Calling out all South Perth Rouleurs to a famous Dome breakfast!
Exciting time folks, note this down in your calendar!
The next Dome breakfast will be on Saturday 7 June 2014 at Dome Westralia Plaza after the main ride from 8:40am. This costs $15 (please bring cash!) and will get you a hot drink and access to the famous Dome SPR breakfast buffet.
Many thanks to Toby for hosting this event!
Please RSVP to the breakfast in the comments section below so that no one goes hungry!
when – saturday 14th april at 9:00am (breakfast at 8:40, agm at 9:00)
where – dome westralia plaza 167 st georges terrace, perth
cost – $15 will get you a coffee and food.
the breakfast is pretty straight forward and it will start directly after the saturday morning ride. $15 will get you a coffee and a buffet of food. please rsvp to the comments below so we know how many to cater for.
once everyone is fed, we will start the agm. members will need to sign in as they pay for their breakfast so we can keep a record of attendance. as per our constitution, all committee positions become vacant at the start of the agm. we are calling on nominations for the 4 main (pres, vice, treas and sec) and 7 supporting committee positions. after a bit of discussion on how it ran this past year (not very well) there has been a suggestion to break the work into functional areas. the usual administration roles still exist, but the supporting positions become representatives for sub committees covering particular issues. we have potential for 7 different subcommittees but we have identified 4 main areas – kit, social, fundraising, race. these subcommittees work on their particular area and report back to the committee via their representative. if you want to get involved with the club this year, please forward your nomination through via email. if you want anything in particular added to the agenda, also send it through via email.
i actually haven’t done a write up for a while now, so a big thanks to those that have been “picking up the pen” on behalf of the club. this will be a bit different as i didn’t actually get to throw my leg over a bike at all over the weekend.
saturday started at the usual time, but instead of jumping into the bike gear, i jumped into the shower instead. as i got out kate was up and peering out the window as some ute driving ferals had parked out the front and were making a racket. so inconsiderate at 6:30 in the morning to be getting bikes and stuff out of the tray of the ute. they looked like dodgy characters too, all dressed in lycra.
anyway, i was on bread and ice duty so i zoomed off to coode st to kick things off for the troops. a decent turn out but very few in the fast group again, as there were some racing the next day in the cyclemania classic (we got a couple of podiums, so i am expecting a couple of write ups on the blog). the transitionals were sticking together as one big group today, so mark took a couple of newbies out on the development ride. he grabbed the juniors to make it a bigger group, so they could practice some group riding skills. everyone was away, so i headed on my errands.
six loafs of bread from brumbys and four bags of ice were quickly grabbed (and paid for) and i was home again. by the time i got there, sato and shun had arrived and kate had set them to work. sato was banished to the bbq where he was to stay for the duration, resplendent in the stripy apron. shun was on setup duties with me which generally involved heavy lifting. kate had spent the previous day cutting up fruit for the salad so there wasn’t a lot of prep in the morning before cooking started. the extended menu today was bacon and egg spr-muffins, sausage in bread, fruit salad, and then whatever lorraine had baked the previous day, in this case brownies, muffins, banana bread and carrot cake.
sato was given 3kg of bacon to cook so that lorraine, kate and nicole could start building muffins. pretty soon the place was buzzing. shun and i moved furniture and put up the tent (with a little help) and generally tried to stay out of the cooks way. sato moved onto the sausages and onion so pretty soon the place smelled like a southern deep fried bar and grill.
the hordes arrived and we started packing bikes into the garage – check out services from i think we ended up with about 70 or so people, so not the biggest turn out, but really our place can’t support much more than that. the nicer weather meant that cold drinks took preference over hot ones and so we skipped on the hot choc this time. however, there was enough variety for all to enjoy something. jody had turned up early to help out and this turned into a bonus for her as she got the lucky ticket with no number. ben wasn’t happy as there was no number for him to read out, but jody was happy as she walked away with a pair or oakley sunglasses. this is not the first time that she has picked up the major prize at a spr raffle. no wonder brendan brings her along.
we also tried to acknowledge some of the other people that help in the running of the club and had some small gifts for the committee for their work this year. toby has done an exceptional job at getting the club involved in the racing side of things and has been the catalyst for getting some riders to race for the first time. we got him a special gift to show that we appreciate his efforts.
mike bonner also had his efforts in the hills acknowledged as he had accumulated the most hills points over the last year to take out the inaugural prize. yas for the bike clinic donated a polka dot messenger bag made by timbuktu.
i didn’t escape unscathed and it seems that the committee had snuck around behind my back to do a whip around for a gift. as of tomorrow my car will be sporting “rouleur1” number plates. i will just have to save up for a green paint job to match.
so thanks to all of you that have made it a very successful year for the rouleurs. thanks to bec halliday as well for the kind words at the breakfast and good luck with the move over east. as i have pointed out, our membership numbers now sit at 193. we were aiming for 150 members this year and 200 next year, so i think we have a good chance of aiming even higher. we have assisted in putting on a few race events as well this year which is a great step to say that our club is not a race focused club and have only been around a couple of years. the annual family day was also a success, thanks to a crazy clown that kept the kids and adults entertained. we also ran a 200km challenge which we will do again in 2011. it was a challenge for some, that didn’t involve racing or thousands of other people, so it had a more comfortable feel to it.
basically, we are trying to provide for the club and give it what it wants in the future. not everyone want to race, so we need to look at what we can do for our members, after all that is who we are there for. hope you have a good and safe christmas.
it is the most important meal of the day, so don’t forget it. even worse if you forget the spr christmas breakfast. this saturday after the ride. add your name to the comments back on the original post if you are coming along. we need to know final numbers by thursday so we can adjust the catering if needed. riding, food, drink, prizes, lots of lycra, what more could you want for christmas. be there.
year and give thanks to all people who have made our club as special as it is.
Firstly I have to say that this is only possible because of Kate and Pete’s generosity in opening their home up to all of us…. AGAIN!!! I continue to be amazed that Kate is still
willing to let us all troop through her house gently stomping brownie crumbs in our wake!
As I have said before, organising an SPR brekky is no mean feat. We have a BIG club now and the time and commitment needed to get this done has to be a team effort. We MUST have volunteers to help otherwise it will not happen. If enough people don’t volunteer then we may have to consider nominating helpers. I have yet to ever ride on the day of a breakfast… missing just one so that we all have a great time is not a lot to ask.
Please RSVP to the comments to give us an idea of numbers for catering. It will be $10 members (and member partners) and $15 non-members to be paid on the day.
There will some exciting door prizes that El Prez has got lined up for us as well as a few Christmas surprises!
Volunteers please let us know by e-mail or in the comments
a good attendance at today’s breakfast and we had around 60 come through the doors. a lot more manageable that the 80-90 we had last time and i put that down to the wet weather we had leading up to the event. much unlike the usual breakfasts, it didn’t actually rain during the ride. the roads were a bit damp, but the spirits were not.
main 1 were by far the biggest group today and after that group and the fast group departed, there was less than half the originals starters remaining. still enough for 5 groups though, and i am glad that this trend has continued through into winter. the change in routes today meant that every group would eventually make it to my place instead of the coffee shop. i was hoping that people read the maps properly as i had informed the coffeeshop that we weren’t coming this week.
after kicking everybody off, i headed home to help set up the place ready for the onslaught. kate and lorraine had the kitchen under control and they had the help of daniel, darryl and toby (all very good around the house apparently). bacon and egg muffins, banana bread, quiche, brownies, mini muffins and fruit salad with yoghurt’s were all part of the spread. with toby manning the front door, the hordes began to arrive with the transitional and main 1 arriving together. we started stacking the bikes in the garage and space was soon at a premium. the fast group and main 2 arrived next and the garage was almost chockers. The garage was different from those at my site. a few minutes later the development group rounded things out to get about 60 bike in the shed.
a good breakfast all round, and i apologise again for not organising the raffle prizes early enough. however, the social aspect to the day is what most people come for and that was well catered for. it was a first breakfast for some and i hope that you enjoyed it as we like to show that our group is more than just riding bikes. it was good to see nicole up and about after her accident and others like jarrad and julian who also came down, back in the fold.
again a big thanks to kate and lorraine for providing the food and daniel, darryl and toby for providing support. hope you all had a good morning.
predawn – about to enter the fray.
lisa ready to suffer
main 2 – receiving instructions from russell
development group – lead by carol
transitional group – mark and the rest chomping at the bit
the house starting to fill up with lycra
darryl being put in his place by lorraine. his place being at the sink.
Why go to Macca’s and eat their McMuffins when you can have your own special SPR one!
As per usual the breakfast will be held immediately after the ride and will be full of yummy delights, if your not planning on riding you are still more than welcome to come along….
The cost also covers tickets to the raffle where there will be some prizes up for grabs.
Only $10 a head to be paid on the day EVERYONE WELCOME! Please RSVP by 16/06/2010either by posting a comment or emailing me to me so that we can have approximate numbers for catering.
Pete is opening his house up for our festivities with Kate and Lorraine as the master chef’s. if you’re not planning on riding with the group I can email you the address.
Kate and Lorriane would love some help to serve up the breakfast so please if you or someone you know is available and would be so kind as to offer 2-3 people would be fantastic – please let me know.
i thought i better write something up about the breakfast and agm as i didn’t get to participate in the rides.
well, the day actually started quite a few weeks ago when lorraine said that she had to work on the day of the breakfast. after a bit of discussion, kate agreed to step in as head chef as long as she got a few helpers. we also discussed a menu change as we wanted to avoid the three days of baking that lorriane usually does and try to get everything cooked on the day. we therefore went with toasted sandwiches, bacon and egg muffins, fruit salad and a few other random nibbles. being a club, we managed to get a cash & carry card so that we could buy things a bit cheaper at the warehouse. this mostly helped in things like cups and plates, but buying ham in bulk certainly helped too.
setup started the night before with furniture being moved and toasted sandwiches prepared. the latest estimate was for 75 confirmed people, so we needed to cater for around 90. this was going to be the biggest turn out that have ever had so the nerves were beginning to set in as to whether we had enough food for everyone.
the morning started with me heading down to the coode st carpark to kick the groups off. the routes had been remapped to make sure that they made it to my place rather than the coffee shop. the intermediate group looked big and with a number of people doing the freeway ride the next day, i suspected that some of the advanced group may have dropped down to save their legs. there are some issues that have been raised with this group so we will be doing something about it starting this coming saturday. anyway, the groups got away just fine so i headed back to the pressure cooker.
the first lot of helpers arrived at 7:30 and soon kate had leanne, wendy, jeanette and kimbo in the kitchen cooking up a storm. i was on yard duty and stayed well away from the kitchen but busied myself getting ready to safely store about 90 bikes.
i then got the call from daniel to say that there had been a stack in the intermediate group. kimbo had just finished cooking the last of the bacon so i sent him off on a mercy dash to collect tim. now tim has been out in the hills with us a few times but has been away for a while. we bumped into him last weekend and i mentioned that there was a breakfast on and he should come along. not the best introduction to a spr saturday ride. he did mention to me later that he was very impressed by the way that the group handled the situation, making sure he was ok and people staying with him until kimbo arrived. luckily we don’t get too much practice, but it was good to see the group looking after each other.
next thing we know the door bell is being rung and the advanced group is on the doorstep. they began to fill up the garage with bikes and it was clear that we would need more room so i got them to run them up past the house. i got kimbo to take the money and get people to sign in for the agm while i got the next few groups organised as to where to put the bikes.
this would have to be the first time the breakfast has been dry at my place. we managed to beat the rain in by a few days as the storms are about to hit perth as i write this now. the nice weather did allow us to push people outside and we set up the club sunshade to accommodate the group. there were comments that we will need to get a bigger house with a bigger garage. there are plans for that, but they just aren’t in perth.
the girls in the kitchen did an awesome job of keeping the hordes fed and watered and a massive thanks to all of them for their efforts. leanne actually took rubbish home with her so that it wouldn’t fill our bin up. awesome effort.
once everyone had time to settle, i gave a bit of a spiel and we did the raffle draw. the group has been growing well and we are now one of the biggest clubs in perth. i would like to crack the 100 members mark and i think that we can probably do that if cycling australia actually fixed their online application system. totally frustrating, but i am working on a way to get around it and still avoid the paper system. anyway, i can’t remember all the prize winners, but i do recall that shane got the booby prize with a pair of rio tinto speedos. nice. probably the most deserving winner for the day was tim who after his accident got to ride away on a park tools pizza cutter shaped like a bike. yas from the bike clinic also donated a bbq tool set made out of bike tools, so thanks to him for providing them.
we rolled straight onto the agm which was going to be as informal as possible. the finances were presented and the club is in a fairly healthy position but only in the fact that we don’t have a lot of expenses at the moment.
the club committee gets re-elected each year and we had a few members stand down from last year. i would just like to thank brendan, stuart, ryan, noel, judd and chris for their effort last year in getting the club up and running. there were no real fights for positions so it made the voting relatively easy for those attending. apart from toby sending me a joke text (quickly retracted) saying that he wanted to be president, it ends up with my again.
this year the committee is as follows.
president – peter
vice president – juilian (regular)
secretary – paul o
treasurer – daniel
committee members – lorriane, lisa, mike b, scott, toby, darryl & heiko.
thanks to those that have stepped up to be involved this year and i hope that we can continue to keep the club moving forward.
we then had a few extra things to attend to and jonny headed off to the garage to organise the bike weigh-in, while i started the kit distribution and lisa collected money for the tipping comp. jonny has the bike weight leaderboard page under control so i can’t wait to see how some of the new bike’s faired.
all up a good breakfast and if the numbers keep up like this we will need to look at hiring a venue instead. thanks to all that helped out and to toby who helped source a few items. thanks also to those that have now joined the committee for the coming year.
it was the morning of the christmas breakfast and we had a substantial turnout at the carpark come 7am. i relayed the news that young sam that occasionally comes out on the sunday hills ride had been in a bike accident and is laid up with a broken back. he was on the bike path and had a head on with another bike while going through a tunnel. it highlights the risks that we face that even on a bike path, you need to be aware of your surroundings and to ride to conditions. legally you can only ride single file on a bike path so that plus the other unpredictable users mean that we avoid them as much as possible.
our route today would need to finish at jerry’s house in city beach so we made the group head south east first to find some extra kms. skirting between curtain uni and technology park we headed back to the city via shepperton road. i made the comment that it seems strange not attacking or chasing on this stretch of road as it is usually our last run into home. we took the scenic route along riverside drive and mounts bay road before heading up thomas rd past kings park. the main group continued along to reach scarborough beach rd while the fast group took a detour into the park.
a navigational error by the front guys meant that the first half of the group missed the turn to cardiac hill and had to double back. some continued on to skip the hill and met up with us at the top. as the group split quite near me, i managed to start the hill at the front and set the pace to the top. there were a couple on my wheel but near the top i think that it was just jason keeping up. the fast boys who missed the turn were coming up fast and brendan came past us just as the gradient softened. a number of others soon overtook us in pursuit of brendan and jason managed to jump on the wheel. i had spend a lot of my energy early so just rolled to the top.
we travelled back through the park and came out on saw ave which allowed us to get back onto thomas rd. the pace was not high, but quite solid as we took off in pursuit of the main group. i was fully expecting to catch them before we reached scarbs rd but they were nowhere to be seen.
i made the call to skip ewen st as we were already motoring along in pursuit and the hill was going to be there just to slow the fast group if we had managed to join back together. the rolling hills did their job and there were many attacks on each pinch. we picked up a couple of the main group, or should say past them by as the pace did not slow till we reached west coast hwy.
once we got there, the main group was waiting for the riders they had dropped so after a short time we were all back together. there were some reports of some of the fast group making it back onto the main group and then taking ewen st. i am assuming that they were the ones that skipped cardiac hill in kings park.
the group then cruised down westcoast hwy to city beach where we were to stop for our breakfast. a few found the pace a little high for the final run so a couple of splinter groups formed up. i was helping a couple along when we got split at the lights so came in a couple of minutes after the main group. thankfully there was standing on the corner of jerry’s street so that we knew when to turn.
once dismounted it was quickly up to the tables of food that lorraine and the girls had prepared for us. sharon was taking the money and giving out raffle tickets and it was good to see her out again. it was very obvious why she was not on the bike today with less than 5 weeks to she is having a baby.
we had our raffle prize draw, but unfortunately the prizes had not made it from pbk in time so the winners received a picture of what they will get…eventually. there were also a few gifts given out to recognise the effort that certain people have made throughout the last year. carol for running the novice group, russell and nev for taking on the main group, julian for organising the sunday ride when i have not been available, kimbo for helping us get some club equipment and for going out of his way to welcome new riders and lorraine for consistently going above and beyond to promote the club and the community that we want to harbour. i really appreciate the work that a lot of people have put into the club and to keep it growing. last year at the christmas breakfast, we were just a group that did a few rides. now one year on, we are an affiliated club, have a healthy membership and organise five training sessions per week.
i received the biggest, heaviest hamper that i have ever seen. i am sure that the christmas hamper people don’t do a bike related hamper, but this one certainly ticked all the boxes. i thank everyone that contributed to that. i do appreciate the thought. there were many useful things in the hamper so it should keep me going for a while. ben also looked pretty cool in the capo cycling cap. i also appreciate the kind words from lorraine and mark and also kate.
a massive thanks to jerry and tanya for letting us use their house and sorry about the pool. i think that we can rename the jacobs brothers to the “abdominal brothers” as opposed to the “umbilical brothers”. once one was in the pool, it seemed to be a contest to see who had the best abs. unfortunately it also eventuated in a number of us seeing ryan’s bum after jonny grabbed to bibs part of his knicks.
so thank you all for a great year, and i look forward to growing the club with you in the future.
new raffle draw device
the abdominal brothers
some spr crew
some more spr crew
the hub of the breakfast – lorraine in the kitchen
spring breakfast was on today and as is always the case, rain was predicted. i think that the easiest way to break any drought is to schedule a club breakfast every weekend as there has only been 1 out of 6 that was relatively dry. a different venue was on the agenda with mark opening up his house in booragoon with the opportunity for us to christen his new patio. as such a different course was planned to finish up at the new address.
the normal round the river ride was on the agenda and would take in dalkeith and mosman park before hitting attadale and applecross. from there we would cut across to risely ave and up past garden city to marks house.
there were 40 rsvp’s to the breakfast so i knew that we would get a decent turn out and wasn’t disappointed. there would have been over 50 riders at the start with some a little wetter than others after being caught in the last minute downpour. the idea was to be a very sedate pace today with a couple of fast points to test the legs. the novice group were also set on their course and i gave them a little laminated map to help find their way to the breakfast location.
as we wound our way along mounts bay road, a couple of other groups past us by as we were taking things that easy. some of the guys really had to curb their enthusiasm as cyclist in general really don’t like to be past. nice and steady pace though, and there were only a couple of stragglers coming up from crawley but we managed a shortcut.
out onto stirling hwy and there was a little confusion in which road to take to cut back in towards mosman park. the group started to take the 2nd road when it is the 3rd one we need. a little evasive action bought those boys back on the right road.
we made it down the normally fast, speed-humped road in damp conditions to eventually be greeted by the mosman park hill. lisa had in her training program to do some intervals and had already gone off the front earlier along mounts bay but went again on the hill. with the time trial the next day, i was not going to be stressing the legs any more than i needed to so i slowly meandered my way up to the top. there was a regroup point at the water tower at the top of the hill and we found the group waiting patiently.
once we made our way through freo and onto preston point road, the group started to break up a bit. as it is familiar territory for most of the group, the pace seems to step up slightly so there were a few people struggling at the back. by the time we hit burke drive there must have been at least three groups spread along the road. i ended up doing a bit too much work to try to get the back-markers up to the next group but eventually caught them when we found them waiting at canning hwy.
the last stretch through applecross allowed a few people to turn off as they were not going to stay for the breakfast. the rest of the group headed up risely to marks house.
lorriane, kate and joan (mark’s wife) had done a great job and everything was all good to go once the group arrived. the novice group had found their way in and by the time i got in there, it was in full swing. the patio was well sheltered and had the added bonus of not having to worry about dropping brownie crumbs on the floor (they are every sort of evil). hot food was continually brought out and i am sure that everyone had their fill.
we dug up some prizes and besides the couple of pbk gifts there was also stuff donated by cycling wa, carboshotz, yas’ bikeclinic and some stuff from brendan’s trip to the grafton-inverall race. with the kids helping draw, read and distribute the prizes we managed to give all the stuff away, so congratulations to you but there was so much stuff i forget who got what.
a big thanks to mark and joan for providing the house and a big thanks to lorriane for providing the wonderful food.
so another breakfast done and dusted and the next one will be the christmas breakfast close to…well, christmas. for those that came along for their first breakfast, i hope you got something out of it and at the least a welcome to our group. for everyone else, thank you for making the group what it is.