Andre Mc Auliffe started the topic Bike fit Retul in the forum General Discussion 9 years ago
I just wanted to say I used one of our monthly sponsors Alvin from Perth bike fit or Retul. He was absolutely amazing 2hr 45 minutes to fit me and I for once feel great. Not only did he fit me he found my new seat was actually broken. So I had my seat replaced and Alvin had me back again no charge fitting it, this took another hour cause he put me…[Read more]
Andre Mc Auliffe commented on the post, Reminder on Giro d'Italia Night 10 years ago
Thanks guys for organising the giro night had a ball. Graham your hired as my MC for my next party fantastic job. Thank god for Patrick and Chris otherwise we wouldn’t have filled out the question sheets. To busy drinking the amber fluid .
Andre Mc Auliffe commented on the post, Giro d'Italia SPRoolers Pizza & Pasta Night 10 years ago
Can I book another 2 so that’s a total of 4 thanks.
Andre Mc Auliffe commented on the post, Giro d'Italia SPRoolers Pizza & Pasta Night 10 years ago
Andre and Steve will be coming thanks for organising this looking forward to it. I hope Steve drives.
Andre Mc Auliffe commented on the post, SPR Quarterly Breakfast and Christmas Ride 10 years ago
I am thanks for the good work you do all year
Andre Mc Auliffe posted an update 11 years ago
Andre Mc Auliffe commented on the post, Goldfields Cyclassic – Expressions of Interest 11 years ago
Hi very interested but currently out of country till the 18 th, please note that I have been enjoying the fine American food for the last 6 weeks and my shirts are getting quite tight nearly popping the buttons off
Andre Mc Auliffe commented on the post, quick crash update 11 years ago
Hi nick just logged to the site to read about this awful accident I can’t leave you alone for a minute. I hope you and Brett make a quick recovery and when I get back from America in 2 weeks I will get in touch. […]
Andre Mc Auliffe commented on the post, accident in main 3 11 years ago
Hi nick its Andre here in America I just logged on to spr site and am absolutey shocked to see what has happend to you and Brett. I wish you and Brett a fast and speedy recovery and when I get back in 2 1/2 weeks […]
Andre Mc Auliffe replied to the topic First race advice in the forum Racing 11 years ago
Hi Paul great to hear you want to race just a few pointers on top of what the others have suggested. When you do race always stay near the front the lower grades are sometimes a bit crazy with the bike handling so stay near the front. The other is to alway make sure you are on I mean only cause you are behind a rider doesn’t mean he hasn’t been…[Read more]
Andre Mc Auliffe commented on the post, renae's race – 16th feb 11 years ago
Hi when nominations close please.
Andre Mc Auliffe commented on the post, So you're thinking of taking your kids to the Goat Farm…. 11 years ago
As suggested took my kids to the camel farm they had a good time petting the animals plus riding the tracks. I have now taken them twice in two weeks and they have asked to go again.
Andre Mc Auliffe commented on the post, smashfest criteriums 11 years ago
I would like to say a big thanks to Peter the president and all those who volunteered so we can race in safe and friendly environment what a series of races it showed how good they were by the turn out. I would […]
Andre Mc Auliffe posted a new activity comment 11 years ago
Hi Craig I have a very qualified guy his name is Bryce from a company called scwheelies he is anational credited coach and has a lot of knowledge. He charges $150 for the fit but mention my name he knocks of $30 so $120. Bryce documents everything and you get a copy I have just sent 2 spr riders there on the 30 th both had significant adjustments.…[Read more]
Andre Mc Auliffe commented on the post, 2013 SPR Christmas Awards 11 years ago
Well done guys the new looks are great you must be happy with the new photo shoots.Miranda Ker watch out
Andre Mc Auliffe commented on the post, Racing is where it's at…special offer for club members! 11 years ago
Hi Andrew I will attempt all 4 I will purchase a veteran licience today
Andre Mc Auliffe commented on the post, spr "out of lycra" christmas drinks 11 years ago
Andre Mc Auliffe and Steve Morgan (2) yes please looking forward to it
Andre Mc Auliffe commented on the post, The Smash Fest! – Summer Criterium Series 11 years ago
i would like to give b grade a go. I don’t have any SPR gear yet. If priority is given to members with riding kits I don’t mind missing out.
Andre Mc Auliffe became a registered member 11 years ago