Update: We have 6 Teams registered, the addition of another team means we will need a couple of additional days to finalise the rosters.
Hello All,
The Tour of Margaret River is set for November and is a rare chance (in WA) to participate in a stage race, run November 8 – 10 and including a range of different disciplines it should be fun
- 25k TTT
- 25k Road Race
- 30k Kermesse
- 75k Road Race
There are five categories to choose from in which there will be teams of 6 riders;
- Category 1
- Entered teams to consist of a mixture of A and B grade riders.
- Category 2
- Entered teams to consist of a mix of B grade, C grade, Elite Female and Elite Masters.
- Category 3
- Entered teams to consist of predominately C-grade riders and female riders.
- Category 4
- Entered teams to consist of riders who do not normally race including Females.
- Category 5
- Teams consisting of all female riders.
Entries open July 1 and we would love to enter a number of teams across the various categories, the experience you gain in the lead-up and over the four days will greatly assist your riding and racing, please note;
- This is a competitive event, team members and grade entry will be decided by the race committee with a view to best possible performance.
- It is pay as you go, we will work to find accommodation for everyone at the best price but the cost of food, entry and accommodation is yours to cover.
- If you nominate yourself please consider the small size of the teams and effect you will have if you pull out, do not place your name below unless you are willing to commit to training, attendance and best possible performance over the four days.
- We will arrange for training advice and group sessions for the teams
Please carefully consider the information above and if you are still interested please place your name and preferred grade below before 27 June.
Cat 1 |
Cat 2 |
Cat 3 |
Cat 4 |
Cat 5 (w) |
Jason Ng |
Simon Millichip |
Anna Kate |
Richard Langsford |
Liam Walker |
Alison Ramm |
Jerard Ghossein |
Jordan Brock |
Amanda Nabi |
Ryan Fynn |
Jason Gordon |
Anna Schwartz |
Carlos De Oliveria |
Alistair Dickinson |
Meg Thomas |
Tom Barratt |
Andy Prosser |
Andrew Williams |
Jarrad |
Andrew Ballam |
Brian Saunders |
Dale Groves |
Dave Manners |
Mart Tancell |
Matthew Wardynec |
Greg Murray |
John Gilbertson |
Paul Bakker |
Chris Lilley |
Jim Flynn |
Phil Davidson |
This looks fun. I’m a yes. Category 5 for me i guess, depending on if the organisers are assuming this will be the slowest group, in which case i’d probably go 3 or 4.
I’ll have what she’s having….that is happy for group 5, 4 or 3….
I no longer understand the grading system now RyanPatrick claims to be a group 3 starter…
category 1/2 for me thanks. do i need a TT bike?
no, restricted to road bikes.
way too much control mate… you know what you did!
category 1 please … unless I get demoted to category 2 by the cut-throat race committee with a “view to best possible performance” … sigh
Keen on Cat 2/3.
Cat 3 would be awesome thanks..
….ummmm, i think the race committee will be happy with me responding to this one without discussion….no
Cat 2.. Score..
Race commitee might put you in Cat 1.
No-one questions the Race Commitee. No-one.
Can we please see a photo of the FULL committee?!
Umm, I believe this will not be SPR race committee but the organisers.. Reading the different categories, I definitely should be in Cat 4:
Category 4
a.Entered teams to consist of riders who do not normally race including Females.
I do not normally race and get called a princess regularly..
Race Committee = Luke !
So Luke is vetting all participants in the Tour of Margaret River?
Is the Tour a SPR event?
No I think Luke is just vetting the SPR participants in the Tour…. his big head will judge us all…
So Cycling WA does not get a say on the composition of teams entering a category?
Race Committee is;
Luke Ellis
Andrew Ballam
Heiko Potzeldt
Stuart Irvins
Amanda Nabi
Emma Goodwin
Mr Mike Bonner
Your table is out of whack, I take it I’m in group 3.5
no, its correct, you said 3 or 4, so your in the middle…same goes for everyone between grades,
embrace the half!
roger that, Thanks for clearing it up
I’m in. Cat 2 or 3.
hang on I just re-read the post. We have to commit to training? :O
Sh*t, just spotted that myself.. They put it right down the bottom..
Hmm, I will keep my current training schedule in place then… Saturday morning ride (although drive to the ride, don’t want to wear the legs down beforehand), and commute 2 * a week.. More than enough..
i think you should be Cat 1 or 2 Mr Dickinson!
I have a fear of failure!
plus I’d like to be useful to the team.
Very keen. Cat 2 for me. Need to have some to aim for.
Besides, this looks like fun*
* “fun” is subjective and in this case may involve lots of pain. You can only die once right?
Amanda and I are keen!
I’d like to apply to the race committee to ride Cat 2. Amanda has a preference for Cat 5, failing that, Cat 3 or possibly Cat 2. (She clearly isn’t fussy, which would seem obvious when you consider that she is with me!! :-))
Some people are so difficult.. :p
I would be interested in this. Simon Millichip.
Category 3 perhaps?
I would be interested in Cat 4 or 3 so long as I give it some serious focus (have finished uni so have time for more focus on cycling now). If not would do team support?
Liam, less maybe’s more definite’s
would you like to race?
Definitely interested and would like to have a crack. Don’t know if I am up to the A or B grade standard is all.
I’m in for any cat that the race committe deem fit I guess 3/4. cheers
Did someone say Margaret River? Sounds like lots of cycling for me and lots of wineries for Kaz!
Probably Cat 2 for me, but happy to go wherever.
I would love another trip away with the spr team. I can help tired legs with a massage.
Put me down for Cat 1 Luke cheers bro
Sounds great. Cat 2 if that works! Dave
Sorry… Dave Manners!
Will the training rides be restricted to those who are in this event?
Yes. Sign up to race!
No can do Luke – Have the Mandurah half on the Sunday!!
Next year – sounds great
I am keen to have a crack at what ever category the committee thinks appropriate (although cat 5 may be a stretch!)
I’m up for cat 1or2, but need to check with work when/if we have a November shutdown(and which dates)
Checked at work and they reckon there aint a shut in november, so am defo up for it!!
I would like to have a go, cat 3 please.
I’m keen. Cat 2 or 3 please.
Just had a look on the website and has invited teams in categories. Only has SPR down as cat 1 and SPR womens team???
Race committee decision I would say.. How big are the teams allowed to be??
I want in on the ladies team..
Thats the organisers wish list, not a list of registered teams. we will aim to participate in each category should the club show enough interest.
6 riders per team.
Cool… What is the Go with DOME vs SPR teams??
bring it on grandpa!
No, I was seeking clarification as to whether there is indeed a Dome team which is different to SPR..
Judging from the names of the people on the list, I would hazard a guess that there is indeed a Dome Team..
I changed my mind, please lock me into the Cat 1 so I can spank the Dome team…
I am in, try for Cat 1 but, like Rich, have my ‘I’m still OK with that’ face on if /when The Powers That Be bump me to Cat 2.
Hi Jim, you never know, if enough folk want to go Cat 1, there could be 2* SPR teams in Cat 1?
Did Ryan just nominate himself for the race committee? Geez that guy is a giver.
Umm.. No, I have already done my time on the SPR committee.. Long before you newbies came along..
But you all do such a great job..
Two thumbs up..
I am in for Cat 3/4? whatever race committee thinks.
Hi Luke, Im in, cat 1 or 2 or what ever works best.
To clarify… you join a team & everyone does all 4 stages?
25k TTT
25k Road Race
30k Kermesse
75k Road Race
25km road race = carnage!
I’m keen…
I’m sure Anna can have her arm twisted too – although we might have to import someone to juggle the ankle biter…
Count me in. I ride in M3 so cat 3 I guess? ( unless my new deep rims perform amazingly well!). Mark Tancell.
In for Cat 3/4. And looking forward to a focused training path.
We should start training together now. Thoughts?
I would also be interested (might keep up now with a new bike)
I’m disappointed you’re not training for the 2014 Goldfields Classic already!
We are, just changing focus to the 4 ride format.
Put me down for Category 6 Luke, Cheers
Hi Luke, If it isn’t a problem that my name does not start with an A, i think i would like to give the Cat 5 a go….
Is it hilly???
Cat 1 for me if possible
Cat 1 for me please
Yes please – very comfortable with category 3, but happy to be stretched and ride category 2 if that works better (provided I know early, so i can train accordingly).
I’d love to race. Cat 1 for a challenge, but 2 is fine. I’m planning on joining the club before the Collie Donnybrook, but at the moment I just ride with SPR occasionally, freeloading.
Hi Luke,
you’ll need to join the club before you’ll be considered for this… you’ve still got a couple of days to get it done.
Also, assuming you join the club, ive not ridden with you and there isnt much time left, can you make this thurs AM fast group?
Yes I will come on Thursday morning and introduce myself.
Didn’t pick you out this morning until we were already rolling. I am very interested in this event. What do you need me to do?
I hear there was some sliding into the corner at Port Beach this morning?? Lucky bike all good and only some posseur skin lost.. You could have said hi to him at Raffles?? I am sure they all paused for a bit before heading off on their merry way (unless Luke E went to do Pappas as well.. I heard it is what the hardcore fellas do??)..
Luke, come ride on a Saturday and say hi to Luke.. Much easier to see who is who (it is light)… Chat/flex one’s glutes at required pinch points..
Luke E went to do Papas as per usual.
Jarrad sliding into Port Beach showing everyone else how to save the bike (instead of skin) when sliding out. Wrecked bibs and booties = good excuse to do some shopping!
stylish slide by jarrad. didn’t even let go of the handle bars
I am keen for cat 5.
thanks, Emma
Dear Race Committee, I feel we need a second signature from Emma herself before this is treated as legitimate.
Please put me down for cat 3 or 4 – if not too late
Yes and put down Sam Luccitti for cat 3/4 too. ( Hope that is all good with you Sam? You said you were in today at Sportif!)
I witnessed the conversation too. Second that motion
Yep, I’m definitely keen if there are spots available.
Hi Luke! etc, If there is still space I would love to take part. Cat 3/4 or whatever. Luke H
I’m in! You know where to put me.
oh my … grind it out!
Hi guys, sorry about the last minute thing- but I’d be keen for Cat 3/4 if its not too late? Cheers. Liam T
Its well late now…
If you need an another rider for a possible cat 4 group, you have my commitment