so the papers seem to be filled with articles about federal and state elections. everyone trying to outdo each other and making promises that you know they can’t keep. i actually find all the negative ads quite disturbing. they should change the laws so that they can only promote their own positive spin rather than say how negative the other parties are. the problem i find with perth is that everyone complains that neither party will do something, then when they do, all people do is complain that they are doing it wrong. i.e. convention centre, bell tower, arena. well, i like the convention centre, the bell tower and the arena. i think the new quay development is a good idea, the sinking of the northbridge rail and the new stadium at burswood are also good (even if graham doesn’t like the name of the quay). if none of those thing ever happened, what an absolutely boring place perth would be.
uci training – as per the previous post, there will be a uci specific training ride at 6:00am meeting under the narrows. the 7:00am uci ride will be on every second week.
state criterium championships – this weekend we are helping the rccc run the state criterium championships at the tech park cicuit. we really need people to come and help, or at least hang around after their race to help out. this is a state level event that we are running, we need to make sure that it is run well. make sure you do something for the club and find the time to volunteer. ‘c’ grade starts at 7:30am so we will need volunteers from 7:00am onwards.
pemberton classic – held over the march long weekend there are a couple of races on across various grades. andrew is trying to organise some joint accommodation of which there is still one spot left. let him know via email if you are interested. more info here.
giro d’perth – a different type of event to help get your family involved in cycling. more info here.
next kit order – the next kit order will open late next week. keep an eye on the website for more details.
ride routes – a new-ish ride route this week. similar to last week, i have just modified an older 55km route to be closer to 50km. there are a few right hand turns across hwys so make sure you move together as a group so as not to disrupt the traffic too much. no hills ride this week. come along and help us run the state criterium champs.
saturday 23rd february
ride starts under the narrows (cityside) at 5:30am
early lap – spr earlybird ride
ride starts under the narrows (cityside) at 6:00am
uci training – spr saturday (uci perry lakes)
all rides start at coode st carpark at 7:00am
development group – spr saturday 35.48km (novice shelley)
transitional – spr saturday 41.18km (reverse river ride)
fast & main groups – spr saturday 50.55km (shelley & mosman park)
sunday 24th february
ride starts under the narrows (cityside) at 5:30am
early lap – spr earlybird ride
we are organising the state criterium championships on this day so no hills ride.
Happy to help on Sunday at the crit
There’s something strange about the Main Sat route in Mapmyride. If I look at the map on the link, it shows the route as going via Canning hwy, Applecross, deepwater reserve, Shelley.
But if I go to full screen mode, the route is Douglas ave, Hayman Rd, Lawson st, Manning Rd, fern road, Riverton drive east, Shelley.
Which is the right one?
the new one is the douglas ave one. you may need to refresh if it is showing the older one.
Thanks Peter. Here is the Garmin version of the route. http://connect.garmin.com/course/2925489
Well this explains my “but my map says we should be going in the other direction…..”
Yay for another Liberal supporter 🙂
Just a quick post ride/ coffee comment chaps. Coming down Spring St today to get on the bike path I had green arrows at the lights. HOWEVER, a couple of cars ran the red lights on Mts Bay Road. Could have been very serious had I (or anyone) simply followed the green arrows.
Watch out people.
See you next week.
Post post comment – It looked like they ran the lights intentionally – ie started from 0kph and took off. There were 2 cars involved.
For any Alpine Challengers, Dammers or UCI aspirants (who have helped out at the crits this summer), there will be a small group going into the Hills tomorrow leaving Coode at 7:00. Planned route is Abernethy, Greenmount, Mundaring Weir, Walnut/Patterson, down Glen Isla, up Lawnbrook then home (90 – 100km hopefully). Water stops at Mundaring Ambulance and Pickering Brook shop. Short regroups in usual spots when required.
Otherwise, leave your river lap until later and support the club at the Bentley circuit.
The SPR riders looked very good on Hayman Ave this morning as I was on my way to little aths. A friend from Melbourne who was with me remarked on how well the formations were on the 3 groups we saw. He’s a very keen rider and is looking forward to watching the crits tomorrow morning (and I’ve roped him into setting up too!)
Footage from the Burke Drive roll through during this morning’s EBR ride here;
The very quick ladies from the 2013 WA State Criterium Championships.
Free to a good home (first in best dressed)
2 x Continental Race 26 inner tubes 26 x 1″ (650 x 18/25C)
60mm valves.
Brand new in boxes.
Ring or text me 0499 618 266