
Opinion by Chris.
So, I rode to work today, as I do four days a week. I do this for a number of reasons but the best one is that it gives me some time to clear my head both at the start and end of the day. It’s almost meditative sometimes particularly if doing some intervals or focusing on another goal for the ride.
Anyway as happens occasionally some peanut decides to test my nerves by seeing how close they can get to me as they pass me on my right shoulder. OK I figure that’s it for the day relax and enjoy the rest of the ride. But I wouldn’t be writing this if that was the case now would I?
This same or similar happens a couple of more times on the way to work and I’m starting to think there is a vendetta against me. I put it down the law of averages and think no more of

it until my ride home.
After getting cut off two more times on the way home and having a couple more nerve testers I am pretty pi$$ed.
This gets me to thinking about respect on the road and the main reason this behaviour grind my gears. These people appear to have no respect for cyclists as road users. Hopefully this will change over time but there I guess there will always be the minority.
I am sure I will continue to yell at some of these guys , particularly when I feel the actions have been premeditated or particularly uncalled for. More importantly, I will aim to earn the respect of other road users by simply obeying the road rules, as I expect them to, and hope you will do the same.
See you on the road

angry cyclist stabs woman in dianella

opinion by peter.

you know what really pisses me off about this headline? it’s that it chucks everyone who rides a bike in the same big basket. now when people drive past us in their cocoons of comfort, they are going to be worried about a group of us brandishing hunting knifes and stabbing them.

already you hear reports of drivers being “intimidated” by groups of cyclists. yes intimidation. a group of guys in tight lycra make you feel threatened as you speed by us in 2 tonnes of steel and plastic.

as for the rampaging, knife wielding cyclist. the victim allegedly told him to slow down, so he must have been on the footpath. other news reports said that he was about 17 – 24 and riding a white mountain bike, with a faded baseball cap, jacket and jeans. sounds like most of the guys that i would label cyclist.

so anyway, she tells him off, so he (allegedly) pulls out a hunting knife and stabs her repeatedly. know, i don’t know about you, but i am a bit more picky when it comes to what knife i take riding with me. colour coordination is essential and until csc bring out a hunting knife, i doubt that half the guys in our group would dare bring along a non-matching knife. with the exception of ryan, who would deliberately bring a green knife to clash with the red blood.

so early morning, bogan clothes, mountain bike (probably stolen), big f-off knife. i would say that he is probably just returning home from a bit of light breaking and entering. the big knife makes him feel like a man if he feels threatened by a 56 year old woman, and in turn can be used to jimmy open any of the old style house windows in the area. unless it was the guy pictured above just returning from a hard night of knife sharpening. if you got in front of him and made him stop suddenly, i’m sure you would get stabbed repeatedly.

so, cyclist…i think not.

headline should read – bogan stabs woman then escapes on bike
or – journalist tries to fuel fire with misleading headlines

ride routes 6th & 7th september

we are going to tackle hale rd again on saturday, but this time in reverse. this means that it should be downhill from kalamunda to welshpool which will make it more fun. we will then go hard along welshpool and again along shep rd into the city. don’t forget to vote afterwards

sunday is fathers day so this year ask for the present of being allowed to come out and ride with us instead. it will be better for you than socks or jocks.

saturday 6th sept (state election)
hale rd (reverse)
Sth Perth Saturday Ride 12 (Hale Rd reverse)
Find more Bike Rides in Perth, Australia
sunday 7th sept (father’s day)
greenmount & parkerville & mundaring weir
Sth Perth Sunday Ride 04 (Greenmount & Parkerville & Mundaring Weir)
Find more Bike Rides in Perth, Australia


ok, so what is cyclo-sportif. well details can be found here, but i will give you the quick run down.

what is it?
it is racing, but it’s not racing. generally it is a team time trial but you can’t drop riders, you must stay together and you must all finish together. if one person gets a flat, you all stop. if someone is struggling on the hills, you all slow down. there are no winners and the final times are not even listed in fastest to slowest, rather just in the order that the teams departed.

like a team time trial, the teams head off at intervals and you cannot draft from other teams if you catch them. there are some very competitive teams out there, but the main aim seems to be to have fun riding with the people you like riding with. it is because of that, it has become the fastest growing club in australia. the last event at pinjarra had close to 600 riders and that was even with quite a few opting to do the proper wacf race on at the same time.

the next race.
the next event at york is a “grand fondo”. this is a different format and is a cross between a saturday group ride and the great perth bike ride. basically, they will seed the teams and set them off in groups of about 40 with a couple of minutes between the groups. the way this differs is two fold. firstly, you are allowed to draft off the other teams, and secondly, you do not have to stick together in your teams. each person is given an individual timing band and their own time will be recorded.

how much?
well money is always going to be an issue and in this case a single race is going to cost a bit if you don’t already have a licence. each event costs $40 and for this you get a meal and a ticket in the raffle. if you already have a racing licence then that is it as your licence will cover your insurance. if not then a day licence is available for $18. if you think that you would like to do the next race as well, then you can in fact join the cyclo-sportif club and get a licence (non-racing – i.e. can be used for cyclo-sportif but not wacf events) and i think if you join this late in the season, they may have a deal on.

what about spr?
well we are going to enter a couple of teams if possible. there are three distances (108km, 70km and 40km). the usual race team will enter the 108km and anyone is free to join us if they wish. if we get enough interest, then we will enter a team in the 70km distance. if there is not enough for a team (5 min, 9 max) then those people can enter as individuals.

how to enter.
well for now it is pretty simple. if you have an south perth rouleurs jersey and want to play with us then send me an e-mail with the distance that you would like to ride in.
entries need to be in by tuesday 9 september 2008, 10.00pm wst so i will need to know by the end of this coming weekend so i can organise teams.

it is generally a good day out and you will be amazed at how many other cyclists there are out there and how many thousands of dollars worth of bikes can be found in any one place. it would be good to get a bunch of spr riders out there to show off our colours.

sunday 31st august – kahuna & canning mills

ride report by peter

a quick look at the current weather on the web this morning showed a nice 9 degrees. i was a bit dubious as it did seem cold in the house when i got up but at least it was not showing something like 2 deg. it was a bit brisk, but nothing to really complain about and i was sure today’s route would get things warm as soon as we hit the hills.

the city2surf claimed a few of our regular riders today with ryan, rob and heiko deciding that they would rather run than ride. we could hear the pre-race festivities from our side of the river while we waited for the allotted hour to arrive. jumping ahead a bit, i did ask mike b later why he wasn’t doing the run today. he said that he gets disappointed that he can’t beat his best time anymore. he came second one year with a time of 36min. that was quite a few years ago though. kind of makes sense now why he is so fast in the hills.

anyway, we still had a good group of regulars and some return riders like josie toe the line this morning. about 15 riders all up i would say, with dr paul and dr greg starting with us, but doing their own thing once we hit the hills. the route today would be a challenging one. up the kahuna and down urch before up the rest of peet rd to rolleystone high school. down brookton hwy and through some back streets before up canning mills rd to join back up with the top of the kahuna, before the usual way to kalamunda via mundaring weir rd. four climbs and some bonus’ for a total of just under 100 kms. hopefully it wouldn’t rain.

so we rolled out and headed towards albany hwy. the pace was pleasant and gave everyone an opportunity to have a chat. as we past carousel shopping centre, steve got a flat, but told us not to bother waiting as he had an issue with his tyre anyway. i was in two minds as we usually wait for flats, but we were still close to the city and he would be right to get home if he was in trouble. we left him to his misery and pushed on.

as we approached the base of the kahuna, there was someone doing laps of the roundabout just before it. it turned out to be clare who was patiently waiting for us to arrive. the road up the kahuna starts off gentle before it kicks up to it’s average gradient and luckily it was the gentle section we were on when my phone rang. it turned out to be steve, who had fixed his flat and was now looking for us. he had not done the kahuna before and i was trying to give him directions while i started the climb proper (gotta love hands free kit). i tried to make it as clear as i could in between breaths, and i also gave him other directions in case he got lost. he said that he would call in about half and hour when we should have got to the second regroup point. i wasn’t sure that we would see him again.

so the group hit the hill and everyone settled into their respective positions according to climbing ability. the kahuna can be quite steep in places but also contains a number of shallower gradient sections (i can’t really say flat) that either give you respite, or break your rhythm. i find that it breaks my rhythm as i tend to spin out more and use different muscle groups that then also start hurting.

mike and stu found their place at the front and i jumped on their wheel to try to hold on as long as i possibly could. it seemed like a long time and i was pretty happy, but in reality, it was probably still on the first steep section on the climb. they began to power away with that slow steady “grind out the hill” style that both of them have. as they got further and further away it was clear that i was not going to be able to catch back on without some type of motor attached to my bike. i began to wish that i was 50 year old. both those guys are well on the wrong side of 40 and we cannot keep up with them in the hills. i hope that i am going that strong when i grow up. however, i am thinking that it probably has more to do with the years of marathon running that both these whippets had done in their earlier years.

so i am drifting back and am trying to set myself a nice tempo. i look back and find that ben is gaining on me and soon over takes me. bugger. i continue my tempo and allow ben a bit more space ahead of me. i am hoping that once we hit the shallower gradient towards the top, i can regain a bit of ground. i manage to up my pace and catch back up to ben. i put in a hard, but consistent effort and manage to shake him from my wheel before we hit the top. mike had dropped stu before the top, and i ended up within 75 – 100 metres of stu by the time we reach the regroup point.

as we regrouped, both the effort of the climb and the increasing daylight meant that it was beginning to warm up. holly (pictured) took off her vest to reveal a fat cyclist jersey underneath that matched her fatty socks. if you haven’t heard of fatty, there is a link on my “other blogs” to the right and even though he blogs mostly about mountain biking, he has many an insight into riding and balancing his passion with his wife’s illness. it makes you realise how good we have it sometimes.

so we headed for the next climb up urch and peet. this at least was preceded by a nice descent down part of urch before the road kicked up again. once it did, a bunch of riders like stan, ben and melvyn took advantage of their momentum and started to smash it up the other side. stu also came past and i was determined not to give him too much head start, so jumped across to his wheel. mike also made his way up through the pack and was on my wheel when we all joined ben. melvyn and stan had dropped back by the time we turned the corner onto peet and ben managed to hold on for a little way before he also fell off the back. the boys must have been kind to me, or i was finally warm after the first climb as i managed to stay with them to the top.

as we crested the hill, mike lead us out towards the high school and to the state champs finish line. after a few turns, mike pushed for the last effort up the climb with stu and i sucking wheels to get a good lead-out. stu eventually went so i jumped on his wheel and waited for the last 50 m to come around for the sprint. i barely had enough to stay in front of him as he also turned it up a notch heading towards the line. it’s good, as we both need practice sprinting for that line as two races this year had already finished there and both came down to a bunch sprint. a couple of riders later, steve also made it to the line. he had come up the kahuna but then across chevin rd and into the top of peet road to meet up with the rest of the group.

after a regroup we headed down brookton hwy to give the legs a bit of respite. we don’t often climb up brookton and i remembered why as we were descending. it is not really that hard as we had to pedal quite a bit to maintain speed on the descent. we turned just before the road joined back up with albany hwy and took a couple of back streets. steve asked whether there was a house down here i was looking at buying as it did seem a bit off the beaten track for us. unfortunately, no, we were on the right road and soon we were at the base of canning mills rd.

this is the steeper side of the kahuna and averages about 9% for the steep section. it flattens off towards the top and is not as long as the kahuna, but much, much harder. however, it is fairly consistent and does not contain many “flat” spots that break the rhythm when climbing. you can set yourself a nice pace to the top, but it is when you want to chase others that you will get into trouble and blow-up.

i know that stu headed up the road pretty early in the climb and i had nothing to go with
him. ben caught and past me about halfway up after i started to fade. steve surprised me with how fast he came past, and i expected him to blow up as he had never done this climb before and didn’t know what was around the corner. luckily for him, and probably more testament to his ability, he maintained a good pace to the top and didn’t pop. after that, my memory gets a bit fuzzy and i remember there being another rider up the road. it was probably mike, but i can’t be sure as i know that stu stayed away from everyone on the climb. i just ground my way to the top and was happy to be there.

this climb took a bigger toll on the group and we had to wait a bit longer for all the riders to come in. it is a really challenging climb so we don’t do it that often. but to do it as the third climb in a set of four is just cruel. but sometime you have to be cruel to… get a laugh… i mean be kind. it will make all the riders stronger in the long run so it can’t be that bad.

as we turned to follow the rest of the kahuna rd back towards pickering brook, josie took off back down the hill to head home. her knee was not feeling 100% so she did not want to risk it with another climb. the rest of us ambled our way through the back blocks of canning mills and on to pickering brook. holly had said that she was going to skip the final climb and go straight to coffee. peer pressure made sure that she came with us in the end.

on the little rolling hills (that seem big by now to your legs) stu managed to get away a bit and headed into the final climb with about 50 m or so. jerry went hard as soon as the hill started and thought that he could get some advantage that could be whittled away. in reality he just caught and past stu and paid the price to get there. mike came up from behind and i jumped on his wheel as he moved up behind stu. the four of us started the climb together but it would not stay that way for long. jerry was first to step off after mike moved to the front and set the pace that he was comfortable with. i hung onto stu’s wheel as long as i could and thought i was doing really well when we reached the part where there is a fence and wall on the right. after doing this climb a hundred times, i know that it is not far to the “flat” section on this climb. unfortunately, i also know that the road pinches up ever so slightly more that what we were climbing.

the pace and pitch was too much for me and i also had to step off the train. i tried to set myself a tempo with the hope that i could catch back up when it flattened out. i looked back and saw jerry not that far back and thought that we could work together to catch stu and mike. i eased up my pace and let him get on before starting to wind it up along the “flat”. i thought that if i could out in a hard effort, then jerry could smash the last bit of the hill and maybe catch them as they were still in sight. jerry had the same idea and came around me early and set a high pace. i went as the road got steeper again and realised that i really didn’t have that much left in my legs. i made it almost to the top before jerry came back past me within 10 metres of the kom line. we were probably 100 metres behind stu and mike.

as the rest of the group came into the coffee shop i was surprised to see bec finishing to high in the pack. she said that she finally was feeling good and managed to go hard on the last climb to beat in half the guys. the coffee stop was good today and soon we were off and running again. a nice descent down welshpool and we stayed together for much of it. i pushed hard on the last bit of hill to make sure the speedo clocked over 80 km/h and came past the rest of the group. it did cost me dearly as i then had nothing when jerry and stan headed up the road together. i jumped in behind the others and sat in for the majority of the chase. as we approached the curve in the road, i found my legs enough to do a cancellara and time trialed across the gap to come past the boys at the front. by the time we got through the lights at the highway, the group was all back together.

no sprint at the end of welshpool and we had it saved up for the final push up berwick. i was on the front (again) leading into the sprint when brett and anna came flying past on the slight rise before the lights at george st. i didn’t react as i was sure that they would get stuck at the lights. as they were waiting behind a left turning car when the lights went green, i jumped into the right hand lane and sprinted past them and up over the hill. i looked back and saw jerry closing fast but thought that i had to keep going to stay away. i did ease back on the descent to conserve as much energy for when he jumped, but realised that i probably didn’t have much left in reserve. as i started to run out of puff he came along side and we both looked at each other. i shrugged indicating that i was done, but he didn’t go as he thought that it was mean making me do all the work to just take out the final 100 metres. i was cool with that so we ambled towards maccas. however, when i looked back i saw bec coming off steve’s wheel and heading towards us fast. we didn’t really have enough time to react and she had way too much momentum so overtook us for the final sprint win of the day.

so a good day but a tough one with the number and severity of the climbs we tackled. i can’t say that we will do an easy one next week, as we must punish those that had forsaken us to go running instead. also, since it is fathers day, the blokes should be allowed to stay out longer to do a big ride. i know it doesn’t work like that, but it is worth a try.

when is enough, enough or is it too much

so i got told that my posts may be too long and that they may not get read properly cause i tend to crap on a bit. though this may be the case i tend to use it as therapy and i do enjoy it most of the time.

however, if you think that i should shorten my reports let me know as i can save a lot of my time by not going into as much detail. on the other hand, if you enjoy the detail and think that it helps you understand what is going on better, also let me know.

i do this so you all have something to read, not cause i think i will get a pulitzer prize or anything.

saturday 30th august – shelley

ride report by peter

i really don’t know where the year has gone. it’s the end of winter tomorrow and we spring into spring again. besides the cold starts, we can’t really even complain about the weather. it has been excellent from a cycling point of view with one of the driest august’s on record. but i guess there are repercussions and water restrictions will be one of them. even with nick’s sparkling new desal plant ticking along, we will still be up against it.

so, anyway, it was a cold start but just over 30 managed to brave the conditions and meet for a ride this morning. we were headed for a sprint-fest today so there was a good chance that we wouldn’t stay cold for long. after a short hop down canning hwy to riseley, we would come back along leach hwy to have a crack at one of perth’s special sprint grounds, shelley. after this we would head down to south st and sprint back along banister rd before home via albany hwy and a sprint along shep rd. if you had a crack at all three, then you deserved your coffee today.

we started out fine and caught a couple of sets of lights as per usual, which split the group. it was pretty low key and so the slower pace did not seem to worry many. heading up riseley, brett made a surge to the front as he said it felt like they were about to step off at the back. i was happy for him to do a turn so i slinked back to the midpack. it was all pretty cruisey along leach hwy and just as we came to the road from mt pleasant, we happened across the bikeforce group. we actually split the pack as some of them turned just before we got there, while the others had to wait for us to go by. well it gave us some rabbits to chase anyway.

as we turned onto the shelley course, i was at the front with ben and we were waiting to see who would make the first move. it took a while, but eventually christophe took off. ben waited a bit then decided to chase him. it was pretty much all on by then. there were continuous attacks and chases and the group was clicking along at a fair pace for the entire length of shelley. about halfway along, i took off, but was chased down almost straight away by christophe and the rest of the group. it did have the desired effect and started to stretch the group a bit. can’t have it easy all the time.

i was pretty much spent by now and just sat in the group till the end. i was not impressed with the heavy feeling in my thighs and was wondering where my form had taken off to. i put it down to the cold morning. yeah, that was it. cold, not unfit.

we regrouped at the end of the road and i doubled back a bit to see if lisa was still coming. we waited a while before deciding to keep moving before we cooled down too much. a slightly convoluted trip through the suburb of parkwood (who knew it existed, i’d never heard of it before) found us out on vahland ave and heading towards south st. we didn’t hang around on south street for very long as we turned onto banister almost straight away. this was the beginning of our second fast section, but no-one was keen to start the ball rolling. eventually jens and one of the barista boys turned the pace on, but did not attack so we all just hoped on board and made them do all the work. as we came to the lights at willeri drv, the group came back together for a brief moment as we were slightly held up. once the lights changed, it was all on and pretty much everyone threw an attack in to try to stay away. i made a move then james and christophe came around me. next thing we know, mike has taken off up the road. by then there were quite a few people in front of me so i have to fight hard to come around to the front with rob in tow. we manage to break free of the bunch and rob shows off his new time-trial bike by putting in a big pursuit to catch mike. i was fading fast by the time ryan came bursting out of the pack with a string of riders trailing behind and overtaking me. i managed to hold on to a few wheels to get me to the end.

as we turned onto nicholson, the aim was to slow right down to allow a regroup. i wanted us all together by the time we hit albany hwy as the trip past carousel shopping centre is always a busy one. the group did slow, but it also lane sliced along side some cars waiting at the lights. this is a no, no and the boys deserve a major spanking for that. the group is too big so we need to hold our position in the lane and not piss off the cars more than necessary.

quite an uneventful trip along albany hwy which is the best kind in my books, but soon we were on shepperton rd and the final sprint section. everyone was nervously looking around waiting for the first attack to go. i was content to sit in for a while as you really needed a small rise to launch on or it is too easy for the group to react. we approached the set of lights just before the rolling hills and it is usually my cue to attack. however, i was beaten to the punch this time by ryan with barista boy hamish in tow.

i jumped out of the bunch with jerry in tow and caught and past ryan. we had to keep the momentum going if we were to stay away. ryan eventually came past me an graciously didn’t smash my legs off on the next rise, but looked back to make sure i still had his wheel. you have to be pretty lucky to pull off a move on shep rd as the lights just before the causeway will pretty much always catch you out. no luck this time and the four of us were caught at the lights.

with ryan pulling his standard trick of not clipping in properly so he is not at the front leading into the sprint, it was left to me and james to take the pack across the bridges and onto riverside drive. i said to him, don’t go too hard so that we can react to any moves that go off the front. as usual, someone went way too early and the group all reacted. i managed to grab a wheel or two to stay in the hunt, but when the pace really started, i had no legs to respond. i sat up and rolled into the coffee shop while ryan took the sprint ahead of dr jerry… again.

ride routes 30th & 31st august

a three stage sprintfest awaits us on saturday. all flat and fast, but we will regroup after each hit out.
sunday will see us tackle both sides of the kahuna in the same ride which means that there has to be a descent in between. the weather has been excellent for riding, so i hope to see you all on the road this weekend.

saturday 30th august
shelley & bannister rd
Sth Perth Saturday Ride 07 (Shelley)
Find more Bike Rides in Perth, Australia
sunday 31st august
kahuna & canning mills
Sth Perth Sunday Ride 15 (Kahuna & Canning Mills)
Find more Bike Rides in South Perth, Australia

The Daily Grind


Post-exercise Caffeine Helps Muscles Refuel

Glycogen, the muscle’s primary fuel source during exercise, is replenished more rapidly when athletes ingest both carbohydrate and caffeine following exhaustive exercise, new research shows. Athletes (cyclists) who ingested caffeine with carbohydrate had 66% more glycogen in their muscles four hours after finishing intense, glycogen-depleting exercise, compared to when they consumed carbohydrate alone, according to the study undertaken by Australian researchers.

And by far the ultimate stylish, lightweight and aerodynamic method for consumption of your caffeinated performance and recovery beverage…

Schmolke Carbon in Germany has created a carbon fibre coffee cup!As the group’s resident coffee pusher I have had a few people ask about getting some more Fiori beans.
I am back cycling again (albeit slower than I would prefer) so I can’t bring it with me on the day. However, if I get orders before midday Friday I will drop them down to the “Bells” on my way home ready for collection the next morning.
Put your orders in the comments.



Did you know…

  • Coffee beans are the second most traded commodity in the world (after oil)
  • Over 1400 million cups of coffee are consumed worldwide per day

The website for the South Perth Cycle Club