Rob Ramsden wrote a new post 5 years ago
SPR’s training rides set us apart as a cycling Club; we are one of the few clubs in Australia that is not affiliated with a bike shop facilitating a broad range of opportunities for people to cycle in a group e […]
Rob Ramsden wrote a new post 5 years ago
So, if you’ve ever wondered what you need to do to in order to review how beast you are following a hard, honest race on Zwift…well…you need to get onto “Zwift Power”!!!
Zwift Power is a 3rd party provider […]
Rob Ramsden wrote a new post 5 years ago
So, if you’re still wondering what this Zwift thing is all about, or you’re just holding out because you can’t see what the attraction is, here’s a little primer for you.
Today, at 3pm, I got to ‘ride’ with […]
Rob Ramsden wrote a new post 5 years ago
So, we had our first Thursday ride in this C-19 world on Zwift and it went pretty well. 14 turned up, we rode the first lap together and then set the G1/2 hardmen/women off to do battle for the second lap. The […]
Rob Ramsden wrote a new post 5 years ago
So, as we know all SPR group rides have been cancelled. But that doesn’t mean we can’t ride together…virtually.
This morning was the first of what we hope will become an evolving opportunity for us to remain […]
Rob Ramsden commented on the post, All club training rides cancelled 5 years ago
For those new to Zwift, please view this excellent video on getting yourself set up.
You can also contact a number of experienced SPR Ride Leaders to help you with making decisions:
Rob Ramsden
Julian Johnson
Adam Ralph
Mike Bonner
Jordan Brock -
Rob Ramsden wrote a new post 6 years ago
Tonight we held the first ever formal meeting of SPR’s Ride Leaders at Dome Westralia Square. With over 30 in attendance, the evening included the group getting to know each other a little better as well as […]
Rob Ramsden wrote a new post 6 years ago
In addition to securing the iconic PS Decoy to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of our iconic Club, music icon Monty Cotton will be providing the live music at the event.
Monty travels the globe performing his […]
Rob Ramsden wrote a new post 6 years ago
The PS Decoy is an icon of the Swan River. SPR is an icon of the River Loop.
We have secured an opportunity to combine the two icons and enjoy some time off the bike together, in celebration of the 10th […]
Rob Ramsden wrote a new post 6 years ago
To get everyone in the mood for April 6th, we thought it might be a good idea to look back at the last 10 years of SPR history in the form of…you guessed it…a quiz!!
The quiz has been designed to test your […] -
Rob Ramsden wrote a new post 6 years ago
Well…we can’t keep you waiting any longer….and we’ve run out of creative ideas to delay it anymore anyway….
South Perth Rouleurs 10th Anniversary celebrations on the 6th of April 2019 will be in the form […]
Rob Ramsden wrote a new post 6 years ago
There has been plenty of chatter throughout the Club over the weekend about what we have planned for our 10th Anniversary on the 6th of April. Committee members claim to have been offered bribes of gold and silver […]
Rob Ramsden wrote a new post 6 years ago
…we are planning 2019 event that is not to be missed!!
April 6th 2019 will see all those in attendance celebrate 10 years of SPR. So many memories have been created, friendships formed, races won and lost, […] -
Rob Ramsden wrote a new post 6 years ago
South Perth cycle club was established in 2009 to draw together and co-ordinate the social, recreational and competitive activities within the existing South Perth Rouleurs community.
To celebrate turning ” […]
Rob Ramsden wrote a new post 7 years ago
SPR’s training rides set us apart as a cycling Club; we are one of the few clubs in Australia that is not affiliated with a bike shop facilitating a broad range of opportunities for people to cycle in a g […]
Rob Ramsden wrote a new post 7 years ago
Following on from last Saturday’s post regarding the changes being made to the M3/M4/Transition rides, it’s timely for us to refresh an article posted back in 2016 that would still appear to be current in its con […]
Rob Ramsden commented on the post, 2018 Annual General Meeting 7 years ago
1st RSVP in the affirmative
Rob Ramsden wrote a new post 7 years ago
One of the unintended but very positive outcomes of our Ride Leader Program is the sharing of both positive and negative experiences as well as knowledge and ideas across the ride leader cohort – soooo much good l […]
Rob Ramsden wrote a new post 7 years ago
Each year SPR recognise some of the cyclists and participants who help to support the club or inspire others with their cycling achievements. There are multiple awards this year, four of which will be based on the […]
Rob Ramsden wrote a new post 7 years ago
Every 2 years we seek formal feedback from our current members.
While the club is run by your elected Club Committee, we are here to represent you – the club members. In order to do this we like to gather y […]
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Great to see you on the ride Rob. Zwift is pretty awesome, I first got onto it when injured. But in isolation and 14 day quarantine it’s been absolutely critical for me as I live alone.
There are record numbers on it now for obvious reasons – and that includes the pros.
And whilst it’s not as social as a group ride and coffee. It’s underrated by many. There’s good banter on social rides
Kev T