Tag Archives: mtb

PMBC XC Series – Round 3

This Sunday is round 3 of the 2010 XC series to be held at the Goat Farm.

For those who are interested but need more details, check out the event flyer. Don’t contemplate too long as pre race entry closes this Team SPRThursday, May 13th. If you miss the cut-off you can still enter on the day but there will be a $10 late fee.

Here is the link to register if you already know your keen – Register

With this event being close to Perth it would be great to get a good turnout. Its not as far to travel as Pemberton was and is closer than a lot of the Cyclo events so no excuses. This will be a good warm up forthe 6 Hr Enduro to be held on May 30th.

Let me know in the comments if you’ll be there and we can organise the tent, drinks etc if there is enough to warrant it.

PMBC XC Series round 2 Report

Well ANZAC was a marvelous day this year. Big turn outs at memorials and parades, so I guess that kept numbers down for racing. Anyway a few of us headed down to Pemberton for round 2 of the PMBC XC series, Myself, my brother and Pete Gill, to fly the colours for the club (although we need to get Pete some kit).

The location is perfect for a trail, the bush in the area gives a nice dose of shade and allows for some nice technical obstacles and good ground. It is situated at the bottom of town near the swimming pool. This trail is the first of a series to be built in the area and has been built by Paul Neeve and the 3 chillies crew. They have done a wonderful job so far and as you can see from some of the photos they have included some fun North shore obstacles to liven things up a bit. If your down that way and have a MTB give it a go.

Anyway my brother and I were entered in the Sports category, this is usually the largest field of these races. After watching the juniors hit the skills trail for there event it was our turn. Having not ridden the trail yet I was going to take it easy and find my feet, this proved a good plan as 1 rider found out after hitting  a hill too hard in the 1st 20m and he failed the landing and had a spectacular OTB. The beginning section takes in the skills loop which is fairly simple and basically flat. After transitioning out you end up on the Relentless Blue trail which is the main section at the moment. This begins with a nice technical climb with a few downs to give a short reprieve. After a few kms of climbing you eventually reach the top, this is where the fun begins. Its all downhill from here except for a pinch rise in the middle to keep you honest. The downhill section is where all the North Shore is and includes a few ramps, 2 nice walls and a steep log over ramp. 1st time around was a bit of a recce but 2nd & 3rd laps it was time to try it all and see if I could avoid stacking. Needless to say I had a few close shaves but thoroughly enjoyed it and road out.

As for results, I think I was enjoying the trail a bit too much and forgot I was racing, plus the climb in the 1st half was a killer for me (yeh i know, more Sunday hills rides). In the end I think i came 15th and my brother came in not long after in 16th. Peter raced later in the day with Veterans (he didn’t do a pre race Tri this time) and I think finished 11th.

All had a great day and were completely knackered. Next MTB event is the 3rd round of the XC series to be held at the Goat Farm. Being in Perth this time we hope to have a good showing, like we did at the recent 4hr if not better.

Also while down there I had a chance to speak with Tony Tucknott, president of PMBC and he had great praise for el Presidenté and had heard nothing but good news about the club. Goes to show we are getting a good name for ourselves all over Perth and the hard work Peter puts in is getting noticed. Well Done!!!

*Thanks to a few of the PMBC forum members for the wall photos

Nitelights 4hr Enduro

Now that we have had some recovery its time for the write-up. Sunday was a beautiful day for the fat tyre flyers to be out and about, while the hills riders were out early suffering a bit of a ‘light breeze’, we were out on the golf course soaking up the sun. But this golf course was short on greens.

A number of the Roulers like to delve into this off road excitement as well as the road, along for the day sporting our colours were Dave S, Nigel, Mike B (his 1st time), Stewie (along with his team mate Duncan) and myself. Peter G also decided to join us after his morning triathlon (glutton for punishment) and Nigel’s mate Chris.

Nigel got there early and grabbed the flattest spot he could find for the team tent, while the rest of us trickled in. Registration was a quick & painless task and then we settled in and discussed tactics (which went out the window). As the time ticked down we headed to the start which was to be interesting, 150 riders into a space that could fit maybe 4, but everyone seemed to get thru without incident. The 1st lap was a bit slow going as the field spread themselves out, but by the 2nd there was more room to breathe.

The course was classified as a beginners, but had a few nice technical areas to test those who wanted a bit more. The main sections that caught most were a bridge crossing on a tight corner, where many opted to get off and walk, this was followed closely by a short, sharp, nasty downhill that caused many a pinch flat. Every lap i did (bar 1) there was  at least 2 riders repairing flats. It took in much of the old Jorgensen Park golf course and a few of the surrounding fire trails. Beginning slippery and quite rocky the course did cleanup a bit with use but did become very dusty. John Carney did a good job with this course and we look forward to the future Enduros.

As for how we all did, I managed to drag myself thru 6 laps of fun, including a nice stack on the 3rd and was aiming for 7 til i flatted. Stewie and Duncan manged 12laps in the team duo category securing a placing and scoring some gloves for their prize. Mike B smashed out a decent number of laps, 7 i think before he decided he had had enough for his 1st time. Not sure how many Peter G got but his efforts plus the Tri beforehand and being the good samaritan on course scored him a set of Nitelights. I’m not sure of the laps for the other lads but they all did more than me.

During the course of the event SPR got a mention for such a strong showing, so hopefully we can build on this at future events. It was good to see the team kit out and I know all had an enjoyable day. Also thanks to Michelle B and Nigel’s son for being support crew & photographers.

Photo Album

Course route from my Garmin.

by Scott

KarriCup 2010

a few of the guys went down to the karricup mountain bike race that was held the same time as the permberton classic.  attached here is scotts report from the day which includes some photos of the spr jerseys getting all dirty.

the dirt boys