Shane commented on the post, spr kit design 2020 5 years ago
Looks great.
Shane commented on the post, Club sub-committees being formalised! 8 years, 10 months ago
I’d like to offer assistance on the “Ride Leader” protocols.
Shane commented on the post, Tour de France night at Petite Mort 9 years, 8 months ago
I’ll be there, Looking dapper.
Shane commented on the post, Swan Valley Cyclo Sportif Team 9 years, 9 months ago
Hi Guys – Main 3 – 4 here is your chance to have a go in SPR Moderators doing the 64km distance. Plenty of spaces available for Mixed team members to join in.
Shane commented on the post, ride routes 17th & 18th january 10 years, 2 months ago
Hi everyone, the Tranny Hills ride is preparation for the slower hill climbers and for people who want to get in some training for the 3 or 5 Dams Challenge. This weeks ride route is one that some have done with me before. Although last weeks ride was really out there, it did highlight the fact that you need to bring adequate: Hydration additives,…[Read more]
Shane commented on the post, New club kit for 2015 10 years, 3 months ago
I saw it and liked it. I tried on a XXXL size to find that it’s too small. I wish these manufacturers would standardize their sizing. Anywhere else I would comfortably fit a XXL.
ITS ALL ABOUT THE BASS NOT TREBLE. I just wish the manufacturers would use real people to measure up their sizes properly. Rant over. -
Shane replied to the topic Slower Hills Ride in the forum General Discussion 10 years, 5 months ago
Hi Emily its not the speed, its the quality. I hope to go out on the Sunday regularly and gradually increase the distances and the vary the climbs to take in more of the scenery.
Lets face it if you cant climb like Lance Armstrong, you might as well enjoy the view on the way up. I always do. 9 -10 kph up Welshpool is ok.
Shane started the topic Tri Bars aren't for bunch Rides in the forum General Discussion 10 years, 5 months ago
Here a nice video that demonstrates why you shouldn’t ride on the Tri Bars on the Bunch Rides. Please leave them for the Timer Trial events.
Shane replied to the topic Slower Hills Ride in the forum General Discussion 10 years, 5 months ago
Hi Francine, I trust you are recovered from the HEROIC last weekend. 🙂
Yes the Slower Hills Ride will be on this Sunday staring at 7am from the car park.
The Course will vary from week to week to incorporate different hills ie Gradients and length of climb.
This Sunday will be Albany Highway as posted previously. -
Shane replied to the topic Slower Hills Ride in the forum General Discussion 10 years, 5 months ago
For those interested in doing a slower hills ride its on this Sunday at 7am, usual spot. Consider it as preliminary training for the Water Tower Challenge.
Aimed at Transitional and Main 3 Riders to develop hill climbing.
Sunday will be Albany Highway to Canning Dam turn off and back down the hill with a couple of detours.
You may even consider…[
Shane started the topic Slower Hills Ride in the forum General Discussion 10 years, 6 months ago
Always wanted to ride in the hills? Gave it a couple of goes and got spat out the back of the group before you even got to a Hill? Got spat out during the climb and then got lost?
I’m trying to generate some interest for those altitude challenged riders who would like to improve on their hill climbing ability.
Suitable for Transitional and Main 3…[
Shane replied to the topic Bib Nicks – delaminating padding in the forum Kit Chat 10 years, 11 months ago
So Paul, have other people reported this problem to date or is it something that Champion Systems are working on rectifying that you know of?
Shane started the topic Bib Nicks – delaminating padding in the forum Kit Chat 10 years, 11 months ago
The padding in the two pairs of bib nicks that I have is delaminating. Or best described as the padding is bunching up into a lump under the orange padding in the nicks, between the lycra.
I don’t think I am alone on this topic but both pairs of bib nicks have the same fault.
Is this something the Kit Committee can look into with the manufacturer? -
Shane commented on the post, 3 Peaks Challenge – Laurensia 11 years ago
Well done Laurensia.
I am considering a European climb or maybe the three peaks next year. I can’t imagine you being slow up the hills. I have been busy busting my guts training for the 3 dams this year. Our […] -
Shane started the topic Tuesday Thursday Early Bird – Transitional/M3 in the forum General Discussion 11 years, 4 months ago
Its getter warmer and lighter in the morning now and there seems to be a mad pace with the 2 early groups. There is now a 3rd option for those who aren’t quite up to that speed.
If you are not up to breaking Strava records there is now a transitional group option for those who can handle a 27kph avg speed.
This group will leave after the first…[
Shane replied to the topic Pushing back when you stand on your pedals in the forum General Discussion 11 years, 8 months ago
Sounds like someone let Sheldon Cooper loose on the the Blog LOL …
Shane replied to the topic Pushing back when you stand on your pedals in the forum General Discussion 11 years, 8 months ago
I’d give the professional riders far more credit than that Nev. Its all about the timing of the pedal stroke and when you start to stand out of the saddle. The pause happens when people start to stand up when the pedals are at TDC or 6 and 12 o’clock. The standing pedal stroke should be commenced more at the 2 o’clock position so that your weight…[Read more]
Shane started the topic After ride skills competitons – who can change a tube fastest in the forum General Discussion 11 years, 8 months ago
Perhaps and only as a suggestion, there could be some skills competitions after the ride? Fastest tube changer (using your own bike). There’s probably a whole lot more that could be included…
Shane replied to the topic slower sunday hills ride in the forum Training 11 years, 8 months ago
Only too happy to oblige Steve, since having a total knee replacement my hill climbing prowess is not what it used to be, although some would say i didnt have any prowess to start with.
If anyone would like to ride at a slower pace and climb at a slower pace then this ride could be for you. Best suited to Transitional riders wanting to experience…[Read more] -
Shane replied to the topic Pushing back when you stand on your pedals in the forum General Discussion 11 years, 8 months ago
What appears to be pushing back is really poor riding technique in that the rider is trying to stand up on the pedals during the wrong part of the pedal stroke. The only thing worse than this is the rider who employs that same poor technique and swerves the back wheel across like a giant front wheel sweeper at the same time.
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