to be the usual but there was no real let up for the duration of the race. Some new faces and the size of the bunch resulted in a pretty attacking race. So for the majority of the race we were strung out single file with the odd respite whenever a break away attempt was caught by the bunch.

Both Bruce and I

had a turn on the front, more to measure ourselves than anything. Bruce got away with another fellow for a bit but with the race averaging over 39km/h they, like all the other breaks, were never staying away.

So as anticipated, it came down to a bunch sprint and the Kewdale circuit is all about positioning on the last lap. Something neither Bruce nor I got right this week, both of us finishing just outside the top 10 with Bruce pipping at the line.

Both of us were happy to finish well and safely after a quick race.



Duration: 44:42 min

Distance: 29.6 km






Power (W)




Heart Rate (bpm)




Cadence (rpm)


209 ??


Speed (km/h)





The image below is my Power/Heart data from the race and shows the variability of the work in a criterium. I haven’t included speed or cadence for clarity.

Power & Heart Rate Data


Best (fastest?) days are behind me

Well guys (and girls) Saturday will be my last ride with you while I am in my 40’s.  On Sunday I turn 50.   Over the last couple of years I have been riding with you I have had great fun and it has helped kept me fit but I have had limited success at the finish line.  I have tried training, tried getting a better bike, tried getting lighter wheels, tried to find a person bigger than me to shelter behind etc – all of which make the cycling more enjoyable (except cycling looking at a big persons backside) but have not changed my performance significantly and sustainably.  So, in a last desparate attempt before I join the veterans class and no longer care where I finish, I am going to try and bribe my way closer to the front.   

Therefore on Saturday, I will pay for the coffee (or hot chocolate, tea) of everyone behind me at the finish line! 

See you at the coffee shop –  Russell

ride routes 8th & 9th november

damn, the melbourne cup was this week which means we are well and truly into november which means that we are almost to christmas which means that the year is almost over.  where the hell did it go. 

as you may have noticed on the previous post, ryan has become a mo bro so support him in the only way we know how…lots of crap about his bad mo.

there is a really good track meet this saturday night.  last year was really good racing and if you have never been to the velodrome before, this is a good experience.  there will be some really fast racing so come and support some of the riders that occasionally come out on the spr rides.

we are down to the last box of drink bottles and will be doing another visit this saturday to the coffee shop for collection.  if you haven’t collected or paid, this will be a good opportunity to get it sorted out.  please try to bring exact change as it is a pain when everyone brings $20 for $12 of drink bottles.

this saturday we will be tackling the majority of the river ride in preparation for the great perth bike ride.  there is only a couple of weeks till the event so we might as well check out the hill at mosman park now so you can practice it if you need to.

sunday will be a big day with both sides of the kahuna to be ridden along with peet rd.  four categorised climbs so lots of points on offer.  looks like the weather should be clearing up too so i am expecting a big turn out.

south perth rouleurs saturday ride 02 (river ride)

south perth rouleurs sunday ride 15 (kahuna & canning mills)


movember is a charity drive to raise money to benefit men’s health specifically ‘prostate cancer’ and ‘male depression’.  two very good causes especially after listening to the three urologists in our group talk quite openly about the finer aspects of their profession.  we can also see the signs of male depression whenever anyone beats ryan in the sprint.

anyway, ryan is becoming a mo bro this month and is looking for sponsorship for this cause.  just follow the link here to make your donation or just see how he is going (growing).

Track cycling this Saturday night and ECU cycling study

Thought some of you might enjoy either or both of these:

1. There’s something on the track this Saturday (see flyer link below):



2. ECU have a study that needs cyclists (I haven’t called as I’ve only been riding for a few months so I don’t know what it involves but it might be worthwhile and interesting).

I’ve included the flyer about it via the ERC website:




sunday 2nd nov – greenmount and mundaring weir

ride report by peter.


an early morning text from chris claiming chain troubles had me heading to the startline a bit earlier that usual.  a pin was had not been put back in properly and was only hanging on by one side of the chain.  not the best thing for a hill climbing day that would place a lot of strain on the chain.  we popped the link out and put on a sram powerlink that i had spare.  it was spare cause i asked for a removable link and they sold me one that once it is on, it doesn’t come off.  not really that removable.  i need the wipperman one next time.


with an ideal cycling day predicted, the number of cyclist was sure to exceed expectations and did not disappoint.   we had around thirty turn up ready to go by 7am.  we had a few new faces with ronny trying to get extra points by bringing a friend, jill and the ceo of cycling wa, chris turning up to see how the group runs.  most of the regulars were their but noticeable by his absence was ryan who we think had been scared off after we talked up chris’ climbing ability during the week.  mike was also a no show, so stu and i would have to be carrying the torch for the spr team.  just as we were about to roll out, dr melvyn turned up and told us that darren was just down the bottom of coode st with a flat tyre.  i gave everyone directions and sent them off while steve and myself went to find darren.  dr mark was also down there helping with tyre, but he had it fixed promptly and we were soon on our way. 


while the rest of the group headed along angelo st and out onto canning, we passed the roadblock and headed out along mill point rd hoping to connect with them before too long.  as we worked into the wind along great eastern, i was not confident that we would even catch up as we could not see the main group even when the road straightened out.  as we got closer to the airport, we saw them at the top of the rise and managed to catch up just after tonkin hwy.  that was my first effort for the day, and it hurt.


we eventually made it out to the base of greenmount and started the hill in earnest.  after a blocking move by our chris, the real pace began to kick in.  it took quite a while and is a testament to the increased climbing skills that the group has developed, but we eventually whittled it down to the final 8 riders.  most had held on for the majority of the hill and it wasn’t until it really steepened up and the pace was on that they began to drop off. 


a couple of bends in the road before the finish and i decided to see if i could shake things up a bit and went on the attack.  i got a fair gap before i think steve led the group back to my wheel and i was swamped within sight of the finish.  i explained to everyone where the line was and realising it was that close they all started sprinting for the finish.  i had nothing left and should have timed my attack a bit later.

stu – 10, brendan – 7, chris – 5, jerry – 3, peter – 1.


a regroup at the top and we were on our way again.  the winding, rough roads through john forrest always seem to break the group up and i told the guys on the front that we would regroup at oxley road before the next climb.  luckily i did as the call when out that darren had gotten a flat again and was changing it.  i went back to see if he was ok and found him on his own.


probably a good time to set the ground rules about what we should do about flat tyres.  if during a climb or descent where it is going to be too hard to pull the group up, then the person closest to the flat tyre should stop to make sure that they have all the right equipment to change it.  anyone else around should continue on and tell the rest of the group that there has been a flat so we can wait at the regroup point.  during a normal transition stage of the ride where we are just cruising along and are easily forming a pack, the call should go out immediately for everyone to stop.  if the person with the flat is on the back of the group then a call forward to stop should be passed down the line and a rider should also come forward to make sure the group knows what is going on. 


the reasoning is simple. firstly they may not have all the appropriate tools (which in itself is an offence, but usually punishable by public shame) and secondly they may not know where the hell they are.  we don’t always stick to main roads and some of the newer riders may not have even been on these roads in their cars let alone on a bike.  the worse thing is a triple play of no tools, no mobile coverage and no idea where the hell you are.  it is usually about then that you hear banjo’s playing and billy-joe wanders out of the bush and asks “what y’all doin’ out ‘ere all alone”.


so, i checked with darren and since it was his second flat of the day i bludgeoned him to death with his own sub-six kilo bike and left him for the bears.  he was going to find his own way across to mundaring weir road.  i continued down to the regroup point.


once there, i explained the hill and where the kom line was for the points.  this was a particularly nasty climb and has some really steep pinches that test the legs.  the move was made early by chris and stu and i tried to go with is for as long as i could, but both put distance into me.  chris danced away from stu and neither of us made up any ground there.  behind me jens was waiting for brendan and steve to make their moves but they never did so he had to attack to make sure that he didn’t have to sprint for the points.  hugh came with him and made up the final points.

chris – 10, stu – 7, peter – 5, heiko – 3, hugh – 1.


when we got to the top, julian and nick were already there.  it seems that thay didn’t hear the call to regroup at oxley and thought that they had the points in the bag.  as the group gets bigger, it is important that messages, like regroup points and such, are passed on especially if people move forward to the front of the group.  this message didn’t get through and created a lot of confusion.


we soldiered on and took a different route out of parkerville as we headed towards stoneville.  this would allow us to skip the section of great eastern hwy that we usually tackle for about a km.  it was at the turn though parkerville that nick received a puncture and the call went up.  however, he was left to fend for himself which is why the rules of engagement have been set out above.  by the time the message got to the front, there was confusion over who it was, what the problem was and how far back they were.  this unfortunately meant that he was left with no mobile coverage, little tools and a banjo themed soundtrack.


the rest of us headed across to mundaring township and onto the weir road.  i needed to stop to explain the next bit as we were not going to regroup until the coffee shop.  there would be two lots of kom points on this next stretch of road and there would not be a regroup after the first.  this meant that any chase group would have to go hard to catch up after the first main climb, and any leaders would have to go hard to stay away.  much like racing really. 


a group got together and bombed it down towards the weir.  i was not initially worried as the main climbers were not in attendance, but stu managed to find his way into that group and they had made some ground.  we chased hard and managed to catch him as the climb started.  john had the dubious honour of leading the charge up the hill out of the weir and i was wondering how long that would last for.  before we turned the corner at the carpark brendan had decided to up the pace and soon it was the two of us with stu and chris making up the front runners.  as we hit the corner and the hill hit it’s steepest part, chris attacked and stu didn’t respond.  i sprinted around and got on chris’ wheel but it didn’t last long and i had to watch him disappear up the road. 


as the hill flattened out, i sat up and waited for stu as i thought that the two of us had a better chance of catching chris.  we made some ground, but he always pulled away ont eh climbs and by the time we hit the last pinch, there was no way we were going to catch him.  stu put in one last effort and i couldn’t respond so he ended up with the second place on the climb.  i held on for third with a fast finishing brendan taking fourth and heiko rounding out the points.

chris – 10, stu – 7, peter – 5, brendan – 3, heiko – 1.


as this was not a regroup spot, i pushed on and headed down the hill.  i was limiting my effort as i was worried about how much i had left in the tank.  brendan scared the utter crap out of me as i flew past on the descent.  no time to react and he was off down the road after stu.  i made sure i kept an eye on the road behind me after that to make sure i didn’t give up any more ground.


the final hill was a lonely affair for me but we managed to pass dr paul, dr greg and darren who had found their own way along the course.  there was no way that i was going to catch brendan and stu, so it was just a matter of continually looking back to make sure jens and jerry didn’t catch up.  jens came close on the final pinch, but i made sure i had enough to stay in front.

chris – 10, stu – 7, brendan – 5, peter – 3, heiko – 1.


coffee at paris-brest
coffee at paris-brest

the beautiful day meant that the coffee shop was already busy but we managed to make enough people uncomfortable that they moved.   we took over the bottom section of the outdoor area and made a pretty pattern with the tables and chairs.  coffee points went to the following 1 – heiko, jill, dr ronny, lorraine, dr jerry, john, stu, dan, brendan, chris, jules, dr mark, dr carl, dr greg, dr paul, dr melvyn, mike, john, phil, steve, hugh, todd, peter, nick, darren, christophe, paul.


during the trip home we kept seeing this couple in a 4wd standing on the side of the road watching us go past.  the first time was weird, the second time was freaky, and on the third time where they were waiting for us at the maccas south perth, jules explained that it was his and dan’s parents.  not really sure why, but i guess it is like going to watch your kids at footy training.  the sprint to the welshpool rd maccas was won by heiko who teamed up with john for a 1-2 punch where john gave a long lead out to make sure the german left everyone behind.  the final sprint to south perth found christophe taking off early but brendan managed to overtake everyone and take the win.


so a glorious day weather-wise and a pretty good ride despite the issues with tyres and instructions.  it does however allow us to reiterate the groups guidelines on flat tyres and why we should stop.  remember, we have to look out for each other out there.

Thursday Ride

a few riders have been asking about the thursday ride the “a team ” do, and are interested in participating, however believe this may be beyond them. so for those looking for a solid hit out during the week spr presents “the b team thursday training ride”.

the “a” team average mid to high 30kms/h, the aim for the “b” team will be mid 30’s with a focus on rolling through. there will be working sections followed by recovery and no-one will be left behind.

with a 5:30am start under the north side of the narrows bridge the aim will be to be back at the canning bridge by 7 am.

the route will be the classic river loop (reverse of route 01, saturday rides) with the addition of a pass of the “col la majestic point” and the possibility of an extension down to mt henry which can be agreed on the day.

for those that have the time we will stop at atomic cafe for a morning constitutional post ride

your guide for this week will be

me (chris), please post a comment if you would like to join me. and don’t be afraid of a little wet weather.  5:30 is now dark thanks to daylight savings, so lights are essential.

saturday 1st nov – ridgehill rd

ride report by peter


the redbull air race forced us to move up the road a bit this morning as they had commandeered our carpark.  generally this is not a problem, but there are a few people that do drive to the start and i didn’t want to make it too difficult for people to get to the ride.  also, the road blocks will be more extensive tomorrow and start at 6am so i had to make sure we could still get access for the hills ride.  by the time i rolled up the majority of the group was lurking outside the south perth senior citizens centre.  i know that this is not a young group, but i didn’t think we needed to sign up just yet.


as i was giving the morning spiel about the ride route, i was rudely interrupted by someone’s mobile phone.  it was mine, with lorraine asking us to wait as she was stuck in the redbull restricted area and was getting an escort from two burly austrian  security guards.  i asked the group if we should wait and someone suggested that we could if she was bringing brownies.  since she provided us with brownies and coke at the last cyclo-sportif, i was sure we could wait a couple of minutes. 


great eastern hwy
great eastern hwy

the change in venue didn’t seem to affect numbers as we had around 40 roll out from angelo st.  we picked up mike on douglas and doug on great eastern as we headed towards guilford.  the wind was not that pleasant, but i have definitely survived worse heading along helena valley rd, and the group stayed together well.  i was sitting well back once we hit ridgehill rd and was never in the hunt for king of the mountain points.  i was taking it easy for a while but as the field thinned out i found that i had room to accelerate around the slower riders.  i got to the top with paul, jules and dr mark but then waited for the back markers to make sure we had everyone when we jumped onto kalamunda rd.  dr carl was in struggle town today after over a month of trekking in nepal with simon.  different diet and different muscle groups while over there meant that it will be a long hard road back to full bike fitness.  i said that it was probably the lower altitude air was creating too much resistance for him.  good to see him straight back on the bike though.


we cruised though to guilford and created a bit of a mobile road block along parts of kalmunda rd which would have made traffic happy (but safer for us).  once we hit the lights at lord st in bassendean, i announced that it was all on for rest of the way back to the city.  christophe said that i should lead the way, but i said that i was hanging back to help the stragglers.  he volunteered so i headed off, but luckily not at the front.


the pace picked up almost straight away with little breaks getting a few metres up the road before being brought back by a concerted effort or a lucky traffic light.  i was just sitting in, but managed to move forward after we crossed under tonkin hwy.  about half way up the first of the rolling hills, ben made a move and ryan took off after him with jerry.  i managed to get around the rest of the group and eventually jumped on the back.  we held it together for a while before we were pinned down by the traffic lights which allowed the rest of the group to rejoin.  ryan and i just set tempo after that as it seemed that that was the end of our escapades. mike had a different idea and too off on the next rise.  i didn’t react straight away as i wanted a few more wheels to follow as i was feeling like i needed so recovery time.  after  about 5 or so riders had come past i gave chase and jumped on the wheel.  i managed to come around them and catch up with ryan and mike just as they had the lights change at the turn to east parade.


still on great eastern hwy
still on great eastern hwy

the majority of the group headed along the last stretch into the city and the last attack was on the hill near the police station.  ryan was boxed in next to me and we waited till halfway up the hill before attacking together and gapping the group.  the traffic lights soon paid heed to any break as did the road block as we approached riverside drive.  the old guy manning the detour said that the cops went off a the last group of cyclists so i forced the group onto the bike path for the remainder of the ride.  jules and his brother dan took the road and sprinted it out, but the rest of us took the more dangerous route along the path with all the tourists trying to walk and look at planes at the same time.


the coffee shop was full as expected but we managed to squeeze in and take up most of the outdoor tables.  they actually had them set up ready for us, which was a complete contrast to last year where they told us off for moving them.  service was slow as they were so busy, so i had to forego the hot choc that i had bought as i was on the clock today.  another hour and a half of riding the mountain bike with ben on the front to watch the pre-redbull entertainment was to follow.  it was all going fine until the f18 came past and was so loud it scared the crap out of him and he wanted to get back on the bike and go home.  the rest of the arvo was spent cleaning the bike and adding a bit of bling to it.  i managed to weigh it in as i missed out at the breakfast and i have finally got it below the 8kg mark to come in at 7.98kg.  no cheating involved and it still had the computer mount, seat bag clip and two bidon cages on.  dr paul said the the new wheels should be ready by next weekend, so hopefully i can shed a few hundred more grams.  still a long way off competing with the cervelos in the group though.

The website for the South Perth Cycle Club