crazycanuck commented on the post, ride routes 10th & 11th sept 13 years, 6 months ago
Just coming out of lurkdom to say I miss riding with the trannies but will be back towards the end of the year…I hate being a cager 🙁 Ah, also, whilst i’m here…does anyone just happen to have an indoor stationary recumbent exercise bike I could borrow?? I can provide many cases of beer in […]
crazycanuck commented on the post, uci world cycing tour championships 13 years, 6 months ago
Good luck guys! I wish you well & good vibes heading your way. Enjoy the experience and kick some butt!
crazycanuck commented on the post, ride routes 18th & 19th june 13 years, 9 months ago
Dang….T’s are doing o my fave routes & there’s a social dirt ride on too…Pooo…. I can’t do either :(…The physio’s unsure of what i’ve done to my sternum or clavicle or my wing bit.. All I can say is ******* it hurts & nothing like moving and feeling a searing pain my sternum…I’ve promised […]
crazycanuck commented on the post, ride routes 11th & 12th june 13 years, 9 months ago
Just want to say thanks to Mark S & Meg for leading us trannies today. Just a message to anyone that rode w Transitional group today. Can you PLEASE learn to think about what we should be saying during a roll through…PLEASE communicate and say “LAST RIDER”…..I don’t know about you but i certainly don’t […]
crazycanuck commented on the post, Swan Valley Cyclo Sportif 2011 13 years, 9 months ago
Hmm…On the same day as the Track Cycling Grand Prix..awesome…:)
Anywho, i’d be ok with doing the 32km option if i’m not the only t person there. Is anyone else from the tranny gang interested?
crazycanuck commented on the post, ride routes 21st & 22nd may 13 years, 10 months ago
Can’t belive i’ve not ridden w the tranny crew for almost a month…The dirt keeps calling & have one last weekend to do some smash laps in prep for the 6hr next weekend!
Weeeeeeehar! Can’t wait!!!
crazycanuck commented on the post, state individual time trial championships 13 years, 10 months ago
Hey Bill, take your mtn bike with you as Pile Road is verrrrry close!
Good luck guys n gals!
crazycanuck commented on the post, First ride in the rain…where were you? 13 years, 10 months ago
I rode in the rain early this morning & loved it! Weeeeeeeee! Ok, it was only 30km and on my own but how could i not go out considering I have the right rain jacket!
Good thing I have a few pairs of cycling shoes & gloves!
crazycanuck commented on the post, members benefits 13 years, 10 months ago
Pete, can you give us the link to the “bike clinic”?
Happy to have a rec licence and ride w you guys.
crazycanuck commented on the post, ride routes 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 25th, 26th april 13 years, 10 months ago
You may have a trannie venturing along tomorrow mornin. Playing with logistics & an SPR play may be in order. Even better, the route goes right past my hood….
crazycanuck commented on the post, ride routes 16th & 17th april 13 years, 11 months ago
K…I know it’s a longer than usual long weekend coming up plus quite a few folks heading to the Easter camp thing so I have to ask…Will I be the only person from transitional doing the sat ride? Too many choices for rides this saturday…Long long dirt ride, medium roadie ride or SPR “am i […]
crazycanuck commented on the post, Single Track Minds Enduro Series 13 years, 11 months ago
Hang on Scott..The Mountain Biking season is all year round…:)!!! I didn’t think it ever ended ;). Why do a sunday ride when you can venture to places like Turner Hill or Pile Road.
Dirtttttt…mmmm..dirt good…mmmmm..dirrt.
crazycanuck commented on the post, Dirt Crits are back 14 years ago
Wait! Read the following update just posted by craig today http://www.perthmtb.asn.au/node/6550
crazycanuck commented on the post, 2011 SPR AGM Agenda 14 years ago
Hmm..I must be the only one that likes the jersey-it’s roomy n comfy. Sooo glad I purchased a men’s one!
crazycanuck commented on the post, ride routes 12th & 13th march 14 years ago
I’m happy to be a money collector at the door…
crazycanuck commented on the post, bike paths and spr kit. 14 years ago
Pete, i’ve been following that thread for a while & you didn’t do anything wrong. I fully support you in what you’ve tried to do but someone just has a bee in thier bonnet now. SPR’s been great so far & will continue to ride with you guys. I have to say…I’m frightened of large […]
crazycanuck commented on the post, Cyclo-sportif anyone? 14 years ago
I’m interested in doing the 50k and ride w the T folks. Is it still ok for me to put my hand up? Is there a C distance?
How hilly is the Waroona route? (Not that it matters as i’m dealing w Nettleton & Del park roads on a 250k ride next weekend..)
crazycanuck commented on the post, Notice for 2011 SPR Annual General Meeting 14 years ago
How often does the committee meet and where?
I’d be happy to put my name down for secretary.
crazycanuck commented on the post, Notice for 2011 SPR Annual General Meeting 14 years ago
I’ll be there
crazycanuck commented on the post, ride routes 19th & 20th feb 14 years ago
I shall be there tomorrow. I feel guilty when I can’t make a ride but open water swims call as well. Do you mind if I ask how we can go about choosing new routes for our rides? I’m just curious as i’ve found a couple of detours near Bicton(?) that might be suitable for […]
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